The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Psychotic: *narrows her eyes as she watches the battle insue. Not long after Sephiroth vanishes from site, she swiftly moves toward both Loz and Kadaj before lifting her twin guns and pointing them at their heads* Hmm… Now, why do I have two silver-hairs here?

    Kadaj: *growls in annoyance as Sephiroth vanishes. He then angrily slashes at the spot where his big brother just was* Damn it! *he then tenses up as he hears the new voice* What?

    Jenna: *shivers as they appear at the rim of the northern crater. She then glances over at Sephiroth and deeply sighs at him. Not even bothering to comment, she unclips her cape and then drapes it over his body*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *drapes Jenna’s cape around himself, seeming very unhappy. Once that is done, he moves to turn his back to Jenna, glancing down to inspect his privates for damage* Stupid bastard… *hisses* I’ll teleport us back home after this…

    Loz: *glances around the area, staring at the woman* Wow… another woman that Sephiroth summoned here? Didn’t she… *seems confused*


    Psychotic: Tsk. *changes the aim of her gun that’s pointed toward Loz for a split second, long enough to fire a single shot at his shoulder before returning the aim to his head. Most importantly during this move, she does it entirely out of her peripheral vision and doesn’t look directly at him* Bad boys. Now, why are there two silver hairs in front of me.

    Kadaj: ~Mother, we need your help.. Sephiroth, he escaped with his woman. I can sense her with him still, but she’s here infront of us too. I don’t understand.~ *he narrows his eyes, neither moving nor responding to the other Jenna’s demands at the moment*

    Jenna: *shakes her head at Seph* Perhaps we should go to a nearer target for the time being, Seph. You don’t seem to be fully up to your full capabilities, and I am quite weak from what happened down there. *she then glances at the ground before muttering* Your punches hurt…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phh… it also hurts that I can’t talk to you about anything. *scowls bitterly, then moves to his feet, sighing* Alright.. so where are we going? How about the Icicle Inn? That’s close enough…

    Jenova: *”Do I have to do everything myself!? Take her down by any means necessary!”* *moves up out of the lifestream and shakes herself off, floating towards Kadaj and his location*

    Loz: *flinches, flying back. He howls in pain and drops onto the ground, sobbing*


    Jenna: *loudly grumbles* You can’t talk to me about things if you don’t ever talk. Telling me to get lost is not talking. *she snorts and shakes her head* Yes, the Icicle Inn.. I guess. That’s the town in that direction, right? *she points to where she thinks the Inn is, but it’s completely in the wrong direction*

    Kadaj: *tightens the grip on his sword, preparing to deflect a number of bullets soon* Loz, stop making that noise and get back up.

    Psychotic: Hmph, you two don’t plan on answering at all. *she shakes her head* A pity. Oh wells. *shrugging, she suddenly pulls on both triggers to fire a single shot at both Kadaj and Loz. However, she is soon shot from behind in the shoulder. Stumbling forward from shock, she hisses in annoyance*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I did talk. Infact, I told you what was wrong. Then you got very angry and clawed into my back muscle. It probably would have needed suturing and bandages. *scowls hard at her* Feh… I know where the Inn is. You don’t need to point it out. You’re pointing in the wrong direction anyway. That way will take you back to the crater, or over the other side of it. *grabs her hand and teleports them to the door of the inn in the town*

    Loz: No… *clutches at his wounded shoulder and continues to sob in pain*


    Jenna: I clawed into your back because you started trying to shove me away, Seph. In case you haven’t noticed, you are strong. I had to anchor myself to you to keep myself from being simply shoved to the side like a used rag. *she then yelps as they suddenly teleport. Hissing in frustration after they reappear, she crosses her arms* Well, you didn’t know earth that well.. I’m allowed not to know your planet that well. *she looks him over* Do you want me to run in and get you clothes before we get a room?

    Psychotic: *Grips back at the spot where the bullet had entered her back. She then turns around, intending to find her assailant. However, Yazoo just coldly fires again as she turns around, hitting her in the abdomen*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* Some clothes would be nice. *scowls, shaking his head* I shoved you away because you tried to justify your actions and wouldn’t acknowledge what I said. Then you left in a huff. It was the one time I actually tried to explain something to you, and it didn’t end well. Not very encouraging if I wanted to tell you anything else, now is it.

    Loz: *springs to his feet, roaring in anger* You hurt me!! *lunges in towards the Psychotic version, swinging his fist back, charging the weapon up before attempting to punch her in the jaw, haymaker-style*


    Jenna: So, I am not allowed to present my stance on matters at all, Seph? I just have to sit there silent and accept everything that you have to say as absolute truth? *she shakes her head at him. She then points toward an alley* Stay there. I’ll be back soon. *with that, she takes off toward the middle of the town. She soon begins to violently shake as the cold gets to her, but she tries not to let it actually side-track her. Eventually, she finds the clothing store by asking around. So, she rushes inside, partially to obtain warmth and partially to fulfill her task of getting clothes for Sephers*

    Psychotic: *narrows her eyes upon hearing Loz’s words. Deciding to ignore the pain from her wounds, she quickly casts a spell to short out his Dual Hound weapon. However, she doesn’t manage to get enough time to counteract his punch. So, she winds up being punched directly in the face. Swaying to the side, she soon collapses onto the ground in a daze*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not saying that, but you asked me what was wrong, and so I actually told you what was wrong. But I was punished for it… *snorts* What? *glares at the alleyway, but stands in it, waiting for her return, irritated*

    Loz: *after Psychotic is downed, he loudly cheers and begins to jump around* Yahoo, I did it!


