Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49577
    Kat Aclysm

    “I can neither confirm or deny that. However, I can do what I’ve been asked to do – run a health test and see if you’re OK. And if you are, you can get out of here within a matter of hours.”

    Zach moved to the television and turned it on. “Anyway, you should pay attention to the news right now. That city in that southern land space to our South-West is safe enough to take refugees in the thousands. It should clear out the number of people wanting to move here too. They’re also going to need an army-base, and I hear they’re going to be looking for a new commander. Get well so you can suggest yourself for the position.”


    Seres lowered her head at her brother’s words. Soon enough, she pouted, puffing up her lips a bit before she turned her head to look at the floor.

    “Father wants to treat me like a baby. He’dd never let me have a position like that. I’ll always be the baby who can’t be in danger..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Eh. Give him two or three years and he can’t do much. Or get yourself somebody on your side who isn’t him, and high up in the army to give another opinion. That’s what I’d do personally.” He glanced towards the door. “Unfortunately, it’s not what you know, but who you know, and how. As muich as I hate to say it, this profession does that too – the doctor likes me, so he put me in a higher-paid job. Sucks, no?”

    Zach picked up the television remote and turned the television station to a news channel, handing the remote to her shortly afterwards.

    “They’re probably going to give the commander position to somebody unknown. You’re too young right now, huh?”


    Seres blinked at her brother as he rambled on. After a bit,she scrunched her nose before she grumbled out, “Sucks? Sounds like that works out just fine for you. You get paid more…”

    As she thought over what her brother said, she began to play with the wing on the plush toy that she was given, pulling on it to and fro.

    “Yea, Father won’t give me any command position. I already told you, he babies me… I hate it. I hate it so much.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t even know if it’s his choice to give it. You’re not even 16 years old yet – how are you going to command an army of 200, 500, 1000 soldiers? Just do your own thing right now, huh? Work on the better part later.”

    Zach packed up his things and headed for the door again. “Cheer up. This doesn’t look as bad as it’s been reported to be.”


    Seres scowled as she considered Zach’s words. She hated the fact that she was considered too young for things. She was smart, that should be all that counted.

    “Father was my age when he was sent to war. He was given command of people! I should be given the same opportunities… But I never will because he’ll always treat me like a baby. It’s not fair!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach sighed as he left the room. He couldn’t very well dispute Seres and defend Sephiroth’s mindset because he couldn’t think of a good reason to stand there and defend it. Besides, doing such would have made Seres more upset and that wasn’t what he wanted anyway.

    He hung around the particle-testing machines and other equipment for another half an hour or so, returning with Seres’s papers as well as his box of equipment.

    “You can pack up and go home now.” Zach grinned as he stepped back into the room. “You need two days off and another shot, but you’re fine.” He moved towards her and opened his box, taking out a syringe filled with clear liquid. “This isn’t going to hurt at all. You may even feel better after it.” He nodded. “Still, don’t stress yourself out much.”


    “Two days off??” Seres whined. “That’s forever! What will I do then? It’ll be completely boring. I won’t have anything to do at all…”

    Still, Seres didn’t move away as Zach came with the syringe. She knew that she could trust her brother, so she had no reasons to fight against him. However, her trust in him didn’t mean that she wouldn’t pout. Nor did it mean that she would watch him deliver the shot.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach rolled up Seres’s sleeve, dabbing her arm with an antibacterial disinfectant wipe. Then he injected her with the syringe serum, removing the needle again once done. He put the plastic cap back on the syringe and tossed it into the garbage.

    “Done.” He nodded. “Er, spend the next two days playing video games? Sleeping. Going out into the town and looking for a boyfriend. Heck, even find that elf guy that came in earlier and go train with him. He was a walking tin-can. Like that guy from the Wizard of Oz story.”


    Seres didn’t even flinch as Zach delivered the shot to her. She had so many shots by now that it didn’t phase her at all. Still, she did bring her hand up to rub her arm once he pulled away.

    “I can train? I suppose I’ll do that…” Seres said with hope. She bit on her bottom lip as she pondered the idea before she nodded. “Thank you, Zach.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Train, but don’t run around like a mad woman and over-exert yourself. We don’t want to get into trouble now, do we? No we don’t.” Zach shook his head, waving a finger at her. “So go on now – pack up your shit and get outta here.” He grinned. “Don’t come back if you can help it.”


