I know this is late

Sorry once again for being so erratic when it comes to blogging.  It’s the busy season at my work, and I’m getting new tasks handed to me now that our management is reorganized.  So, it’s becoming rare to have a calm, lucid moment for me to gather my thoughts with.  However, there’s been plenty of quick breather moments, hence my activity in twitter.  I’ll try to get better at blogging, not that I need to please anyone aside from myself.

Anyway, I have a number of streams to present from this past week and weekend.  So, feel free to check them out after the skip.

Continue reading I know this is late

When spell checks go wrong

Spell checks are wonderful things.  They help people locate errors that had been overlooked for various reasons.  I know for sure that I have had my share of typos that have been caught by spell checks.  They definitely can save a piece of work, that’s for sure.

However, one must always be careful when utilizing an automated service to look over a product.  There’s always the chance that the program will guess the wrong word when attempting to decipher bad spelling.  Sometimes, the spell checker is not programmed properly, so it doesn’t know the word is wrong.  So, it’s always best to double-check the spell checker either on one’s own or by asking someone else to review it.

However, despite how sloppy it may look when a spell checker does come up with the wrong word, I manage to find a fair deal of amusement from the results.  Results such as these two.

“He could feel burning heat around him as he struggled to the service, desperate for some air. Once he reached the service, he swam slowly over to a rock ledge and pulled himself out of the lava.”


“While Ada was on her mission and reported to him about Jake Muller, he was surprised that he had a sun, but he did not show it.”

Both of these examples came from the same mediocre story.  In fact, there’s other points that I can pick at, such as the author’s notes being longer than the actual chapter, but those two sentences simply stuck out.

Thanks for the laugh via wrong word usage.

The pain that comes at finding some stories

First, yes, I have not forgotten that I have a blog.  I just have been busy with life this summer.  For the most part, things are starting to settle down at my work, so the stress is beginning to wane.  However, things are still a bit on the hectic side, so I may still be erratic when it comes to online activities.

That said, sorry for missing nearly a month full of streams.  I had little to do with anything other than needing some down time.  I was just tired out by the end of the week through most of last month, so I took some time to simply relax and enjoy life.  That is a nice option about doing things just for my own pleasure, I can take time off when I please. As for this past weekend, I simply was attending EVO.

Anyway, this entry isn’t about my streams nor my life.  I am once again here blogging because I’ve had the sad pleasure of bumping into a story on fanfiction.net that made me run off in search of something to burn.

Now, I normally start upon reading a new story by quickly flicking through it and reading bits and peaces in order to get the general feel of the story.  I find this to be a reasonable way in determining whether or not the author can hold my attention.  Well, I can assure you that this story failed on that front.

All I needed to read was this one paragraph before I determined that I had no desire to read any further.

Alucard approached the highschool campus with after being stuck in America for a week with nothing to do he got to kill could be heard and ghoul moans frowned, there was only one freak to deal with yet so many this was revenge or the American government waited until the last second to tell his master Integra about the situation.

Now, sadly, I had to read this paragraph about three times to make certain that my brain wasn’t playing tricks on me.  This simply has to be one of the worst run-ons I’ve ever encountered to date.  I still haven’t fully been able to decipher this paragraph, nor do I want to expend brain cells to attempt such a task.  However, I came to the conclusion that the sentence is both a run-on, which is missing proper punctuation, and missing crucial words as well, which would permit me to know what it was trying to tell me.

So, it’s not much of a surprise that I put this story near the bottom of my list of stories that I would ever fully read.

Seferia breaks games chronicles

I’m quickly throwing this up before I forget to post it again.

Anyway, sadly, I wasn’t recording when this occurred, so all I have are a few screenshots of the bizzareness that I stumbled across while I was playing SWTOR with Xane. It seems that I can make entire rooms in a MMO just vanish and not load. Who knew… Oh wait, Zero probably already had money down on that one.

Anyway, enjoy the photographic proof.












Holy wall of text!!

Sorry that I haven’t blogged in a long time. I’ve been busy at work for the most part. I’ve also had a week of whining to my ISP to get things running properly. So, I just have been drained for a bit.

The good news is that my work is restocked with people filling the spots that I was filling. So, I’m no longer doing 2.5 people’s jobs. Still, it is summer time, and that’s the busy time for the moving industry. So, expect me to be tired still.

On the same note, that’s the main reason I didn’t stream this past Saturday. The secondary was because I was supposed to help out cleaning and needed to get to that anyway. So, I just took a day away from my normal schedule to sleep and relax.

However, that all isn’t why I’m making this post. I’m making this post because I have once again stumbled upon a horrid fanfic.

I’m still on a Hellsing kick because Alucard is awesomesauce. While the section doesn’t have nearly as many stories for me to hunt through as Final Fantasy VII or Resident Evil, it still has a healthy supply of them. Sadly, this also means that I have a large chance of hitting stories that just simply should not be.

This story is one of them. I was once again running low on good stories, so I started to lower my standards of searches, which is usually stories that reach above the 10k word mark. Though, I’m still rather stringent about looking for stories that average over 1k words per chapter. Sometimes, this produces some interesting forming works. Other times…

Well, other times, I get stories like this one. Please, author of this story, learn to use paragraphs! It hurts my eyes! I didn’t get past glancing over it and seeing that wall of text. I just simply cannot think of reading through that.

