Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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    Desiree: No, Kalysto, this isn’t just to make him happier. You aren’t that happy either. And yes, I agree, the biting was wrong. *she glances down at Droozun as he runs off* I sent you my memories. You’ve certainly heard me tell him the same exact thing.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Phh…. I’d rather not have him bite me again. *opens the bottle and glares down at Droozun* Thank you. Now go away. *tries to push Desiree’s face away so he can drink* I am not impressed. This is not going to end well. I want to forgive, but I don’t want to be bitten again.


    Desiree: *glances over at Droozun* He knows that the biting was not approved of. I told him that he’s getting no special treatment such as treats for a month thanks to the biting. *She then looks at Kalysto* Seriously, did you pay attention to the conversations I tried to share with you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah I heard it. I don’t really care though. *scowls* I don’t really wish to discuss this any more. He bit me, and I don’t approve. *takes another sip from the bottle then tries to nudge Desiree off so he can continue working*


    Desiree: None of us approve of the fact that he bit you, Kalysto. We all agree with that. Can’t you at least acknowledge that much? *She then scoots off of him then moves to sit down on another chair* By all means, punish him. But, don’t disown him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, I get it. And I’m going to do just that. It’s too much effort to tame another wild Felhunter. And go find the tome and get the correct spell, and find the channellers, all that crap. Yeah, not going to do it. However…. *glares at Droozun again* Not impressed.


    Desiree: *nods* He knows that he’s in trouble. Like I told you, he’s not going to get any special treatment or treats for a month because of what he did.

    Lezprah: *walks into the room then moves to lie down directly on the pile of diapers that Kalysto is working on*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Good. Now shut up about it, huh? I don’t want to hear you keep on repeating the same thing over and over again. *glares slightly, then looks down at Lezprah, trying to pull the bag out from under him* Move.


    Lezprah: *flicks his tail and looks straight up at Kalysto before rolling onto his back*

    Desiree: Fine.. I’ll be quiet. *She then releases a loud groan at the scene* Lezprah, move. You’re in Kalysto’s way.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: MOVE. I’m not in the mood for this bullshit right now. *picks up his stuff and rises to his feet, carrying off what he was working on, moving into the bedroom so he can work there in peace* So much damn hassle over doing something that’s not even for me…


    Desiree: *lowers her head then moves over to Lezprah and shakes her head at him* Leave Kalysto be for a while. He’s had a rough time. In fact… Just don’t go into the bedroom tonight. *with that, she moves to follow Kalysto into the bedroom. However, she doesn’t say anything to him. Instead, she just starts changing her clothes to get ready to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *sits on his side of the bed and continues to work in silence. Despite his attentiveness to his work though, his ears are raised high and he is paying attention to his surroundings, giving away the fact that he is just using the work to distract himself*


    Desiree: *once she finishes changing her clothes, she sits on her side of the bed. She then reaches over to gently rub Kalysto’s shoulder for just a moment* Everything will work out.. *Soon after, she yawns and moves to lie down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I’m just tired of the bullshit. *mutters aloud* Every day, something is an issue. Something is always an issue one way or another. It’s so fucking tiring. Jeez… *sighs and sets his sewing down to relax on the bed, placing a hand over his eyes*


    Desiree: *cracks open her eyes to watch Kalysto for a bit. Once he relaxes, she moves to wrap her arms about him then softly speaks* Despite any amount of issues, you still have my full support, Kalysto.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Yeah, thanks. *flicks his ears back, annoyed at everything right now* Stupid idiots. I don’t get what the hell is up with your damn cat. *flicks a hand at his sewing work, pushing it onto the floor* Seriously? I’m tired of the bullshit.


    Desiree: *Reaches up to gently massage Kalysto’s nearest ear* Just settle down and try to sleep for now. You’ve had a long day. *She then looks up at him* By the way, you do look much better. Did you do something to recover?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Your mother came here. She helped me. She replaced the energy lost. *shrugs lightly* It’s no biggy really. *mumbles* For as much that’s happened today, I don’t actually feel tired. How about that, huh? Just… frustrated. It’s annoying.

    Droozun: *appears at the door and lightly whines* *”Feel bad.”*


    Desiree: She replaced your energy loss? How did she do that? *She then sighs* Fine, but try to settle down and relax at the least. *she then glances at the doorway* ~You have to talk to Kalysto, not me.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: She kind of… *flares out his arms* Did this with her wings. Then she kissed me. And fed energy into me. If that makes sense. Only it wasn’t a kiss. I think it was more of a way to feed energy into me by contact. Umm.. *glares at Droozun* Fuck off. I don’t want to know you right now.


    Desiree: *Stares at Kalysto* So… you’re saying that you now have a part of my mother in you? *Frowns and flinches slightly, not really certain what she thinks about that*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I dont know how it works, you tell me. *frowns at her* She fed energies into me where there was a hole. *glares at Droozun momentarily* Ripped out by him. *snorts* I don’t feel any different. I feel fine. Good even. Fucking fantastic.


    Desiree: Why should I be able to tell you.. It wasn’t my technique.. *Sighs* But yea.. That sounds like she put a bit of herself into you.. *frowning, she tries to sense him out to see if she’s right or wrong*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *doesn’t sense that much different to how he used to. If anything there would be slight or minor change, but not very noticable enough to make him seem like a brand new energy source, or a different person altogether* She may have but I don’t feel a whit of difference. *smirks* Maybe more powerful.


    Desiree: *nods at Kalysto* Yea, you don’t seem to be not you. *chuckles at him* Of course, and you love having more and more power, hm? *reaches up to flick his bangs*

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