Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

Kat Aclysm

“If you want my opinion,” Sephiroth grunted, “I would suggest to stay with whomever makes you happier. Zach feeds you and maintains you like a son, and that is to be respected. However, there is a downside to that. He will be in a tiny apartment that you will not feel comfortable in. It will be small, compact, and full of people who do not really understand dragons. They may even harass you for being a ‘pet’.”

He sighed and placed a hand on the dragon’s head. “Give it another month. I’ll come up with some kind of compromise that makes everyone happy. In the meantime, I’m going to go ahead and move Zach into that apartment – Jenna is driving everyone insane about it.”