Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Xelong kept his head down on his father’s lap as he considered over what was being told to him. He did love Holly and Zach. However, he wanted to be with his sires. So, he was completely torn as to what to decide. Thus, the dragon just silently mulled over his choices.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Depending on how much space we have in the backyard… land laws permitting…” Sephiroth growled out the next set of words, “I think I can come to a compromise that involves him still being around, and involves him not being in the way either….”


    Xelong grinned a bit at that thought, quite content of the idea that there may be a compromise. He then tilted his head to look at his father once more. ~What about Cancer? Doesn’t real-mother want her out of the house too?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth nodded his head. “She’s moving out as soon as she can get a place. I have already seen her application on my table. It is honestly a difficult time to get a place right now. Despite the fact we build more houses, people come faster than we can build them.”

    He scooped the dragon up in his arms and headed out of the office. “We’re done here. We are going home.”


    Xelong squeaked as he was picked up from his comfy warm lap. So, for the first few moments, he wiggled and pawed at the air, trying to figure out what was going on before he shifted to make himself comfortable again. As he wrapped his tail around Sephiroth’s right forearm, the dragon set his head down on his father’s shoulder.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth carried the dragon back to the house, setting him down on the front porch once he was back at the house. He opened the front door and held it open incase Xelong wanted to come inside, but would have been equally fine if he didn’t want to.

    He stepped inside himself after a few moments, looking around. Things were still relatively calm and quiet.


    Xelong chirped as he was set down, a bit disappointed since he had made himself comfortable in Sephiroth’s grip. So, he release a faint mewl before he trotted inside the house, following after his father. Unlike his normal habits, the young dragon decided to follow the silver general around rather than go after Zach.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed when he was back inside his own house. There was not very much for him to do now and so he stayed around the kitchen, idly scrounging for food. It was a habit he had gotten into and although he knew he shouldn’t be giving into it, he was anyway.


    Xelong happily chirped as he realized that food was being prepared. So, he scurried to his father’s side before he stood up on his hind legs so that he could be ab it taller. Once standing in a bipedal manner, the dragon opened his maw in an attempt to indicate that something should be put inside.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stood at the refridgerator, looking for something good to eat. When he saw Xelong nearby, he took a piece of cold chicken off a plate and dropped it into his mouth, resuming his hunting for food. He soon found a pot of leftover pasta and sauce, and so began to prepare a bowl to put in the microwave.


    Xelong happily accepted the offering of chicken and downed it within a few seconds. As he finished eating, he returned to hovering next to Sephiroth’s side. The little one had quite a hunger and would eat constantly if given the chance.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth eyed off Xelong when he ate the chicken relatively quickly. He stood by the microwave as his pasta heated up, He stepped back over to the refridgerator and opened the door again, taking out the rest of the cold chicken remains.

    He set the plate on the ground and went back to watching his food move around in circles.

    “Don’t choke on the bones.” He scowled.


    Xelong happily pounced on the offered food and began to scarf it down. As he ate, his tail swayed back and forth in a rather content manner. ~Thank you, real-Father.~

    Kat Aclysm

    When the microwave beeped, Sephiroth pressed the door and opened it, taking his plate out so he could eat. He sat at the table and jabbed a fork in, munching through his food.

    *”Why calll me that? It sounds strange, and perhaps a little redundant.”*


    Xelong stopped eating to stare up at Sephiroth. He didn’t quite understand the question at all. To him, his naming convention was perfectly fine. There was Zach-father. Then, there was real-Father. It just was so.

    ~Because.. that’s what you are.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head and sighed. “It’s just strange. I am your real father, but calling me that exactly seems… redundant?” He continued to eat his pasta, shrugging.

    “There’s not a lot I can say about it, really.”


    ~How is it redundant?~ Xelong queried, completely confused as to what the problem was. As he considered his father’s words, he leaped up onto the table so that he could look into the man’s green eyes. ~I don’t understand…`

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was rather quick to pluck the dragon up, setting him on the chair beside him. “Don’t do that,” He grunted in irritation, wanting to eat his food in peace, “Can’t you see I am busy here…”

    He shook his head. “It sounds redundant. Pointless. Repeditive. How does that not make sense?”


    ~But I didn’t repeat any words. You are my real father, so I call you that… What should I call you if you don’t like being called that?~ Xelong protested. ~And you only eating. Can talk while eating. Talk while eating all the time.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grunted. “You jumped onto my lap. I’m trying to eat.” He jabbed a fork into his pasta to stuff another mouthful into his mouth. *”Just call me ‘father’. Everybody else does, whom is offspring around here.”*


    ~Father? Ok, I suppose that is reasonable. I shall call you father,~ Xelong announced before he snorted. ~And I didn’t jump into your lap. I jumped onto the table. The table isn’t your lap. It is the table.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Tch, I meant that too…” He scowled. “No jumping on the table. Azul isn’t allowed to do it, and neither are you. Nobody is. Sit at a seat if you want to sit at the table.” Sephiroth frowned at Xelong, waving his fork at him in a scolding manner.

    “Father is good.” He nodded. He finished off a few more bites of pasta, and then slid the half-eaten bowl of pasta across to Xelong, curious to see what he would do with it.


    Xelong leaned back a bit as the fork was waved at him. He had never really been scolded in such a manner, so he was a bit taken aback by the action. Still, he didn’t say a word. Instead, he simply nodded his head. ~Alright… I don’t jump on the table..~

    As Sephiroth slide the pasta over to the dragon, Xelong tilted his head in curiosity. After a few moments of thought, the dragon brought his front paws onto the table before he leaned over to sniff the offered food. After a bit of inspection, he began to wolf down the pasta.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head as he watched the dragon eat the remains of his pasta. “You’re as bad as Zach, aren’t you. Open the hatch and shove the food in.” He sighed and moved to his feet so he could wash his hands off in the sink.

    “I suppose if you are going to stay here when Zach moves out, you would be wanting a room of your own, yes?”


    ~I’m little and need to grow. It perfectly fine to eat a lot. Zach tells me so,~ Xelong defended himself as he finished off the pasta. After taking a few moments to lick up all of the sauce at the bottom of the bowl, the dragon looked over at Sephiroth.

    ~A room of my own? I guess… Never thought of it.~

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