Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

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  • #38581
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Hell yes. One day it will destroy me. But when it does, I hope it’s a big firey explosion where a lot of people suffer. *chuckles lightly* It’s going to be a rather interesting event when it does happen, let me assure you.


    Desiree: *shakes her head* Or… perhaps you will find something more important than power.. *yawns* Well, I am going to sleep. Do try to get some sleep as well, my demon warlord. *Grins and pats his shoulder. She then curls up and begins to drift to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Your…. *blinks, then grins lightly, moving in to kiss her shoulder* That’s a very interesting thing for you to say. Usually the Warlord title is rewarded to very prominent figures. Not even my father got high commendations like that. *closes his eyes, wanting to sleep*


    Desiree: *tiredly mumbles* In my universe… you are everything. *broadly grins and continues to drift asleep*

    *a light whisper enters Kalysto’s dreams as he moves into the deeper dreams. At first, the whispers make no sense. However, as a silhouette of several wings, two sets of draconic wings that sandwich a pair of nearly white but barely flame patterned “angel” wings becomes barely visible out of a mist* Come to us. Let us find you. Give us our rightful place. We will reward. Great rewards can be yours. Come, come, come.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *is rather intruiged by the calling and moves to persue it, attempting to probe at it* What do you want from me? What kinds of rewards are we talking about? And how do I know you wouldn’t just overpower me the second you get close enough?


    *The voice begins to wane, mostly because it barely has a connection to Kalysto as is* “Come to us. We shall share the eternity of existence with you. Come.. lead us out. Let us have our freedom. You shall see. We will deliver…

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *tries to trace down the source of the connection, feeling quite confused and intruiged at the same time* Where can I find you? You’re not giving me many hints… are you trapped? Locked up in something? Please give me hints… I don’t know where to look.


    *The connection is loosing its integrity already, so it may be hard for Kalysto to find anything out from it. If he does trace it down, he would find that it is coming from a very deep crack in the astral plane which seems to be some form of prison*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *makes a mental note of the location in his mind and continues to sleep, wanting to persue it when his mind is fully rested. He sleeps through to the morning, not seeming too bothered otherwise*


    Lezprah: *had disobeyed Desiree’s request to stay out of the bed and is currently sitting ontop of Kalysto and glaring down at him, as if he knows exactly what sort of dream the elf had while he slept*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *wakes up slowly, at least until he feels the cat on him. He loudly yelps and tries to shove him off, also trying to wiggle out from underneath him* Get off me! Geez, what the hell do you think you’re up to!?


    Lezprah: *forcefully stomps his foot down on Kalysto’s right shoulder then growls as he presses his snout against Kalysto’s nose* ~Beware the demon angel. Told you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glares back at Lezprah and once again tries to wiggle out from underneath him* Get away from me! I’m not going to do anything. So don’t threaten me. *tries to move out from under him again* I have things I need to be doing. Go away.


    Lezprah: *snarls and looks over at Desiree, who is still asleep. He then snorts in Kalysto’s face* ~No be stupid.~ *he then leaps off of the elf and moves over to the doorway. He gives Droozun a friendly nudge as he passes by before searching out a sunny spot to lay in*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I’m not being stupid. Sheesh! *tries to shove Lezprah off so he can sit up properly and get out of bed. He walks into the bathroom to take care of business, shutting the door behind him* *”So this angel demon is bad? How do you even know?”*


    Lezprah: ~I know.~ *yawns then curls up. He is not concerned in the least bit that his answer is not an answer at all*

    Desiree: *Groans as she is woken up by the sound of the door closing. She then slowly sits up before reaching up to rub her eyes* Morning already?

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”And if I go summon this thing? What are you going to do about it? Why is it so bad, and you’re not willing to share any info? You’re hiding something aren’t you?”* *moves out of the bathroom once he is finished and walks out of the room, waving at Desiree as he does so* I have stuff to do.


    Desiree: *Glances up at Kalysto as he moves past. She then nods in understanding* Not a problem, Kalysto. You have both my father’s request and the preparations for the store to finish, I know. *she then calls out after him* If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.

    Lezprah: ~I know it bad. I know none will like what happens.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”Oh I’m going to open it in the next few hours. I have everything I need except for the vulnerary potion I was perfecting.”* *walks out to the kitchen to prepare himself a fruit salad for breakfast* *”None will like what happens? How can I know if you say nothing?”*


    Lezprah: ~I just know.~ *flicks his tail in irritation*

    Desiree: ~Oh? You will? That’s great! I know you’ve been working hard on it. I’m certain they will appreciate it all.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”Well unless you just know why, I’m just going to ignore your advice. So just take that. Hah!”* *smirks at himself, then sits down to eat his fruit* *”I don’t know, Desi. If they don’t, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”*


    Lezprah: *snarls and shakes his head* ~Fool…~ *he then curls up, for he isn’t really concerned about protecting a mortal that isn’t his mistress*

    Desiree: ~Oh, I’m certain that they’ll like your work quite fine. You have great craftsmanship. Worst case, you can always do some tailoring projects on the side as well.~ *she finishes up in the bathroom. She then begins to tidy up the bedroom* ~Well, have fun, Kalysto.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”I really don’t give a damn. If you’re not even interested in divulging information and telling me why, you’re not worth the time.”* *finishes up with his food and sets the bowl in the sink. He sets outside and walks into the town, heading for the empty shop near the grocery store* *”An Apothecarist working as a mender in his own store? Don’t be ridiculous.”*


    Desiree: ~I don’t see why you shouldn’t do that if the potions don’t sell enough to cover the costs of rent and supplies. It makes perfect sense to me. However, it is your store, Kalysto. I trust that you can make the right decisions.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”It might make perfect sense to you, but it still seems like a shit job to me… I’m here to sell magical artifacts. Stuff like that. Not be a seamstress for some random person. I’m sure there’s already people in the town to do that kind of crap.”* *moves into the shop and begins tidying*

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