    Jenna: *walks into the store. At first, she just moves into a corner so that she can warm up. Once her blood is running properly once more, she begins looking around for clothing that would fit Sephiroth. Eventually, she finds a number of dark cotton shirts, mostly black, dark grey, or navy, a black Jacket that is designed for the weather up there, and a few pairs of random pants. Since she isn’t fully certain on Seph’s size, she grabs several of each item. After a while, she walks up to the clerk and throws the items on the counter* I need these. *she narrows her eyes, trying to make it look like she doesn’t want to waste time*

    Yazoo: *rolls his eyes* Settle down, Brother. That amount of energy isn’t needed. *he turns his attention to Jenova as she nears*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wraps Jenna’s cape around his midsection and retreats for the corner, shivering slightly now. He leans against the building and begins to loudly grumble to himself* Damn it…

    Jenova: *makes a bubbling growl as she approaches the area. She pokes at the Psychotic version of Jenna and coils a tentacle around her legs, picking her up, wanting to inspect her properly* *”That was easy. See, you aren’t that incompetent.”*


    Jenna: *blinks as she finally hears the total, thinking that the number is quite high. However, she doesn’t argue too much. Instead, she begins to frantically look about her body for a form of payment. First, she pulls out the credit card, but soon finds that the piece of plastic doesn’t work on this planet at all. So, she hisses in annoyance and searches for another form of funds. Soon, her eyes drift to a stack of promiscuous books and magazines behind the counter. Smirking as a devious thought comes to her, she quickly kneels down to pull out a photograph from the inside of her left boot. She then holds it to the clerk and informs him that it is genuine and that she’s certain that the Planet has never seen anything like it before. The photograph happens to have a completely nude shot of Sephiroth as he sleeps*

    Psychotic: *releases a faint groan as she’s dragged. However, for now, she doesn’t quite wake up*

    Kadaj: *frowns at Jenova* We’re not incompetent, Mother.. *he glances at Loz* Well, most of us are not.

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    Sephiroth: *”How much longer are you going to be? It’s damn freezing out here….”* *snorts* *”My blood would freeze inside of my veins before too long out here….”* *glares down at the snowy ground and decides against sitting on it with his bare butt*


    Jenna: *Grins at the gil that is showered in her direction for the photo. She then pays for the clothing* ~I’m coming your way right now, Seph. Be a bit more patient.~ *she soon grabs the bags of clothing. Then, she trudges back into the cold outside. By the time that she returns to Seph, she’s violently shivering once more. So, she just drops the bags in front of him before moving away so that she can hug herself in an attempt to warm up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Thank you… *scowls slightly and begins to rat through the bags, grunting* You didn’t purchase any underwear. *shakes his head* Not that I would have worn any if it was tight fitting… *begins to undo the shirt packages, and dresses himself shortly after* Thank you. It will do for now.


    Jenna: *shrugs, not seeming to care too much either way* I’m sorry, Seph. I forgot about it. *she glances back at him once he’s done dressing* C-can we get warm yet?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* Come on. Let’s go inside of the inn. *grumbles* You have money, don’t you? I mean, you bought this stuff. I don’t have any gil right now. I haven’t obtained any for a long time because we haven’t been on my homeworld.


    Jenna: Oh, yes.. That. *she slowly moves her hand to her belt. She then unclips a rather large a full bag which is stuffed with all the gil that she collected from her sale. She then tosses it to Sephers* I traded something worthless for it. *looks around then mutters* Can I have my cape back?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh, right… *picks up the cape that was around his waist before and hands it back to her* There you go. *heads into the inn and smirks* What kind of room do you want to get? *moves to the desk, motioning to her* Speak away.


    Jenna: *gives Seph a small grin as she recieves the cape. She then nods at him before properly putting on the cape around her shoulders. Once she is wearing the cape, she tightly wraps it around her body in hopes of making more insulation. She then follows Seph to the Inn. When he asks her about the room, she simply shrugs* I don’t particularly care. Pick anything that will suit your tastes. *sighing, she moves away from the counter and to the corner. She then just looks at the ground as she waits for Seph to finish*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns* You’re no fun. *orders one of the deluxe rooms and takes the keys, heading down the corridor to their room. He unlocks the door and steps inside, moving to the bed, sitting down* Well this is much better than being in the snow.


    Jenna: *doesn’t automatically notice that Seph had left to their room. However, she does move to follow him after a few moments. Upon reaching the room, she silently slips inside then just moves to sit in the nearest chair. She doesn’t bother to look at Seph as she settles into the room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances over at Jenna, scowling slightly at her* You’re still pissed about what I said? *loudly snorts* I’m definitely not going to bother explaining myself to you again. This is absolutely ridiculous. And it’s still unresolved. You don’t even care, do you?


    Jenna: *blinks* Huh? *she glances at him then shrugs* No, I don’t really care.. What you said is in the past. *she shakes her head then glances to the side* I wasn’t thinking about it at all.

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