Yesetday was not a good day for Seferia

Well, another blog post of life stuffs. Go ahead and go to sleep now, for there will be a lot of not much for you to care about in here.

Starting Tuesday evening, around 11pm PST, I started having a sharp pain in my abdominal area. I’ve had a history of extreme, painful constipation that usually passes as soon as the annoyance is out of my system. I’ve had these often enough that I’ve come up with a term for it for my own purposes: a purge cycle. So, I initially thought the pain in my guts was nothing short of this. So, I didn’t sleep most of Tuesday evening and spent most of the night thinking of how to rip out my guts from my body.

Unfortunately, the normal “cycle” did not occur and the pain lasted into the following day. Still, thinking it was nothing more than annoying constipation, I went into work and did my best to ignore the pain. I am rather great at ignoring pain. So great, in fact, that I’ve frightened a nurse at an emergency room by just staring him in the eye as he set my broken foot after I refused pain medications. Apparently, few are able to do a feat like that.

Anyway, the pain lasted, but it felt like it was manageable, so I tried eating something that usually makes things do stuff, fries, that evening. This perhaps was my worse decision. That or the pepto that I took that evening as well. Anyway, the pain returned with a vengeance on Wednesday evening, though I once again did my best to ignore it. However, in the process, I did completely frighten Russia, for we were in a voice chat when the pain started to really hit me. He heard my voice waver and become rather… well, the pain was getting to me.

No matter, being the stubborn being that I am, I was going to ignore the pain and just assume that it was a pulled muscle or something like that. So, I got myself set with a heat pad and tried to sleep. That was, I was going to ignore it until I vomitted that evening near the midnight hour. At first, I was grateful that something had happened so things weren’t just sitting there, but as I looked at the vomit, I became concerned. For, I couldn’t tell if the red in the vomit was blood or half-way digested pepto bismol. Not to mention, throwing up after taking pepto was likely a bad sign.

So, being the pain that I am, I decided I wanted immediate advice and assistance. Thus, I dialed my mother for her advice on the matter. After speaking to her, she convinced me to go the emergency room, for she thought it could have been appendicitis, something I doubted. Despite my doubts on the seriousness, I did feel her advice to get it looked at immediately versus waiting until the morning was probably for the best.

For these reasons, I spent most of my evening in the emergency room. As a side note: I love that when I feel unwell, my temperature actually drops. I saw the reading, it was 96.7 or something like that. Proof that I’m cold-blooded as I claim, no? Anyway, the doctors immediately paid attention to my complaints and wanted to do tests to find out what was wrong.

So, over the course of several hours, I listened to one woman loudly moan and beg for an IV with pain meds (I think she may have been a drug addict, the moaning was too prominent to be real!), got an ultrasound of my abdominal area, had blood taken for tests (in which the nurse was very happy that my veins are extremely visible), and provided urine for tests as well. Since all of this took several hours to complete, I mostly curled up on the hospital bed and tried to nap as best as I could through the pain.

In the end, the results came back. I was informed that I had gallstones and those were the source of my pain. In all honesty, I am quite glad that’s what was wrong. I did not want it to be something major. I really didn’t want to have to worry about getting an implant or something horrid. I also didn’t want to find out that I was an overreacting idiot; strange as it may sound, I did want it to have a real reason for going to the emergency room.

Anyway, I was sent home after being given the diagnosis and some prescriptions for anit-pain narcotics and anti-nausea drugs. On the way home, I unfortunately vomited one last time in Steve’s car. I really hope that it comes out, since that Jeep is relatively new and nice. Once home, I had to wait several long hours for us to be able to obtain the pain meds. So, I developed a low-tech way of relieving pain, for just being in the bed did not allow me to sleep. I filled up my bathtub with hot water and soaked in it for several hours so that I would be able to relax.

After a few hours of that, I retreated to a recliner which had a heated back setting. I soon found a new reason to love that setting, the heat was very useful for managing the pain. So was the Calpyso that decided to lay on my stomach and act as a heat pad. Thus, I spent most of Thursday sleeping on that recliner with a cat sleeping on me.

At the moment, I’m at work for a few hours, doing what little I can through the haze of my pain meds. I’ll be going to a doctor later today for some follow-up on all of this. From what I’ve been told, I will most likely need surgery to solve all of this.

Anyway, there’s my long life update that you probably couldn’t care less about.

In other news, I have a Wii U reserved at Best Buy because Amazon’s being silly and not putting up their preorder page. I also got some good news in that Monster Hunter Tri G (now known as Ultimate) is coming to the West. Thanks Yuri for giving me that good news.

Anyway, I am ending my long post of stuff. I’m also noting that this one blog post is longer than some fanfics that I’ve seen on… Amateur, writers there, learn how to write!

Oh… if for some reason you want to comment to me on what I just wrote about and don’t want to make an account here, do note that I’ve set this blog up to accept comments from twitter/facebook accounts. You can also be 100% anonymous.

Why does Japan get all the good stuff?

Many of you have noticed that I am currently addicted to White Knight Chronicles II. It’s not at all obvious from witnessing my status state that I’m playing it more often than not on my PSN. No, it’s not obvious at all…

However, I must morn my choice in games. I always fall in love with games where the US doesn’t get all the goodies. Starting with my love for Final Fantasy VII (Before Crisis, anyone?) to Monster Hunter to this game. I just always pick that game where I will always be wishing for that thing that isn’t quite in my grasp.

Le sigh to me. It is a regrettable state of my existence. Until then, I shall continue to explore Japanese sites and go “oooo!” to all the goodies.

