Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Jenna tilted to look at the door as Rhyderi entered. Nodding in appreciation, she moved in toward him before she nodded her head in Sephiroth’s direction.

    “My mate believes that Seres is out of control and should no longer be partnered with you. I wish to know what exactly happened between my daughter and you. I also want to know if you feel as if you should not be partnered with her any longer.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi took his helm off, his mess of orangey-blonde hair springing up as it was freed. He stepped forwards to the desk, looking unhappy as he took the seat facing the front of the desk.

    “Nothing really happened. I simply woke her up and told her that I would be her new partner. Then she had a tantrum and tried to attack me. I didn’t really do much. I let her strike me. Then she went away and collapsed.”


    Jenna glanced at Sephiroth, trying to judge his reaction. After a moment of this, she sighed before returning her attention to Rhyderi.

    “Sephiroth wants to separate the two of you because of this incident. Do you approve, elf?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi waved a hand, not seeming to mind. “If the army decides to move me elsewhere because we are not compatible, I shall respect the decision. If that happens however, I would like to request that I be returned to my small elven group. Although, I upranked one of them to take care of the group now…”

    He took his gauntlets off and began to rub his wrists. “I will do as I am asked.”


    “Ignore the fact that Sephiroth is in the room, Rhyderi. I want to know how you honestly feel about being removed as Seres’ partner. Do you honestly believe there is no hope of the two of you having a working relationship?” Jenna pressed on.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi rubbed his wrists, sighing. He eyed off Sephiroth, then glanced downwards. “She reminds me of myself, when I was 16 years old. Though in that situation I was thrust into chaos… I didn’t necessarily go looking for it.”

    “Right now, I think she is too irrational and brash. Too hot headed….” He raised his head again, his bluey-green eyes focussing on Jenna. “But with some training and focus, I believe she has potential. A whole lot of it if it is focussed and turned in the right direction.”


    “Yes, but do you think you should be involved in this training or not?” Jenna repeated herself. “Sephiroth thinks that it is in the best interest of both of you to sever your partnership. Do you honestly agree with is decision?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi glanced off to one side. “I think it would benefit her to have a mentor, yes. She is young and excitable. This is not a bad thing, but if she is to learn, she needs guidance. If not me, somebody else. I do not agree with breaking the partnership. She needs a guiding hand. She’s too young to learn everything on her own.”


    Jenna smirked, before she looked at Sephiroth and nudged him. “So, are you certain you made the right decision, Seph? Hm?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth eyed off his papers, then flicked them off to one side, shrugging. “I will review this again soon enough. I am not changing my stance until Seres is well again. Until then I am not going to change anything.”

    He waved a hand at Rhyderi. “Get out of here. Shoo.”


    Jenna allowed herself a small smirk as she heard Sephiroth’s admission. She then tilted her head at Rhyderi once more before she nodded at him.

    ~If you want to ferment a partnership with my daughter, perhaps you should visit her and help her with her recovery.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi slowly nodded his head. *”I should bring her something that she likes, though I am uncertain as to what that is.”* He glanced up at Jenna, then rose to his feet, plucking up his big metallic plate gauntlets. *”Do you know what that might be? I feel that chocolate or flowers would be out of place or taken badly.”*


    ~Seres is a lot like her Father… She tends to only think about two things, swords and sex,~ Jenna offered. ~However, I doubt you’d feel comfortable with those options. So… perhaps a book? I do not know.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Seres already has swords, and doesn’t need those… as for sex… it would be most improper as I am too old for her. I also practise celibacy.”* Rhyderi frowned further. “I shall have to buy something small, I suppose.”*


    ~I don’t believe that my daughter is anything less than a virgin anyway… However, those were the activities that I knew she’d like,~ Jenna responded. ~Yes, try for something small to keep her entertained. Best of luck to you, elf.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed as he made his way out of the office, and then the building. With Jenna’s questions answered, he knew he should have felt happier, but in truth, he was still uneasy. The elf still had Seres’s reactions in mind as he headed towards the hospital, his speed slowing as he got closer. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to visit with Seres and upset her further.

