
Greetings and welcome to the revived Halcyon, realm and territory of Seferia and all her insanity.

Who is Seferia, you wonder? Well, she’s an avid gamer and overall not so sane gal who thought it would be fun to make her own website when she was around fifteen years of age. About fifteen years later, that site has evolved into this place.

The main section is Seferia’s blog. You are free to comment and converse with Seferia here. You are also free to make accounts so that you can join in the forums that have been activated on this blog. Overall, expect random ramblings about various things that Seferia encounters or does.

The forums located on this page are not used as much as they once more. If ever you are interested in seeing those revived, I can make a new section for the forums to bring them back to life.

Anyway, you all may want to know a bit more about Seferia and how to contact her. Well, Seferia is going to provide you with her various gaming tags in order to make herself accessible.

You should also read this article on Fleet Management and Logistics. Continue reading to discover more.

Wii: 6209 9725 6511 8876
3DS: 1934-0678-1307

MH Info
P3rd: Seferia – HR 6
Unite: Seferia – HR 9

Skype: SeferiaCatanya
Twitter: @seferia
Line: Seferia Catanya
Game Center: Seferia Catanya

As a final parting gift, I leave you with this!


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