Ad Hoc Party, You are driving me nuts!

For the past two days, Ad Hoc Party on the PS3 has been extremely unstable. Monday wasn’t too bad, we were able to get a decent amount of hunts in before things disconnected. However, yesterday was absolutely horrible. I just… don’t even know where to start on how horrid yesterday was.

At first, it seemed fine, Zeke and I were getting quests done. I triple-carted while bowing a Copper Blangonga…. Yea, not my best moment there. We killed Nargas for Deva. Then, things went bad quick. First we disconnected, then we tried to make a new room. Once we were all in and ready, we disconnected again. Ad Hoc went even more bonkers by only telling us that A1 was available… all in red. So, we tried the Japanese Ad Hoc. For three minutes, it looked good, then we disconnected yet again.

This went on and on and on… Eventually we gave up. At least Deva and I got some practice beating each other up in Mahvel last night.

I so hate arena

I love Monster Hunter to death, but I shall forever hate arena/training school in MonHun. My patience level for these types of things is next to none. I especially hate that I have to get through them in order to get Fatalis properly unlocked in Freedom Unite….

Mweh, I’ll try for Kirin again later. I want to do other stuff.

Seferia does in fact live

Haven’t been blogging for a while. That’s mostly been because I’ve been recovering from illness and just not feeling like doing anything other than going blegh and grr at the fact that I had no voice. Though… the “grr” wasn’t physically possible.

Anyway, I was insane and streamed on Friday. So, if anyone missed it, here are the recordings from this past Friday’s Freedom Fridays.

Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV


Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV

I clearly still have bugs going on with my recording set-up. I had attempted switching from the USB connection for my headset to the direct line inputs. However, the sound for the game still buzzed and the recording program froze a few times. So, I’m going to have to do more prodding to try to perfect that. I also still don’t know why it split into two parts when I never stopped streaming. Oh wells.

Enjoy the “squeak”.

Being sick is no fun.

I’ve been sick the last few days. It started on Tuesday night when I just had a runny nose. However, that soon turned into a sore throat. For the last two nights, I’ve been sleeping like crazy, over twelve hours each night, in hopes of fully recovering. Basically, all I have is a nasty head cold, but it’s still annoying.

Hopefully I’ll be functioning enough tonight to play Freedom Unite.

The Guantlet has a new home!

Once upon a time, Seferia was bored.  In fact, a lot upon a time, Seferia is bored…  However, that is beside the point.  So, Seferia made a group on Capcom Unity to entertain herself for a while.  During that time, she permitted for bending of rules, for it was a private group.  All members were adults, and fun was had.  Seferia approved.

However, that group has died down, and now Seferia is bored again.  So, Seferia is reviving the most popular topic and event from that forums here on her own site with even looser rules.  The only rule is no pornography/illegal content.

Thus, Seferia introduces you to the Gauntlet.  It is a thread of ultimate “top this”-ness.  The objective is to find the worst of the worst out there, of all genres.  Share it and then find more of the greatness to laugh and snicker at.  For quite some time, this thread had a lively following of evilness.

Without further preamble, Seferia presents to you the highlights of the original Gauntlet!

Continue reading The Guantlet has a new home!

The weekend round-up

Well, it is Monday, so back to work for me.  However,  I had plenty of events that occurred over the weekend to speak of, so I might as well speak of them.

As I mentioned in a previous post, EVO occurred this past weekend here in Las Vegas, so I swung by to hang out with the guys.  For the most part, I had fun.  We conversed and had many laughs while hanging out there.  Some attempted to convince me that a game called Dive Kick was great…  I just didn’t see the appeal.  It was much too bland for my tastes.  However, those that got into it certainly had fun.

On Saturday, I woke up with a terrible headache due to dehydration, something that sometimes happens since I live in a desert.  Thus, when I wasn’t able to park where I had planned to and had my way blocked to park in the alternative spot, I parked at the Palazzo, which was farther north than I had intended to be.  Thanks to the distance, heat, and already dehydrated state that I was in, I quickly felt too flushed and exhausted to continue down to the Coke Store where I had intended to meet up with some guys for some more hanging out.  So, I had to miss out on that.

However, I did not miss out on the dinner at Margarittaville, which was rather fun.  Greg, Toshin, Will, Will’s girlfriend, and Toshin’s friend all joined me there, and we just chattered on for a good two hours while dining.  It was a very fun time.  I once again wish to thank Greg for treating us.

So, that’s basically what occurred at EVO, however, one other thing did occur this past weekend.  I had hosted another Freedom Fridays stream last Friday, which went much smoother than the previous attempt.  I still need to do some tweaking, for there were points in which the video froze up.  I think it was mostly my computer or connection being a pain though.  I also noticed that even though I don’t recall a drop in the connection, the saved stream is in two parts.  So, either my cat walked over my keyboard or the connection did drop for a few seconds.  I’ll continue to fiddle with the settings to perfect everything.

Anyway, for those who wish to see the result of last Friday’s stream:

Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV


Watch live video from seferia on TwitchTV


People seem to be collecting evidence that Seferia breaks games.

Even Seferia is collecting evidence against herself.  Perhaps Seferia’s technique of not reading what she’s supposed to be doing and just doing stuff…  Nope, the two recorded incidents have nothing to do with that.

You see, first Seferia livestreamed herself while she was playing Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles.  Overall…   Well, Seferia died a lot and made  few mistakes.  However, there was one point in which Seferia was baffled for just a small bit.

You see, the monkey is apparently not supposed to fall down that hole.  However, the monkey did fall down the hole.  Seferia didn’t initially notice that the monkey had fallen down the hole, and by the time she noticed, she was confused as to how to hit it.  Her window of opportunity was rather small and the monkey stopped jumping after a time.  Luckily, blast damage took care of the issue.

Meanwhile, Seferia got blamed for this little thing by proxy, for she was hosting the game.

Seferia actually had nothing to do with the incident filmed.  She was running around town when the boys glitched themselves.  Seferia didn’t even witness the sky-walking.  Instead, Seferia just saw a motionless hovering hunter.  Thus, Seferia could be witnessed shooting at something close to the ground, for that is where she was seeing Zero.

So, Seferia denies any responsibility for this one.  Seferia was hosting the game, that is all.