Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Seres: ~A class? There are classes already? Was I supposed to report somewhere and find out whether I had a class or not? You told me just to go to my room..~ *bites her lip, unsure as to what she’s doing right now. Still, she doesn’t bother getting up and remains on the bed*

Jennah: *shoots Seph a dirty look* ~Yes, of course I will ask him. Just sometimes he prefers to talk to you more than he talks to me.~ *snorts and leads Ramiel into the house* Here it is, the house of my dimensional duplicate. *ponts to the bathroom* You can clean up in there.

Kether: *is sitting in the middle of the living room, playing with a few toy cars. He looks up as Ramiel and Jennah comes in, but doesn’t say anything.*