    Seres promply nodded before she slid off the table so that she could prepare to leave. As soon as she determined that she wasn’t missing anything that belonged to her, the girl left to go home. Once home, she sighed with frustration. She was under commands to not do anything strenuous, so she didn’t know what to do with herself.

    Kat Aclysm

    When Seres stepped in the front door, she would have discovered the large amount of parts and computer cables lying everywhere over the hallway. Cancer was working on a particularly ambitious project and now that it was coming together, she worked even harder on it. It was clear to see that the parts in the hallway had electricity running to them, mostly because the small LED lights on the boards were blinking like crazy as the strange connected pile did what it was designed to do.

    “Hey out there!” Cancer called out, already being able to sense who it was. She stepped into her doorway, frowning. “You’re back again. What happened this time?”

    She nodded at her cables and parts lying around. “This is going to make me rich. I’m building a proper server. I just need a rig or a large tower to put it in….”


    “Nothing,” Seres snarled out, not wanting to talk about her problems. Instead, she narrowed her eyes at the mess that was all around the ground before she snorted and shook her head.

    “Father’s going to kill you when he comes home. I hope you know this, sister. He hates messes like this. And this has to take a prize somewhere.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Your father is at work all day – I’ll have this cleaned up and inside my room again before he ever sees it.” Cancer folded her arms. “Now be nice to me and I’ll give you cheap internet access once I get the server going.”

    Meanwhile, Milena toddled up towards the cables, sniffing them curiously. “Oooh…” She purred, wagging her tail.


    “Hrmph… Alright. Just remember Father will kill you if he sees all of this. He’s been trying to kick you out of the house anyway..,” Seres grumbled out before she tiptoed around the cables. As she finally got past her sister’s mess, she moved to her bed.

    After only ten minutes of laying down on her bed, the girl was immensely bored. She scowled in annoyance before she looked out the window.


    ~Hey, tin can. Zach said that I was allowed to do practice if I didn’t strain myself. Come over here!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi seemed rather confused when Seres contacted him. *”Are you sure you want to train? You did pass out recently. You also seemed appauled by the idea that I would be assisting you with your training, so I have been withdrawn…”


    Serse scowled at Rhyderi’s response before she responded in a sharp nature, ~Of course I’m sure. I wouldn’t contact you if I wasn’t sure. I’m bored here. I don’t want to do nothing. You don’t move around much, so you can’t be strenuous to train against.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I don’t move around much? I am pretty agile. Just because I wear plate armor, it doesn’t mean that I am slow and lazy.”* Rhyderi sighed and moved towards Seres’s house. *”Are you sure you are fine with this? I do not want you to pass out again.”*


    ~Zach gave me something for that. I’ll be fine. I just need to take things easy, that’s all,~ Seres insisted. ~Now, stop questioning me. I’m really, really bored!~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Oh alright… stay there.”* Rhyderi moved to the door and gently knocked on it. As much as he was against the whole idea of sparring children, if Seres wanted to fight, he was alright with that much, he supposed.

    “Come on out. Or we can go somewhere else… such as your backyard.” He suggested.


    Seres grinned as she heard Rhyderi on the other side of her door. So, she slid off of her bed before she moved to her door. After exiting her room, she nodded at the elf.

    “Good, you came. Be careful of the cables. My sister is making a mess.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh, don’t worry. I am used to this sort of thing. When my brother and I were younger, he would pull things apart and leave them all over the floor in the living room of our apartment.” Rhyderi grinned. “I suppose it is only natural curiousity to pull things apart and put them back together.”

    “So…” He frowned, looking a little awkward. “The front yard? The back yard?”


    “Yea, but my sister is nearly twenty. She should know better by now,” Seres grumbled out. “She’s a royal pain. And in the back yard. I don’t want to be bothered.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi nodded. “Backyard it is.” He stepped back, carefully walking around Cancer’s computer hazard on the floor. He headed through the house, frowning at how tidy everything looked. He hardly guessed a General of the Army would have something like this.

    “What do you want to train in?” The elf sh rugged as he made his way outside, carefully sliding the door open enough that Seres could slip by. “I didn’t bring my weapon this time. You can use me as target-practise if you want.”

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