The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #29819
    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *”I still asked for your help and you did nothing….”* *hisses* *”You’re useless to me if that is how you are going to behave… how can you be a servant if you will do nothing to serve?”*

    Sephiroth: *coughs slightly as he begins to revive. He then begins to cough much louder as he revives, spitting up a large quantity of bloody fluid and ash. He groans and puts a hand on his head, confused as to where he is*


    Kadaj: *lowers his head at Jenova’s admonishments* Forgive me, Mother… *despite his words, he snarls, still not liking the thought of actually helping Sephiroth*

    Jenna: *has yet to start regenerating when Seph wakes up. So, he’d be within range to get a good view of her decapitated body, if not her head as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *”Words mean nothing… try actually doing something next time you are called upon to assist…”* *loudly hisses at him and continues to feed*

    Sephiroth: *remainsin his lying position as he looks around him, not wanting to be noticed. He eyes off Jenna’s corpse from where he is and narrows his eyes, scowling slightly* Great… *scans the area and hisses* Wonderful situation…


    Kadaj: *grunts but doesn’t do much else. He’s yet to notice that Sephiroth is awake again*

    Jenna: *finally, her body begins to revive. However, unlike most other times in which she revives, this time, her body crumbles in on itself. As it crumbles, it turns into ash*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stares at Jenna’s crumbling form and moves over to her, picking up the ash in his hands, seeming genuinely upset*

    Jenova: *growls* *”Be useful and patrol the area… I… must feed…”*


    Kadaj: *looks up at Jenova then nods. He gets to his feet. Soon enough, he strolls over to Loz and Yazoo’s location* Brothers, mother wants us to patrol the area. Stop just loafing around. *he snarls at them*

    Jenna: *her previous body remains as ash, giving no signs of doing anything else. Meanwhile, in the nearby surrounding area, a small flame shows up for a moment before seeming to split in two. Soon enough, two bodies begin to form near where the flame was*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *eyes the flames and backs up again, moving for the caves, figuring that it is best to retreat in case he receives another bout of the flame spell Jenna cast before* *”I don’t know what you’re up to, but this is getting ridiculous…”*


    Jenna: *doesn’t respond since she’s still reviving. Within minutes of the flame’s appearance and subsequent disappearance into the two forming bodies, twin Jenna’s fully form. There seems to be no discernible difference between the two bodies at the moment. They are both breathing, thus ready to fully revive. However, neither opens their eyes yet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns as he watches the scene, moving into the cave for cover. He stands at the entrance, however, and watches with great curiousity, frowning* *”Jenna…? What are you doing?”* *glances around, half-debating if he should take off. He is also wary that somebody may discover him any moment*


    Jenna: *continues to be unresponsive as Sephiroth asks her what she’s doing. Neither Jenna that is laying on the ground near to where she had died are quite yet aware or active yet. If Sephiroth were to try to scan her, he’d find that both hold her energy signature*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns further at the lack of response, but still continues to watch, keeping an eye on the situation incase he should flee*

    Jenova: *feels the large spike of energy and begins to hiss at Kadaj* *”Something is going on in this cave… I order you to inspect the situation and report back to me…”*


    Kadaj: *nods at Jenova’s words* ~Yes, Mother. I will check on it now.~ *he then growls at Loz* Stop playing games. We have a task to do. Mother says there’s an energy spike that needs investigating.

    Yazoo: *is still picking at his damaged outfit. He then looks over at Kadaj* Energy spike? *he nods* I’ll look. *he then begins walking away, intending to scout the area*

    Jenna: *The body on the right finally begins to twitch. Her hand curls as it digs through the rubble for a brief moment. She then softly speaks out* … Seph..? *groaning, she tries to wake up. Meanwhile, the other body remains asleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises his eyebrows slightly and finally ventures out of the cave, quickly running over to her. He tries to push the rubble off her, and grabs her arm, attempting to haul her out* Jenna? *frowns* Are you alright?

    Loz: *slowly nods his head* Right. So… where to?

    Jenova: *hisses* *”Sense it out for yourselves… you’re not blind… yet…”*


    Jenna: *slowly opens up her eyes as Sephiroth hauls her out of the rubble. She then gives him a small grin, seeming quite relieved* I suppose that depends… You’re not going to beat me up again, are you? *she isn’t even aware that there is a second one of her at the moment*

    Psychotic: *releases a faint groaning noise as she begins to fully come to as well*

    Kadaj: *grunts and grips onto Loz. He then pulls him toward the area where they had left Sephiroth* Come on, Brother. Mother is angsty. We shouldn’t anger her more.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns* No… *scowls* I don’t even know what the hell is going on right now, but we probably need to get out of here… *sighs* What the hell is that…? *points to the second Jenna, deeply scowling* How did that happen?