I mean really… so many quests that I want here. Like this:


Thank you Lar!

You just brought to my notice a great little gadget that I am certain that I will jump on it if not as soon as it comes out, rather quickly.

Oh yes! A stylus for my iPad that will be pressure sensitive? That will definitely make my desires to use my iPad as a sketchbook complete! In fact, I’d probably sketch more if that was the case, for the current stylus that I have makes things feel chunky. I can’t stand drawing while things are chunky.

I’m just so excited to see more about this.

Dang you, iPod!

Making me want to play Beat Hazard when I can’t!

This song recently came up in my random playlist:

As I’m listening to it, I’m just imagining all the ways that I’ve screamed in fear and terror as I tried to survive all ten minutes in Beat Hazard on Insane while playing this song.  In fact… Now that I think about it…  That might make a fun video to record!

I’m pretty certain my X-split can manage being the recorder for such an event.  Yay for idea spawning.

To all from Capcom Unity who visit my site

As you all should know, Unity went down today so that it could undergo a massive update and revamp.  I can assure that revamp is going to be sweet with a lot of new features and pretty stuff.

However, until the site is back up, you are free to stalk me over here.  If you bump into something that gives you issues here, feel free to e-mail me at psychopyro [dot] locita [at] gmail [dot] com or just message me in general.  I will do my best to remove any blocks between you and your ability to communicate here.

If you’re wondering what would make Seferia do anything against you here: just no porn/torrents/other illegal activities.  Crosswinds doesn’t want me doing illegal/porn stuff here, they are my webhost, and thus don’t be illegal/pornographic.  Curse if you really want to, but try not to be too grating or I might give you the evil glare of glariness.

Oh, and also, don’t be a spambot.  WangGuard will hunt you down.  If it misses you, I’ll get you!

Forum links are to the side over this a way ->

Comments are also welcome, if you haven’t commented before, I need to just give you an approval and you’ll be set for “life”.

Hehehe…. Oopsie…

Seferia done goofed a few times these last few days. First, she gets herself locked out of her own site for fifteen minutes because she was messing around with settings and trying to find files and opening bad areas of her site.. The security system that was responsible for that got fried and fired.

Then Seferia tried to add in an alternative anti-spam to WangGuard, but it conflicted with Jetpack. Seferia did not like that, so that plugin got fried and fired.

Then… Seferia realized that the Jetpack comments that she liked because they permitted for Twitter and Facebook peoples to comment without making an account on her site were locked out because a Captcha add-on was not showing… Seferia should have tested that a few weeks ago when she added Jetpack. Silly Seferia. All is fixed now. The plugin did not get fried, but Seferia tweaked with it to make it work better.

Seferia also let her friend Kat know that she had a plugin installed that generated auto-tweets that claimed that Seferia was talking when it was Kat talking. Seferia might change the wording if her Aussie sister decides to abuse her site again.

Now, if only she could figure out what is making wordpress load slowly at times. It could just be crosswinds.

Oh My Gosh Oh My Gosh Oh My Gosh – Gyakuten Saiban / Ace Attorney 5 Announced! YAY!

I’m the one that never posts, but that’s partly because I’m just too darn elusive.

But thankyou, Capcom! I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT. You made my day today. Gyakuten Saiban / Ace Attorney 5 was recently announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2012. And oh my gosh…  AAAGHHHH! Phoenix’s redesign is truly quite wonderful – they gave him a little hair-curl in his redesign. If it’s your plan to make the fangirls swoon over Phoenix, then SUCCESS. So cute! Thank you for making me happy today, Capcom! Here’s a screenshot from the upcoming title:

The game is going to be entirely 3D, but they’re staying true to the old AA1 ~ AA3 sprite perspectives. I can’t wait to see more of the game development. As for the plot… not much announced so far, other than Phoenix returns to being a lawyer (YAY! Better than being a hobo). Maya is probably not going to be in the game. I just hope Edgeworth returns too…

After the not-so-enjoyable Gyakuten Saiban 4 (It wasn’t a BAD game, but after playing AA1, AA2 and AA3, I wanted more Phoenix, but the plot got turned on it’s head). I’m just so happy to see Phoenix back at the helm again. 30something year old lawyer? mmmmmyesplease. ? According to Croik over at Court Records, the game was also announced for Western Localisation, and quickly at that. I don’t know how often that happens, but I’m certainly not complaining!

Thanks to this announcement, I have to buy a 3DS just because of this.

Official Site:
Court Records also has some more info in their recent news feed.. citing my sources from the news feed here, not making this up.

All of my happies! Just one thing, though… if Edgey-poo returns, I hope they redesign him and give him some glasses just like his father had. That would make him true delicious eye-candy.

~ Kat_Aclysm

Looks like Seferia has a weekend project.

Miskey has asked Seferia to take photographic evidence of her plush collection…. Seferia really needs to clean her living space… Yea, this is definitely going to be a weekend project.

Seferia also wants to pull her bed out and do a really big vacuum under it, for she knows that it is littered with cat fur. Sephiroth enjoys laying under her bed. Seferia knows exactly where he likes to hide. That spot has got to be completely filled with fur…

Speaking of Sephiroth, the poor boy is not happy. Seferia recently found that he had a bunch of matted fur and has spent the last few days brushing and giving him baths. Finally, his fur is feeling nice and soft and unmatted and shiny. His fur has never been that bad, so Seferia doesn’t know how that happened.

Why does Seferia talk in third person sometimes? Because it amuses her.