The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Kat Aclysm

    Planet: “Ah, that part is the simple end of this agreement…” *rumbles slightly, and begins to alter Sephiroth’s life energies*

    Sephiroth: *begins to hiss and growl in discomfort. After a few moments, he completely disintergrates, turning into pure energy. His energies change different colours as the planet alters him, before returning him to physical form* Ugh…

    Planet: “It is done. He now belongs to no planet. He is no longer one of my children. And to be honest, it will be more peaceful down here now that we are rid of him.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Planet: “Ah, that part is the simple end of this agreement…” *rumbles slightly, and begins to alter Sephiroth’s life energies*

    Sephiroth: *begins to hiss and growl in discomfort. After a few moments, he completely disintergrates, turning into pure energy. His energies change different colours as the planet alters him, before returning him to physical form* Ugh…

    Planet: “It is done. He now belongs to no planet. He is no longer one of my children. And to be honest, it will be more peaceful down here now that we are rid of him.”


    Jenna: *She cocks her eyebrow at the last statement* It will be more peaceful down there? I do not see why that statement applies. Seph still lives on this planet, whether he belongs to your lifestream or not. *She looks over Sephiroth as he materializes. She then walks over to him and gently touches his face then neck, trying to determine if he’s fine*


    Jenna: *She cocks her eyebrow at the last statement* It will be more peaceful down there? I do not see why that statement applies. Seph still lives on this planet, whether he belongs to your lifestream or not. *She looks over Sephiroth as he materializes. She then walks over to him and gently touches his face then neck, trying to determine if he’s fine*


    Jenna: *She cocks her eyebrow at the last statement* It will be more peaceful down there? I do not see why that statement applies. Seph still lives on this planet, whether he belongs to your lifestream or not. *She looks over Sephiroth as he materializes. She then walks over to him and gently touches his face then neck, trying to determine if he’s fine*


    Jenna: *She cocks her eyebrow at the last statement* It will be more peaceful down there? I do not see why that statement applies. Seph still lives on this planet, whether he belongs to your lifestream or not. *She looks over Sephiroth as he materializes. She then walks over to him and gently touches his face then neck, trying to determine if he’s fine*

    Kat Aclysm

    Planet: “I am talking about the Cetra. They cannot debate about the fate of something that isn’t a part of their population. And thus, they cannot keep demanding that I kill him. Because he is not mine, he is now no longer my problem.” *seems amused by this*

    Sephiroth: *blinks and looks back at Jenna, wondering what the hell just happened* Hmm? *purrs as she touches his neck*

    Kat Aclysm

    Planet: “I am talking about the Cetra. They cannot debate about the fate of something that isn’t a part of their population. And thus, they cannot keep demanding that I kill him. Because he is not mine, he is now no longer my problem.” *seems amused by this*

    Sephiroth: *blinks and looks back at Jenna, wondering what the hell just happened* Hmm? *purrs as she touches his neck*

    Kat Aclysm

    Planet: “I am talking about the Cetra. They cannot debate about the fate of something that isn’t a part of their population. And thus, they cannot keep demanding that I kill him. Because he is not mine, he is now no longer my problem.” *seems amused by this*

    Sephiroth: *blinks and looks back at Jenna, wondering what the hell just happened* Hmm? *purrs as she touches his neck*

    Kat Aclysm

    Planet: “I am talking about the Cetra. They cannot debate about the fate of something that isn’t a part of their population. And thus, they cannot keep demanding that I kill him. Because he is not mine, he is now no longer my problem.” *seems amused by this*

    Sephiroth: *blinks and looks back at Jenna, wondering what the hell just happened* Hmm? *purrs as she touches his neck*


    Jenna: *blinks and looks down at the planet* Well, I suppose this works out for all of us then. We shall be going now.. *She looks up at Sephiroth* How do you feel, my love? The planet supposedly exiled you from the lifestream.. or something. *she shrugs, not fully understanding what exactly happened*


    Jenna: *blinks and looks down at the planet* Well, I suppose this works out for all of us then. We shall be going now.. *She looks up at Sephiroth* How do you feel, my love? The planet supposedly exiled you from the lifestream.. or something. *she shrugs, not fully understanding what exactly happened*


    Jenna: *blinks and looks down at the planet* Well, I suppose this works out for all of us then. We shall be going now.. *She looks up at Sephiroth* How do you feel, my love? The planet supposedly exiled you from the lifestream.. or something. *she shrugs, not fully understanding what exactly happened*


    Jenna: *blinks and looks down at the planet* Well, I suppose this works out for all of us then. We shall be going now.. *She looks up at Sephiroth* How do you feel, my love? The planet supposedly exiled you from the lifestream.. or something. *she shrugs, not fully understanding what exactly happened*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t know. I don’t feel any different. I was just standing there listening to you, and then everything blacked out and I was fine again. *shakes his head* So I really don’t belong to the planet any more? *grins at this thought* Good. That means it can’t condemn or exile me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t know. I don’t feel any different. I was just standing there listening to you, and then everything blacked out and I was fine again. *shakes his head* So I really don’t belong to the planet any more? *grins at this thought* Good. That means it can’t condemn or exile me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t know. I don’t feel any different. I was just standing there listening to you, and then everything blacked out and I was fine again. *shakes his head* So I really don’t belong to the planet any more? *grins at this thought* Good. That means it can’t condemn or exile me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t know. I don’t feel any different. I was just standing there listening to you, and then everything blacked out and I was fine again. *shakes his head* So I really don’t belong to the planet any more? *grins at this thought* Good. That means it can’t condemn or exile me.


    Jenna: Well, it did exile you.. I think. I mean, disowning you is exiling, correct? At least, that’s my understanding of the word. *She shakes her head* Let’s get out of here. This place smells…


    Jenna: Well, it did exile you.. I think. I mean, disowning you is exiling, correct? At least, that’s my understanding of the word. *She shakes her head* Let’s get out of here. This place smells…


    Jenna: Well, it did exile you.. I think. I mean, disowning you is exiling, correct? At least, that’s my understanding of the word. *She shakes her head* Let’s get out of here. This place smells…


    Jenna: Well, it did exile you.. I think. I mean, disowning you is exiling, correct? At least, that’s my understanding of the word. *She shakes her head* Let’s get out of here. This place smells…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That it does. *wraps his arms around her despite the fact he is still covered in the Lifestream. He teleports the both of them back to the foot of Jenna’s bed in her quarters area, feeling too lazy to walk up the hatch*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That it does. *wraps his arms around her despite the fact he is still covered in the Lifestream. He teleports the both of them back to the foot of Jenna’s bed in her quarters area, feeling too lazy to walk up the hatch*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That it does. *wraps his arms around her despite the fact he is still covered in the Lifestream. He teleports the both of them back to the foot of Jenna’s bed in her quarters area, feeling too lazy to walk up the hatch*

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