    Loz: *quickly moves after Kadaj, nodding* We’ll come back later when she’s not so pissed…


    Jenna: *at first, she begins to transmit to Seph her memories from this morning onward, wanting him to be informed as to what he did to her at the very least. She then looks down at him* You need you- *she then stops mid-sentence as she notices Seph’s question. Blinking in confusion, she glances at the other Jenna. Frowning, she shakes her head* Must be a fake.

    Kadaj: *stops in his tracks as he notices who is moving about and alive at the source of the energy spike. He then grits his teeth and unsheathes his sword* Well, Big Brother. We didn’t expect this. ~Mother, Sephiroth is alive again.~

    Psychoitic: *cracks open her eyes and looks around the area. However, she keeps her eyes closed enough that she wouldn’t appear to be aware yet. She also plays possum by not moving from her position*

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *screeches in rage* *”KILL HIM!”*

    Sephiroth: *hisses in discomfort* *”I don’t remember… all I remember is… I don’t even know what I rememebr any more. I don’t even know how I got here…”* *growls* *”You left in a huff, and then I got impaled with a sword. And after that, I don’t know. I ended up here somehow.”* *snarls at Kadaj* How is this a fair fight when I don’t even have a weapon? *growls loudly*


    Kadaj: ~Kill him again? Mother, you just scolded me because he did die.~ *Shrugging, he decides to do as he asks anyway. So, he grunts toward Loz* Mother wants Big Brother to die again. Go.

    Jenna: *sighs at Seph’s words and slowly nods* ~I figured that you were being controlled. You don’t normally fly across the entire planet while not wearing any clothing…~ *she then glances at Kadaj and Loz before trying to straighten up and prepare for battle. However, she still feels weak after the spell that she had cast before she died before*

    Pyschotic: *while she remains still and death-like, she does cast a spell to make a duel pair of semi-automatics appear in her hands. She then grips onto them and allows herself a small smirk*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”No, that never happens…”* *growls* Fine… you want a fight? *curls his hands into fists, glaring hard at Kadaj* Bring it, you idiot.

    Loz: *bounds around the area in his happiness, grinning hard* I’ll help you, big brother!


    Psychotic: *smirks as she realizes that she’s not being noticed at all. So, she just gets up and backs away from the group, wanting to wait around and see what happens*

    Jenna: *frowns and glances down at Seph before muttering* Seph.. you’re still naked and you want to fight two armed clones of yourself?

    Kadaj: *holds up his sword and points the end of it toward Sephiroth* Mother wants you dead. *with that, he leaps forward before trying to slash at Sephiroth’s chest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls and quickly reaches out to grab at the sword blades, not seeming to care if they cut into his hand. If he is succesful in grabbing onto the Souba, he would try to rip it out of Kadaj’s hands* *”Can you think of something else?”*

    Loz: *grins and charges behind Sephiroth, punching him hard in the back, nearly knocking him off his feet* Impale him again!


    Kadaj: *loudly growls at Sephiroth as he grips onto the blades of the Souba. He then narrows his eyes and tries to apply more force onto the sword, hoping to at least slice into Sephiroth’s hands* Damn you. Why does mother have to like you the most? *he grits his teeth* Just die.

    Jenna: *hisses as she watches the attacks on her mate. Intending to help Seph keep his back protected, she quickly moves to press herself up against Seph’s back moments after he was punched. She then swings out to try to punch Loz in the face* Perhaps a retreat, Seph? You know, that thing you do when you can’t possibly win.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grits his teeth hard and begins to bend the blade sideways, attempting to destroy the sword completely. A medium quantity of blood drips from his hand by now and the blade is beginning to slice into tendon and sinew, but he keeps going, determined to disarm the other male* Yes, a retreat… in one moment… *reaches back to grasp Jenna’s hand with his free arm* *”I’ll give the word…”*

    Loz: Oh, hello lady. I guess I get to punch you again, don’t I? *begins to laugh and raises his fists, charging them with power*


    Jenna: *growls and narrows her eyes at Loz* Hmph. I don’t recall you punching me in the first place. *notes that Seph is holding onto her one hand. So, she uses her free hand to quickly swipe at Loz’s face, hoping to scratch him, even if it is only a slight graze*

    Kadaj: *growls as Sephiroth pulls his blades side-ways. He then repositions his grip in an attempt to keep the weapon from bending out of shape* Tch.. *he quickly looks down then tries to kick Sephiroth in the very exposed private section*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *Is about to launch into the air when Kadak kicks him in his nether regions. He grits his teeth hard and snarls, just teleporting out of the area instead. He dumps Jenna and himself at the very top of the Nothern crater mountains, then crouches down, wanting a few moments to recover*

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