Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49971

    Desiree nodded at Kalysto’s words. “Good.”

    So, she leaned in to gently kiss his cheek before she wandered off to watch her son from the nearest window, leaving Kalysto to his mixtures. After a bit, she glanced back toward the kitchen. “We probably will have no leftovers at all. We left Milena alone with the chili.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Why did we let her be near it…” Kalysto sighed and slipped out of the room to go find Milena. To her credit, she was in the living room, seated on a beanbag near the television quietly watching cartoons.

    “Well thank god for that…”


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Kalysto. “Our daughter does need to eat, Kalysto. It’s perfectly fine for her to be near food.”

    Still, she followed Kalysto then nodded as she spotted Milena. “Yea, she’s settled down quite a bit. That’s good. Well, go back to your potion, and don’t turn yourself into a ten year old girl. I’m going to clean up the kitchen.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not going to turn myself into a ten year old girl.” Kalysto grumped. “Sheesh…” He stomped back into his Alchemy Lab and slammed the door overdrammatically, setting himself back down at his table.

    Milena ignored all of this as if it was normal par-for-course, and continued watching the television.


    Desiree chuckled at Kalysto as she began to gather up the dirty dishes to put them up. As she cleaned up, she called out to Milena, “I’m about to put up the food. Do you want any more, Milena?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena made a soft chirping sound and sprang out of her chair, wandering across to Desiree in the next room, her natural armor-plating making soft clacking noises on the linoleum floor in the kitchen.

    “Please,” She grinned, waving her paws up at Desiree. “Want some more food.”


    Desiree grinned at Milena as the girl wandered back into the kitchen. So, she pulled out Milena’s chair before she nodded. “Alright, go ahead. Grab what you want, Milena. Just don’t make a mess.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena sat at the table and plucked up her bowl, giving Desiree a loud chirp as if she indicated that she wanted to be fed. She wagged her tail as she did this, purring also during the process.

    “Please,” She repeated gently, “I want some more food.”


    Desiree softly laughed as she grabbed the pot of chili before she filled Milena’s bowl up with the stew. Once that was done, she walked away to put up the leftovers in the fridge.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena picked up her spoon and began to shovel the food into her face. Because she was hungry, she didn’t really seem to care very much about the fact that she was slopping the chili on herself. With a big grin and a content purr, she soon finished it off and licked the bowl clean.

    Then she skittered out of the room so she could return to her beanbag and begin preening.


    Desiree stood back to watch her “daughter” eat before she slowly shook her head. “Milena, you know that it is alright to actually chew your food? You don’t need to eat like the world is going to end.”

    Sighing, Desiree continued to put up the food before she decided to check on her husband again. However, before entering, she gently knocked on the door.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena chirped at Desiree, squinting her eyes at her. She made careful note of Desiree’s hair colour and features, then attempted to shift forms and turn into a human. The transformation worked, however not as she desired. She sat on the floor as a small young blood elf child, frustrated at her handiwork.

    “I chew food… it’s nice.” She sulked.

    Kalysto was openly swearing in Thalassian by now. When he heard the knock at the door, he threw his potion bottle at the wall. However, because of the thick density of the vial, it merely struck the wall and rolled off into a corner, the vial and the contents inside still very much intact.

    “Damn it…” He hissed. “What do you want? I kind of need to get this done.”


    “I was just checking on you, Kalysto. Everything is put up, and I’m certain that Milena would enjoy some quality time with her father. How much longer do you think you’ll be in there?” Desiree inquired.

    For now, the young woman didn’t notice Milena, for she was paying more attention to the fact that Kalysto was agitated. She then glanced down in thought. “Oh, I also may need you to help me with some of my clothing later. You know that I’m starting to show.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto gritted his teeth and huffed air out of them, making a sound like a mock-hiss. “Yeah-yeah, I’ll get right on that… right after I…” He looked around the floor, rising to his feet to retrieve the bottle.

    “Seriously, the guy who wrote ‘Potions For The Grand Master Alchemist’ is an idiot.” Kalysto growled. “I’ve done this three times and the reaction described in step 3 isn’t working. Next time I’m going to make it intentionally wrong, because maybe it will come out better next time! This is a misprint or something…” He hissed again. “…idiot author. Go get a real job. Probably a half-blind voodoo worshipping troll…”


    Desiree rolled her eyes, for she was certain that she heard her husband complain about that same exact thing every hour. So, she didn’t put much weight into the complaints that he was making. Instead, she silently slipped inside before she walked over to Kalysto so that she could stroke the back of his head.