Read at your own risk, I take no responsibility for headaches that occur.

Also, sorry I haven’t done my normal stream roll blog post. With all my test streams and whatnot I’ve had the last few weeks, I figure I’ll leave that be for now. If you want to watch the latest streams, feel free to check my twitch channel.

Also, just for the record, Malek, you have competition. 13hxane leaped off cliffs left and right last night.

Another weekend full of streams

Seems like both the Star Wars Fridays and the Ultimaturdays are going strong. So far, I have not had a reason to miss either dose of streaming. Though, both need some work, that’s for sure.

Anyway, if you missed my streams from the weekend and want to check them out, feel free to press the more button below.

But first, a little preview of the chaos to come:

Don't Run With Maps

Yep, that did happen.

Also, thank you, Moropa, for the image.

Continue reading Another weekend full of streams

I actually found a good one

Well, I actually find gems more often than I let on. I just figure that most people would not agree with some of my definitions of gems. Sometimes, I’m attracted to well-written stories that have strange premises that sell me to their ways. However, that’s not what this article is about. So, don’t worry.

As many know, I’ve been on a Hellsing kick still thanks to Meez. I blame Meez for all of this. It is all his fault. Anyway, I’ve been browsing the stories there, digging and scratching in hopes of finding things that actually entertain me. Most of what do entertain me are so desperately old that there is no hope that they will ever be updated again.

However, I’ve recently stumbled across one that has only recently started up and seems to be building up to something that should hopefully keep me entertained. It also passes the tests of being well written with no distracting grammar quirks. That is always a good thing.

Also, it does not look to be romance-centric, which works perfectly fine. I rather just enjoy reading character interactions and do not need people trying to force characters onto each other. In fact, most of the stories that I read that do include romance usually force it on the characters. That is not the way to go at all.

Anyway, I do highly suggest checking out this story. As I was hinting, I see a writer that has stayed as close to the original characterizations as possible. Not to mention, it looks like this character is willing to beat up the characters just a big, which always entertains me. It will be interesting to see where this story goes.

I don’t really want to speak much of the plot, for I fear that may spoil the fun of the story. Not to mention, it’s only just barely started.

Yes, I know, Seferia’s being boring and actually praising a story instead of tearing it to shreds. So, sorry those that love my little rants. Perhaps next time.

For those that may be interested in the story

Well, I had a few people ask about this when I glanced by the fact that I was stressed due to serious changes at my work. So, I figure I might as well give those that are curious as much information as I am permitted to give. Please note, work places have confidentiality clauses. Also, I don’t know all the details of what went on. So, in some points, I am as much in the dark as anyone reading this.

So, let’s get this sad tale started. Yesterday, when I walked into work, I did not expect anything at all. Usually, my days blend into each other because, in general, nothing ever really changes. Sure, there may be a new part to order one day, or there may be a strange accident the other. However, the general flow of each day is more or less the same.

Well, that was definitely not the case yesterday. Not long after I started setting up my work programs, I was informed that there was a major shake-up in my office. Apparently, the manager and parts foreman, both related to each other, quit in between the time that I had left work and the time I had come in. There was no prelude to the departure of both of these individuals. We just simply no longer had those two major figures at our work.

Well, my position isn’t necessarily the lowest ranked in the shop. So, I was suddenly tossed into the position where I had to suddenly pick up a large portion of paperwork and other tasks that I had only barely touched or was never clued in at all. In fact, I’m still in the process of learning a whole lot at the moment, but we’ll get back to that. Luckily, I had covered for the parts foreman in the past, so I knew a good deal of the various tasks needed to keep that going. It was more of an unexpected wave that made the burden stressful than the fact that anything.

Also, we did have the positive element that the divisional vice president was in the area and helped us out. They even dragged someone over from Phoenix, our main offices, to help teach us the elements that we had not been trained on. I’m honestly very impressed that they got him in within half a work day. Must be tough to be called out like that.

On a side note, I was just told “if you get overwhelmed, holler out. I’m not going to help you, but holler out.” He will never read this, but thanks a lot, Randy.

Anyway, the fact that I am capable of writing this at the moment is more of a testament of how quickly I can type and think. I am extremely busy at work and do have a lot that just suddenly appeared on my plate. However, I am determined to overcome. Heh, maybe I can even snap at another raise.

Sorry for boring.

Missed the chance to see the Girls’ Party?

Well, Seferia is here once more to do her normal post-stream report.  So fear not, the party shall be seen no matter what time you desire to see it.

As I had previously posted, I had taken over hosting duties for Girl’s Night Out at Seraphie’s request.  I really do hope that I don’t let her down on that regard.  As far as hosting goes, I have no issues with that.  I just did not have the outpouring of gals popping up that Seraphie had managed the other nights.  So, we’ll see what happens with that.

Anyway, want to watch carnage and destruction?  For there are plenty of deaths, most notably mine!

Continue reading Missed the chance to see the Girls’ Party?