Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38531
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *seems a little alarmed as Jenna moves in to ‘kiss’ him. He struggles for a bit, before giving up as he feels more alive and vitalized. After a short time, he begins trying to wriggle away from her again, feeling more energy to do so*

    Droozun: *”C… can’t….”* *loudly whimpers, then turns around to face her* *”I did it… I b… betrayed master. No.”*


    Desiree: Droozun, we can fix this. I’m certain we can. Please, just come out. If we… you two… You need to actually talk to Kalysto. He does like you, a lot. I’m certain he can find it in himself to forgive you. I’m certain.

    Jenna: *lets go of Kalysto a few seconds after he begins wiggling away from her. She then flaps her wings in irritation before grunting* There.

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *squeaks pathetically at her* *”I can’t… he… he-he going to kill me.”* *puts his tail down and his stalks, flopping against the dirt*

    Kalysto: *shakes his head, feeling a little disorientated, but much better from his experience* Thanks I guess. *moves to the bathroom to wash the taste out of his mouth, feeling a little weird about what just happened*


    Jenna: *nods and watches him. At the moment, her wings are a bit duller in color and her eyes aren’t burning quite as much. However, she otherwise doesn’t show much weakness. She then pulls her wings into her body and stands up* You’re welcome.

    Desiree: No, he won’t. He’s angry, yes. But… He loves you, Droozun. He really does. I’m certain that I can keep him from doing something stupid like killing you. Please, trust me. Come out.

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”No… I betrayed master.”* *curls up in the doorway of the dirt hole* *”Y-you don’t understand. Live to serve master. Exist to serve master. Friend also.”* *begins to make a mournful noise resembling a cry* *”Betrayal mean that break.”*

    Kalysto: *shakes his head* Did you want anything….? I can offer you food if you want. How should I repay you?


    Jenna: Hrmph, I am not in need of any form of repayment. Do not worry yourself about it. *she then stands up and brushes herself off* I have a newborn that I should return to. *with that, she begins making her way back out of the house*

    Desiree: *shakes her head* Oh, Droozun… No. I mean.. Yea, you bit him. But you didn’t really betray him. You still want to be at his side, right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *”I bite him because he make me mad. I had no idea what would…”* *makes a mournful howl and resumes sobbing, lightly shaking in fear* *”Not going to get forgive…d. Not ever… Ka… master going to disown me. Replace me with new hunter.”*

    Kalysto: *sighs* Thank you again… *moves off to check up on Milena*


    Desiree: No, Droozun. He wont’ replace you. Please, let’s just go. If you want to still be with him, then I’ll help you make him realize that it was a mistake. You just did something stupid. That’s ok.. Well… Don’t bite him again, but it’s ok to be stupid.

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *moves to his feet and shakes himself off. He wanders over to her and looks up at her, then around himself slowly, seeming afraid again* *”Don’t know what happen…”* *waves a stalk at the air in front of him, then begins to walk back to the house. He stops for a few moments, then takes a bite out of the air, chewing for a few moments on what appears to be nothing at all*


    Desiree: *grins slightly as she gets Droozun to come out. She then follows after him. She stops as he bites at the air. However, she only tilts her head and doesn’t really comment* ~Kalysto, I’m bringing Droozun back. I promised him that you aren’t going to kill him. Please.. Don’t kill him.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *squeaks at Desiree, looking up at her as she sends the telepathic signal, watching its strands travel to the house* *”No, don’t. Let me talk to him… if he wants to…. attack me. Fine. I deserve it. I bring this on me. I betray trust. I deserve to be kicked.”*


    Desiree: *glances down at Droozun then leans down to gently hug him* Hey, I’m allowed to want to protect you. As far as I’m concerned, you’re part of the family, but yes, talk to him. *she then stands up and opens up the door to the house*

    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun: *slowly wanders inside, but before he does he shakes the dirt stuck to the fur on his underside. He steps into the house, then sniffs around before wandering to Kalysto who is seated in the living room, working on sewing tail holes into more diapers* *”Hi.”*

    Kalysto: *flatly* Fuck off, rat.


    Desiree: *steps aside to give Droozun space. Still, she follows after him then stops in the doorway as she spots Kalysto. She then sighs as she hears Kalysto’s answer*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *looks up at Desiree, and then back down at his sewing* Hi there. *looks back down at his sewing and continues on with it* What the hell is that thing doing? *glares at it* How can you dare to show yourself here again? Get out.

    Droozun: *flops down onto the floor, whining pathetically*


    Desiree: *sighs at Kalysto then shakes her head* Kalysto… He came to appologize. *she deeply frowns and tries to directly transmit her memories of her conversations with Droozun to Kalysto* Please… Just listen for once.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: How about you listen? I don’t care what that thing is trying to prove. *glares down at him* You do no attack me under any circumstances! *growls* What an ass. *shifts about in his chair and continues sewing* I don’t accept the apology. Is that all you wanted to say?


    Desiree: *deeply frowns then moves closer to Kalysto before trying to get in the way of his sewing project by sliding into his lap* Kalysto, I have listened to you. *she deeply frowns at him* I have listened to both you and Droozun. I know you’re angry.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Well, good. Because that’s how it is. *growls at Droozun* Get out of here. Shoo. *snorts and shakes his head* I’ll deal with you later. *resumes working on his sewing again* What do you want me to do about, forgive him and everything is happy once more? Yeah, right. No.


    Desiree: *growls and whacks the items out of Kalysto’s hands then presses her nose against his* You should try to forgive him and work this out. I wasn’t lying when I said that you two make a good team. He knows that he did something wrong, Kalysto. Can’t you even tell from the things I’ve shown you and the things that you’ve seen that he feels really bad?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glares back at her* What if I don’t want to? Do you know when a dog bites the humans, they kill it? *snorts, narrowing his eyes, flattening his brows* Get out of my face. It bit me, I’m angry at it. That’s the end of it.


    Desiree: Yes, and you’re an elf, not a human. And he’s not a dog. Hasn’t he already proven that he is much smarter than a dog. *she narrows her eyes* And no, I’m not going to just go away. Not this time, Kalysto. *she reaches around his hair to massage the back of his head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I’m not forgiving him for what he did. *glares* No. No. *shakes his head* No amount of buttering me up is going to work and I don’t care what you do. Even if you pull down my pants and appeal to my nether regions, no.


    Desiree: No, Kalysto. I’m not going to appeal to your libido. However, I know that you’re hurting. I can see that you feel betrayed. And Droozun wants to be there at your side too. Both of you don’t want this. It’s obvious.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: And you want me to forgive him so he’s going to be happier? I get what it was trying to prove, but biting me was not the way. *glares down at the Felhunter* Go to the fridge and get me a bottle of water.

    Droozun: *moves to his feet very quickly without question and runs into the kitchen. He returns with a bottle of cooled water curled up in one of his stalks, using the other to see as he wanders back to Kalysto* Ih.

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