    Sephiroth scowled as he moved to his feet. “That was unecessary.” He muttered. “Let’s get coffee now.”


    “I don’t drink coffee,” Jenna plainly stated as she pushed away from him. “And I feel it was necessary. You clearly weren’t interested in looking into it from any side but your own.”

    Seres was still out cold at the hospital. Her mind was completely exhausted by the psychic energy that she had used earlier on in the day. So, her body had basically shut down in order to recuperate the energy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi bought a small red and blue stuffed dragon toy which squeaked when squeezed. Although it wasn’t something he would have enjoyed personally, he couldn’t help but think about how non-threatening it was.

    “These are probably being made to normalize the damned things… so people aren’t so afraid of them.” He eyed off the plush animal another time before stuffing it into the gift bag that had come with it.

    Once he was in the hospital building, he made his way to Seres’s room. However, he found himself dissapointed when he discovered that she was out of it. Rather than waking her, he took the dragon plushie out of its place in the bag, propping it up on the ledge near her bed so that it sat there, staring at her with its beady glass eyes.

    He gave the creature a small grin before stepping out once again. “Kalysto owned one of you guys, once…”

    “If you don’t want coffee, I am just going to get some for myself.” Sephiroth stated. “Do you want anything at all? I am headed for the cafeteria.”


    Seres groaned as she started to stir again. As she woke up, she blinked at the sight of a plush dragon staring her down. After a moment, a small smile crossed her lips as she moved to hug onto it. Even though she played the tough girl, she was still a child.

    “No, Seph. I am fine. I ate something before I came here,” Jenna replied.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Suit yourself.” Sephiroth grinned and moved out of the room. He headed down the hallway to the cafeteria and sat down, getting a slice of cake and a cup of espresso coffee for himself. Once seated and eating, he was content.

    Zach came into Seres’s room a few hours later, carrying needles and various other equipment.
    “How are you doing?” He grinned. “You gave us all a bit of a scare there. Do you remember much of what happened?”


    Seres had been fidgety since waking up, still not fully certain why she was here at the hospital. She wanted to be out so that she could practice. She didn’t have much of a disposition to enjoy the hospital, for her parents had told her horror stories of doctors and scientists. Moreover, the place smelled.

    Once Zach came into the room, the girl smiled with relief. “Can I go home now?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach shook his head at Seres, looking rather unhappy at her commentary.

    “Unfortunately, no. Not right now.” He sighed. “You can go home in a few hours once I’ve finished looking at your blood-work to make sure that what made you rage and pass out was what we thought it was…” He grunted. “If so, all we need to do is adjust the dosage, or consider giving you a break from it for a while.”

    “Just sit tight for a while. We’ll get it ironed out soon enough.” He offered her a grin. “TV? Food? Anything?”


    “What are you talking about, Zach? I’m fine. I don’t want to change the dosage of my treatments. I’m becoming the best ever..,” Seres complained. “I can’t do that if I don’t have the best treatments…”

    She then whimpered at the thought. As she did this, she tightened the hug that she had put over the stuffed dragon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach waved a hand at her. “Oh I didn’t say halt them. Just give them a break for a while, until things normalize again.” He grabbed her clipboard and showed her some of the details on it.

    “See this? Jenova cells tease your other glands into producing a hormone which is kind of like testosterone. We have to do more studies on it, but it’s unique to Jenova-Celled creatures like us. It makes us do all kinds of things. The added hormone in your blood is why you have the competitive thing going on.” He rubbed the side of his head. “Give it time to even out. You’re young, you’ll be fine again soon.”


    Seres narrowed her eyes before she lowered her head and grumbled out, “I’m perfectly fine. I’m not out of control or anything. Father is just overreacting..”

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