Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Seres grinned with anticipation as she followed the elf out of the house. She didn’t care if the tin can was an annoying guy, she was going to be able to do more than stare at the ceiling.

    Once they stepped out onto the lawn, she hummed in thought. “Well… I suppose we can do some close quarters combat. Might as well if you brought no weapon.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi nodded in agreement and then began to remove some of his armor. There were loud clattering sounds as he removed the chest plates and leg plating, placing them in a pile on the lawn. He rubbed his joints and wriggled about, as if warming up.

    “So, unarmed close-combat? Try not to go too rough, I bruise easily.” He chuckled. “I’ll hold back, but I’m fully expecting you to kick my ass.”


    Seres looked Rhyderi over as he stripped down his armor. Upon seeing the metal be completely removed, she snorted and shook her head.

    “How do you not overheat wearing all of that shit? You do realize that you’re in a modern age now. You should wear more appropriate clothing,” Seres snarled out in distaste.

    After commenting on the elf’s clothing, the girl took a step back so that she could move into a combat-ready stance.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Wear more appropriate clothing in a modern age?” Rhyderi laughed. “This coming from somebody who uses katanas when their enemies use guns and flame-breath?” He waggled a finger. “If it works for you, use it. It works for me, so I use it. Make sense?”

    He stepped back, moving into a battle ready stance of his own. “When you’re ready.”


    “I at least wear clothing that was made in this decade. Anyway, I know how to use guns,” Seres grumbled out before she moved in to start the spar.

    “You wear clothing from the middle ages. It’s ridiculous. There’s much more effective armor out there. You should try it.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I know how to use a gun too,” Rhyderi mused as he blocked one of the incoming kicks. “You point it at something and pull the trigger. Bang. Recoil. Dead target.”

    “Thing is,” He leaped forwards, attempting to sweep her legs out from under her a moment later. “I like my plate. Maybe I am conceited for wearing something shiny and golden, but it works.”


    “If you want to make yourself a giant target, sure, wear that junk,” Seres grumbled out as she worked on making certain she countered and attacked Rhyderi properly. Every now and again, she stumbled a bit because she was still a bit inexperienced. “However, we have much better armor available. Anyway, your metal looks like it’s about to rust over.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi continued to train with Seres for the afternoon, attacking occaisonally, but mostly let Seres get the hits in. He managed to walk away with several bruises however, and grumbled to himself about how sore he would be the next day.

    Sephiroth came home from work to the training noises. He stood at the kitchen window and peeked outside, curious at the noise.

    *”I see you found yourself something to do.”* He smirked at Seres.


    Seres panted a bit as Rhyderi walked away from her, a bit tired out from the practice that she had done. However, upon hearing her father’s voice, her eyes narrowed in frustration. Snorting, she crossed her arms.

    “I needed something to do… Zach said I couldn’t go back on duty.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Can’t you do something else? Like go ride a bicycle like a normal teenager?” Sephiroth shook his head. “Or catch up with your friends and do… whatever it is that teen girls do. I don’t really know so I can’t make many suggestions.”


    “I didn’t feel like hanging around a bunch of drunks at the local bar, Father. Their habits are disgusting,” Seres snidely commented. “This was much more constructive.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You’re not hanging around a bar!” Sephiroth hissed. “You’re not even old enough to be able to do so. Why would you even suggest that? Go ride your bicycle. Go do something – anything. Just stop worrying about the army. You don’t need to make it your life.”


    “Why not? You’ve done it and you aren’t worse for wear because of it,” Seres retorted. “I’m perfectly content living my life the way I choose, Father. And I didn’t say I wanted to hang around bars, just most of my fellow soldiers do.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grunted in irritation. “Most of your fellow soldiers aren’t 14 years old either. Don’t you have any friends around your own age? Surely you can do something… do you even have a bicycle?” He shrugged. “I don’t even know what to suggest… do something leisurely now that you have the free time to do so.”


    “Shouldn’t you know whether I own a bike or not, Father? You’re supposed to keep track of that sort of stuff,” Seres grumbled out, not really feeling like giving him a proper answer. “And I am perfectly fine doing this. I enjoy sparring and practicing. It’s relaxing. Why should I change my recreations?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I hope it’s not your entire focus.” Sephiroth frowned at her. “Even I do other things for recreation besides swinging a sword around and pretending to attack and kill things.” He muttered. “Do you want a bike? I can buy you one later today… you wouldn’t want mine. It’s too heavy for you and I don’t think your feet could reach the pedals…”


    Seres groaned in frustaration before she exploded. So, she glared at Sephiroth before she yelled out, “No! I don’t want a bike! If I wanted a bike, I would have asked for one by now, Father! Can you please drop it? You’re driving me nuts!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth reared his head back sllightly at Seres’s outburst. He guessed she was still raging from her crazy episode earlier and frowned, pointing towards the door.

    “Go to bed.” He ordered her.


    “Why should I? I was perfectly fine and happy here, Father! Why did you have to push your way? I don’t want to go riding a bicycle. Why can’t I just have fun the way I like it?” Seres continued on, not wanting to move at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled. “Sparring is considered a strenuous activity. I believe when I read the briefing on your condition, it’s directions were that you were to be on strict rest and relaxation? Which surely means no sparring for you.” He was tapping his foot now.

    Rhyderi was listening closely to the conversation and decided that it was time to step in. He stood in the doorway, rubbing the back of his head, looking rather apologetic. “Excuse me for interrupting, General… but seeing as though we are both off-duty and this is a civilian situation I believe I am free to speak…” He hesitated. “Seres and I were just sparring lightly. Not very much contact. You may even like to call it play fighting…”

    “The point is, if I may speak…” He quickly added, “I don’t consider it to really be strenuous. No more so than running to your drive-way, anyway.”


    Seres continued to glare at Sephiroth, less than happy that he had tried to dictate how she had fun. However, once Rhyderi began to speak, she glanced over to him. As she listened to the elf’s words, a small grateful smile crept onto her lips.

    “See! I was taking it easy. Anyway, Zach told me that I could train as long as I kept it light and easy.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth gave Rhyderi a hard cold stare, snuffing at him before turning on his heels, heading into the kitchen so that he could investigate dinner. “See that you do.” He instructed Seres as he slipped away towards the refridgerator.

    Rhyderi raised his brows, giving Seres an odd look. *”He’s always like that, isn’t he.”


    Seres glared at the ground as she clenched her fists, still frustrated that Sephiroth had tried to dictate how she should have fun. She found it insulting that he had been trying to shove biking onto her. She didn’t want to bike at all.

    Thus, it took her ar moment to realize that Rhyderi was talking to her. Upon the realization, she glanced up at him before she slowly nodded.

    “Father likes things his way. Mother can drive him nuts.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed, slowly nodding his head. “I see….” He nodded towards the door. “Well, we should go back outside and train some more, then. Unless of course, you want to have dinner. If that is so, I can slip back home to my apartment.”

    He frowned slightly, not seeming terribly thrilled by the idea.


    Seres tilted her head to slowly look over Rhyderi. Frowning in thought, she narrowed her eyes as she considered her thoughts before she quickly looked away toward a random tree.

    “I was tired out anyway. I was going to call it quits. However…,” Seres started off. “The maid usually makes more food than what we can eat. You can stay for dinner.”

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