    “Settle down already, my dark lord.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto grumbled at Desiree a second time. “You want to do it? A freak on the north-side wants five of these so he can experience being a chick for a week.” He picked up a copy of the receipt to show to her.

    “Can’t settle down,” He thrust the paper in her face, “Look how much he paid me. Guy was loaded. Says he’ll put my kids through college if I work out how to make the gender-bender crap permanent.”


    “You know that I have no skill in these sort of things, Kalysto,” Desiree reminded her husband. “Still, you’ve made this potion once before. I’m certain that you can do it again. You are a very intelligent elf. There’s nothing that you can’t do.”

    Meanwhile, Jenna was reading over the results of her latest check-up. By this time, she was very clearly showing, so she couldn’t wear her normally preferred armor and had to go with more casual attire. Still, that was not what was bothering her at the moment. Instead, she was trying to figure out how to inform her husband that she was having triplets.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sat in the living room of the house, munching on a bowl of puffed cheese snacks. Although he was getting several of them stolen every other minute by the offspring around him, he didn’t seem to mind very much. He was watching a violent movie about World War II that intruiged him.

    Even though he knew the plot, he was more than happy to keep watching.

    “Do you know how to make something permanent? No? Neither do I.” Kalysto harrumphed. “It can be done, but I may need to use something different….” He mumbled, trailing off, “…means more research…”


    Jenna released a small sigh as she folded up the documents that held the results of her last tests before she walked over to Sephiroth’s locaiton. Once there, she leaned over to gently kiss the top of his head.

    “We need to talk…”

    Desiree groaned at her husband’s rant. “Of course I don’t know how to make it. I’m not an alchemist like you are, Kalysto. It would be silly if I did know how to make the potion that you were looking for.. Perhaps we should go to your homeworld again and see if there’s any new books?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth looked up at Jenna, setting the bowl off to one side. He sighed as it was immediately seized by Iris, who set the bowl on her lap and began to munch from it properly, grinning.

    “What do we need to talk about?”

    “Yeah, maybe I should teach you Alchemy, it’s fun.” Kalysto grinned at her. “Hrrmm… not sure I want to go back for the sole purpose of finding books… there’d have to be a better reason than that.”


    Jenna frowned at Sephiroth’s question, not knowing what to say at first. So, she just handed the results over to her husband, figuring that was the best way to break it to him.

    Desiree slowly shook her head. “I don’t know if I would really catch onto it, Kalysto. However, for now, let’s just get you what you need to get that potion completed. And we might as well go to your homeworld and see if there’s something there, huh?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Phh,” Kalysto huffed again, “There’s not really anything there that I need. Not even any point going to show Orpheus what’s there because they’d try to kill him… half-elves are really bad. They hate them. Really…”

    Sephiroth narrowed his brows at Jenna, curious. When he received the documents, he read over them, seeming very unhappy.

    “Oh… great…” he snarled.


    Desiree lowered her head before she sighed. “Yes, you’ve mentioned how our relationship would not be favored on your homeworld often enough. I get the idea, though I don’t think that Zephyros looks that different from being a full-blood like you… Still, you should go back to make certain there’s not new information on your profession. It’ll help you out, Kalysto.”

    “What if someone there has discovered a better way of making this potion here? I think it’s worth just checking.”

    Jenna lowered her head, covering her eyes with her bangs before she nodded at Sephiroth’s words. “Yes… It’s great..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto’s tone was firmer when he spoke now. “I really don’t want to go back there right now. Maybe take Rhyderi or something. I’m sorry but I really have to get this finished.” He hunched down in his chair and picked up another flask to begin again.

    “We don’t even have the space for this.” Sephiroth scowled as he handed the piece of paper back to Jenna. “Or do we? I don’t even know. I just know that this is going to cost us even more over the long-run.”


    Desiree groaned in frustration before she moved closer to Kalysto. Once there, she reached over to pull off his shoulder pads so that she could massage his shoulders and back. “You know that Rhyderi wouldn’t know what you need. That’s a bad idea.”

    Jenna glanced back behind her, humming in thought. “Well, we did make room by removing Zach. And Cancer needs to move out as well…. So, that part should be covered. As for the expenses, we will just have to do.”

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