The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #31078
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That it does. *wraps his arms around her despite the fact he is still covered in the Lifestream. He teleports the both of them back to the foot of Jenna’s bed in her quarters area, feeling too lazy to walk up the hatch*


    Jenna: *chuckles as Sephiroth simply teleports them to her bed. She then reaches up to flick his bangs* You are such a lazy old man. *grinning she leans up to kiss him* Now, for your suggested experiment. *she quickly casts a spell to turn off all the lights in the underground room*


    Jenna: *chuckles as Sephiroth simply teleports them to her bed. She then reaches up to flick his bangs* You are such a lazy old man. *grinning she leans up to kiss him* Now, for your suggested experiment. *she quickly casts a spell to turn off all the lights in the underground room*


    Jenna: *chuckles as Sephiroth simply teleports them to her bed. She then reaches up to flick his bangs* You are such a lazy old man. *grinning she leans up to kiss him* Now, for your suggested experiment. *she quickly casts a spell to turn off all the lights in the underground room*


    Jenna: *chuckles as Sephiroth simply teleports them to her bed. She then reaches up to flick his bangs* You are such a lazy old man. *grinning she leans up to kiss him* Now, for your suggested experiment. *she quickly casts a spell to turn off all the lights in the underground room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *because of the nature of the liquid on his person, his clothes and skin glow, and his eyes glow more brightly. He glances down at his body, seeming amused* Hey, that did work. I wonder if we can use this to an advantage. *moves over to Jenna and begins to mark her face with Lifestream remnants, drawing on her with it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *because of the nature of the liquid on his person, his clothes and skin glow, and his eyes glow more brightly. He glances down at his body, seeming amused* Hey, that did work. I wonder if we can use this to an advantage. *moves over to Jenna and begins to mark her face with Lifestream remnants, drawing on her with it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *because of the nature of the liquid on his person, his clothes and skin glow, and his eyes glow more brightly. He glances down at his body, seeming amused* Hey, that did work. I wonder if we can use this to an advantage. *moves over to Jenna and begins to mark her face with Lifestream remnants, drawing on her with it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *because of the nature of the liquid on his person, his clothes and skin glow, and his eyes glow more brightly. He glances down at his body, seeming amused* Hey, that did work. I wonder if we can use this to an advantage. *moves over to Jenna and begins to mark her face with Lifestream remnants, drawing on her with it*


    Jenna: *Her wings shutter a bit as Sephiroth puts the lifestream on her body. However, she doesn’t fight against him. Instead, she just leans up to kiss his lips* Mmmm… You can be such an overgrown child. *chuckling, she raises her hands to massage his chest*


    Jenna: *Her wings shutter a bit as Sephiroth puts the lifestream on her body. However, she doesn’t fight against him. Instead, she just leans up to kiss his lips* Mmmm… You can be such an overgrown child. *chuckling, she raises her hands to massage his chest*


    Jenna: *Her wings shutter a bit as Sephiroth puts the lifestream on her body. However, she doesn’t fight against him. Instead, she just leans up to kiss his lips* Mmmm… You can be such an overgrown child. *chuckling, she raises her hands to massage his chest*


    Jenna: *Her wings shutter a bit as Sephiroth puts the lifestream on her body. However, she doesn’t fight against him. Instead, she just leans up to kiss his lips* Mmmm… You can be such an overgrown child. *chuckling, she raises her hands to massage his chest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hey, its not my fault. I didn’t choose to be like this. *smirks* And you encourage it, so it’s not my fault again there, either. *lowers his head to kiss her back, purring* *”I need a bath. I bet I smell like blood to you right now. And yet, you don’t care, and are willing to rub yourself all over me.”*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hey, its not my fault. I didn’t choose to be like this. *smirks* And you encourage it, so it’s not my fault again there, either. *lowers his head to kiss her back, purring* *”I need a bath. I bet I smell like blood to you right now. And yet, you don’t care, and are willing to rub yourself all over me.”*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hey, its not my fault. I didn’t choose to be like this. *smirks* And you encourage it, so it’s not my fault again there, either. *lowers his head to kiss her back, purring* *”I need a bath. I bet I smell like blood to you right now. And yet, you don’t care, and are willing to rub yourself all over me.”*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hey, its not my fault. I didn’t choose to be like this. *smirks* And you encourage it, so it’s not my fault again there, either. *lowers his head to kiss her back, purring* *”I need a bath. I bet I smell like blood to you right now. And yet, you don’t care, and are willing to rub yourself all over me.”*


    Jenna: ~Screw the bath.. We haven’t had any true interaction for… two months? I’ve lost track.~ *she suddenly tries to push him over so that she’s on top of him, or at least tries to achieve such* ~I think we both deserve to have a little fun.~ *She presses her nose against the tip of his before smirking at him in a predatory manner*


    Jenna: ~Screw the bath.. We haven’t had any true interaction for… two months? I’ve lost track.~ *she suddenly tries to push him over so that she’s on top of him, or at least tries to achieve such* ~I think we both deserve to have a little fun.~ *She presses her nose against the tip of his before smirking at him in a predatory manner*


    Jenna: ~Screw the bath.. We haven’t had any true interaction for… two months? I’ve lost track.~ *she suddenly tries to push him over so that she’s on top of him, or at least tries to achieve such* ~I think we both deserve to have a little fun.~ *She presses her nose against the tip of his before smirking at him in a predatory manner*


    Jenna: ~Screw the bath.. We haven’t had any true interaction for… two months? I’ve lost track.~ *she suddenly tries to push him over so that she’s on top of him, or at least tries to achieve such* ~I think we both deserve to have a little fun.~ *She presses her nose against the tip of his before smirking at him in a predatory manner*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks slightly, confused at her advances. He then realizes what she is talking about and begins to purr very loudly, moving his arms around her in a hungry needy manner* *”It has been too long… too long indeed. Just thinking about it makes me excited.”* *raises his head up to try nibbling at her neck, reaching up to caress her sides and back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks slightly, confused at her advances. He then realizes what she is talking about and begins to purr very loudly, moving his arms around her in a hungry needy manner* *”It has been too long… too long indeed. Just thinking about it makes me excited.”* *raises his head up to try nibbling at her neck, reaching up to caress her sides and back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks slightly, confused at her advances. He then realizes what she is talking about and begins to purr very loudly, moving his arms around her in a hungry needy manner* *”It has been too long… too long indeed. Just thinking about it makes me excited.”* *raises his head up to try nibbling at her neck, reaching up to caress her sides and back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks slightly, confused at her advances. He then realizes what she is talking about and begins to purr very loudly, moving his arms around her in a hungry needy manner* *”It has been too long… too long indeed. Just thinking about it makes me excited.”* *raises his head up to try nibbling at her neck, reaching up to caress her sides and back*

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