Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49946
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “I’m fine – you do it.” He watched him for a furthere few minutes before clearing his throat, frowning. “So you don’t like fighting and people getting hurt?” He rubbed the side of his head, trying to think.

    “Just trying to work out where your talent lies…”


    “No, don’t like people getting hurt. Getting hurt hurts. Like it when they not hurt. Would like to make the hurts go away. That’s nice,” Orpheus muttered as he carefully watered another patch of plants. He then stood up.

    “Granddad talked about a flower girl once… Bet daddy should hire her.”:

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t think he would hire somebody just to take care of some flowers – he’s never been that kind of guy.” Rhyderi shook his head. “I think maybe you should just ask him if you could.”

    He frowned further. “How do you make the hurt go away, then?”


    “Yea, probably should. She probably take good care of plants if she called flower lady,” Orpheus mulled over the idea before he blinked and looked up at his uncle.

    “Huh? I dunno… how do you do it?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’ll show, you but….” Rhyderi crouched down next to the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Understand this – in the beginning, we stole the power and it was a bad way to do it… it wasn’t until later that it was blessed upon us.”

    He moved to his feet, raising his hands. He cast a flood of healing Holy energies on Kalysto’s son, stepping back after he was done. “Like that.”


    Orpheus twitched his left ear, for he was confused. After a bit, he blinked and looked up at his uncle. “Huh? But daddy steal power from demons all the time. That not wrong..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “It’s a long story, but in the beginning, we stole power from a creature that meant us no harm. We trapped her, and we made her suffer so we could use her power. There’s… nothing right about that at all…”

    “What’s even worse… she sacraficed herself to redeem all of us.” Rhyderi frowned heavily. “It is something we can never forget.”


    “But I never knew her,” Orpheus complained. “Why should I remember someone I never knew…? That makes no sense. And daddy steal power from demons all the time. Nothing wrong with that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed with tiredness. “We need to remember her sacrafice. It was selfless. It redeemed us all.” He waved a hand. “You’re too young to understand.”

    “Demons are different.” He snorted. “They are selfish monsters who want destroy everything.”


    “Ok….,” Orpheus replied, though he was still quite confused by all the information. He then moved over to check the leaves on one of the nearby herbs. “So… umm… how remove harm? You never got to that, Unca Deri.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi frowned at the youngster. “I showed you. I already did that – I cast a heal on you by using my attunement to the Light.” He eyed off the plant. “I don’t think it works on that kind of thing.”

    He moved over and placed a hand on the leaf, healing it with golden light shortly after. “Huh… what do you know… it does.”


    “Oh, thought that was just pretty light,” Orpheus sheepishly stated as he watched the light hit the plant. “So, that what remove harm? How it remove harm? It felt like warm tickles… How do you do it?”

    Meanwhile, Desiree slipped into Kalysto’s lab, figuring that her husband had retreated there to sulk and hide. Once she found Kalysto, she wrapped her arms about him and hugged him.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m attuned with the Light.” Rhyderi stated again, calmly. “I’m blessed with it. You can be also if you are true to your feelings and persue the truths of the Light.” He nodded, looking proud. “It’s not too hard – pray to the Light, ask it to bless you, and stay true to it. Don’t give into wrongdoings, because that will make you stray from the Light. You will fall from it’s favour.”

    Kalysto flicked an ear, possibly whapping Desiree in the face with the action as he moved it. “What…”


    “The light?” Orpheus innocently asked. He then looked around before he pointed up at the sun. “I should pray to tha? What pray anyway? Never heard of pray…”

    Meanwhile, Desiree only released a soft chuckle as the ear whapped her. So, she leaned in to lick the side of Kalysto’s neck. “What what? Is it wrong for me to want to greet my husband, who happens to be a very handsome elf.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi covered his face with a hand and sighed. “No no… it’s a concept you don’t understand…” He placed a hand on his shoulder. “I need to explain it to you properly, but that could take a while.”

    Kalysto grumbled. “No offense, Desiree,” He scowled back at her, “but the choices you have to pick from around here, that aren’t me? Pretty damn ugly. I know I’m good looking, but compared to some of the people that live around here, I’m a god.”


    Orpheus slowly nodded, wanting to learn and find out about this light thing. So, he sat down on the ground and waited for his uncle to continue teaching him.

    Desiree chuckled at Kalysto’s description before she whipped him around so that she could plant a kiss on his lips. As she broke off from the kiss, she whispered to him, “You know that my father is supposed to be the only one around here with delusions of godhood.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto happily took in her embrace, smirking rather heavily as she kissed him. After it was done, he shook his head and spoke out, “Hey I mean compared to the losers around here… what’s the god of handsome in your culture?” He raised his eyebrows at her, giving no indication that he was kidding around.

    “The Light is… well it’s an energy that flows all around us. It blesses us, it takes care of us, even when we think it isn’t there.” Rhyderi frowned as he tried to think of a good way to explain the concept of The Light to somebody so young. “It just…. well, is.”


    Orpheus tilted his head to the side in confusion. He then blinked up at his uncle before he inquired, “But… mommy say that’s just chaotic energy. Her mommy taught her that energy exists all around and can be bent at will. It not bad or good. It just is… That wha mommy say.”

    Meanwhile, Desiree giggled at Kalysto. “Oh, so you’re an Adonis, hm? Can’t you reach any higher than that?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “Your mother doesn’t believe in the Light, and neither does your father. They never really did.” He sighed. “This is going to take awhile…”

    Kalysto chuckled. “So you do have a god of handsome? How amusing.” He raised a brow. “There’s gods that are higher than that? Do you have an entire pantheon of them, or something?” He leaned back in the chair, pondering to himself that he would have to read up on this and learn.


    Desiree chuckled at Kalysto before she leaned in to kiss him once more. “Yes, there are multiple types of gods that come from my mother’s planet. I’ve ready up on the myths and whatnot. They’re interesting, but most aren’t worshiped any more. My father’s world only believed in Minerva and the lifestream.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto flicked an ear. “Man, what a silly concept… who the fuck is Minerva? What’s the Lifestream thing I keep hearing about? Geez I know it’s that liquid stuff in the ground, but beyond that?” He shook his head.

    “Who cares. I need to get this finished.” He dropped a blade of grass into a glass vial and began to heat it, gently spinning the flask to get an even burn.


    “Well, according to what I’ve heard, Minerva is the goddess that is the personification of the planet and the lifestream is the planet’s bloodstream. So, basically, every soul that exists on gaea originates and goes to the lifestream after it dies… Then those souls loose their sense of self and just become part of the planet.. Something like that. Father doesn’t care too much about it. I know that,” Desiree attempted to explain.

    The young woman then frowned as she watched the mixture. “You better not have that thing explode while I’m here. I don’t want to be an elf again or something like that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It would only turn you into a man.” Kalysto said casually, as if such were an everyday event. “It’s also not going to explode – it only does when there are highly reactive ingredients inside that haven’t been mixed properly.”

    “So the Lifestream is called Minerva?” He snorted. “Better than calling it R’shal I guess.”


    “No, I don’t think Minerva is the lifestream itself… Just the planet. Ask that guy called Genesis. He’s basically in love with Minerva, so he would know,” Desiree advised. “And that really better not explode! I’m pregnant and I can’t be turned into a man at this point in time.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sounded bothered now. “It’s not going to explode – what did I just tell you? It only explodes when there are highly reactive ingredients inside that haven’t been mixed properly.” He grumbled the words out. “That only tends to happen when I’m tired, or when I am trying to watch the TV at the same time.”

    “Gender Reassignment Elixir doesn’t explode, it can’t.” He scowled at her.

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