Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49847
    Kat Aclysm

    “Didn’t you ever want your own space? I would be unhappy if I didn’t have one.” Sephiroth grunted in thought. “Then again, I was always alone when I was younger. That was how things turned out. I was shoved in confined spaces.”


    Xelong lookedd up at the ceiling as he considered what Sephiroth was telling him. After a while, he simply shrugged. ~Never really thought of it, Father. I always been with Zach. It’s been nice and comfortable.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Find another sibling you can cuddle with while you are here, then, I guess.” Sephiroth shrugged. “Seres lives at home, but not for much longer. Cancer should be leaving soon… I would suggest picking one of the girls, or Alexander. Or even Kether… maybe you could get some conversation out of him.”


    Xelong bobbed his head as he considered what his father was telling him. After a while, he made up his mind. ~I wish to stay here. Do not want to be in apartment thing. I’ll tell Zach.~

    Thus, the little dragon rushed off to Zach’s room. Once there, he leaped onto the bed before he licked Zach’s face. ~Father found apartment for you. You will move tonight. I’m staying here.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach raised his head, looking devastated. “What….?” He forced himself to sit up, his expression turning worse by the moment. “We have to leave tonight? Why are you staying here? Don’t you want to come with us?”


    Xelong bobbed his head. ~Yes, Father got you an apartment and a loan. He said that you owe him and will move out tonight. He also said that I get to choose to stay here or go with you. I decided that I want to stay here. So, I’m going to stay here.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach silently slid off the bed, his head bobbing in return with acceptance. He couldn’t have cared less about the the soreness in his body any more. He sat down on the ground, dragging a box out from under the bed so he could begin packing.

    Only a few moments passed before his head was lowered, and he began to make muffled miserable sobbing sounds.


    Xelong tilted his head as he watched Zach make the strange noises. He hadn’t heard anyone other than his younger siblings make noises anywhere close to that before. So, he was quite confused.

    Thus, after a while of watching this, he decided to contact his sires. ~Father, Mother? Zach is making strange noises. I don’t know what to do.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed with tiredness and rose to his feet, briskly heading for the stairs. *”What kind of sounds is he making exactly? Is he in any kind of trouble? Is he choking? You will have to explain the sound with more detail, especially if he is in pain.”*

    He opened the door, scowling. When he saw Zach was on the ground, packing and making whimpering noises, he stepped away again, shutting the door once more.


    Xelong chirped in annoyance as he tried to think of how to explain the noises that he was hearing. When Sephiroth came into the room, Xelong looked up at him, only to lower his head in disappointment as the man left a moment later.

    Meanwhile, Jenna decided to investigate as well. So, she reached the room just as Sephiroth shut the door. Raising her left eyebrow, Jenna looked up at Sephiroth. “What is going on?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth muttered. “I am not entirely sure. I think he is sad that he is leaving.” He scowled. “He has to get out of here some time. I support your decision and the wheels have been put in motion. He will be gone within the next few hours.”


    “Next few hours?” Jenna stared at Sephiroth as she questioned him. “Are you insane? I gave him a month because that’s a reasonable time for him to pack up his belongings. He just fell off the roof today! How do you expect him to move in that condition?! Get in there and help him pack if you’re going to do that!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth growled at Jenna’s comment. “You asked for this.” He scowled at her. “You said you wanted him out. Well, he’s out – I put him out. I found him a place and he is moving there as soon as possible. That can happen today, so it is.”

    He snorted. “He hasn’t got much to move. He can move it by himself.”


    “He fell off the roof today, Seph. If you’re not going to give him proper time to move, then you are going to pack up his stuff with him and help him out,” Jenna growled out before she roughly grabbed onto Sephiroth’s left arm.

    Giving Sephiroth no time to give her any more arguments, the sorceress dragged Sephiroth into Zach’s room before she tried to shove him toward Zach.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was about to object when he felt his arm being grabbed. He hissed as he was shoved through the door and crashed into Zach’s back, causing him to bang his head on the bed. Zach made a weak groaning noise and lay on the floor, unconcious.

    “Now look what you did!!” Sephiroth snarled at Jenna as he stepped over Zach to shake him.


    Xelong yelped as Sephiroth came crashing into the room. Upon noticing that Zach was out cold, the dragon hopped down to his side and chattered into his ear, trying to wake him up. ~Zach??~

    Meanwhile, Jenna scowled at Sephiroth. “If you weren’t so stubborn, that wouldn’t have happened. Now, help him pack.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stepped over the clutter, crouching down to touch Zach’s shoulder. He scooped his arms under his clone, picking him up so he could lay him out on the bed.

    “He’s just knocked out. He’ll be fine.” The male snorted, stepping back again, irritated. “I suppose he’s not moving out today after-all.” He scowled at Jenna again. “You wanted him to move out…”


    “I gave him a month, Seph,” Jenna coldly responded. “That was to give him sufficent time to do things like pack and get his act together. You basically acted the part of the angry girlfriend kicking him out right away. Now, since you are pushing him so hard, pack his stuff! I’m not repeating this again.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not packing his things,” Sephiroth scowled. “Because he’s not leaving today.” He slipped by Jenna, stepping back out into the hallway. “He can move later in the week when he has recovered enough to stand up and move.”

    “Until then, he has a house and a mortgage awaiting him.” He snorted and tried to slip away.


    Jenna narrowed her eyes, none to pleased with Sephiroth’s attitude. So, she snorted before she snarled out, “You will help him pack or you shall spend the rest of the week as nothing more than the spoiled child that you are behaving like.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “He’s not leaving today – that has been determined. Thus, there is no reason to pack up his things. Discuss this on the day he actually moves out.” Sephiroth glared at Jenna, wanting to be firm on this subject. “Until that day, I do not need to do anything.”

    Zach moaned. “Shut up, both of you…”


    Jenna hissed at Sephiroth’s attitude, “There will be no discussion. You will assist the boy in packing. No ifs, buts, or anything else.”

    Jenna paused as she heard Zach moan. So, she looked over at him before she sighed at him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth gritted his teeth. He narrowed his eyes at Jenna, glaring off to one side. Finally, he conceded. “Fine….” He hissed through clenched teeth as he headed down the stairs once again.

    “I don’t care who helps me pack…” Zach whimpered. “I just don’t really want to leave… Xelong is staying here…”


    Jenna turned her head to frown down at Zach. Soon after, she shook her head, “That is the choice of my son, Zach. You are much too old to continue living under our roof. Especially with a… “hatchling” on the way. No, you need a place of your own.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “But I thought… I mean…” Zach buried his head in his hands and began to sob anew. He could deal with moving away from home, but having to live without the dragon he had been raising hurt him deeply.

    “I get it I get it…” He mumbled. “I’ll leave…”

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