I hate dilemmas

Well, I have finally fully set up my new Super-Slim PS3. It is currently happily sitting on its pedestal as I play Resident Evil 6 with Russia. It took a good full day to fully download all the stuff that had been on my prior PS3, for I don’t have an external drive that would permit me to do a proper back-up. However, it is happily running and taking the place of my 60 GB PS3.

How I hate this. I am now at the point where I must decide what to do with my old system. I could keep it around in its box for, well, no good reason. It works, but I fear getting a disk stuck in it again when it crashses yet again. So, I do not think I’ll ever use it again. However, I’m attatched and the hope that it may continue to live does remain in me. I just don’t want to sell it quite yet. I would hate to depart with it. Still, at the moment, it is a paerweight. It will never perform the task in which it was meant to.

I guess I’ll just procrastinate on my decision, for I am good at doing things like that. Still, this is a tough decision. I know that some would believe that I’m being silly by having such a feeling of sentimentality over a busted system. However, it is what it is. I accept it, and care little for what others may think on the matter.

Oh wells, I probably will attempt to do a P3rd stream by the end of the week. I had been avoiding it in part because of all the nonsense with the YLODs I’ve been suffering through. I also need to bug Malek and Ghost over our BL2 streams. Hrmph.

It starts, Seferia shall blog about fanfics

Most who associate with me know one very important thing about this Seferia: She is a huge addict to fanfiction. She spends a lot of her free time digging through the piles of amateur fiction found on fanfiction.net in order to find the gems that actually catch her attention and draw her in. On her way, she has a large tendency to find many stories that are, to put it mildly, not up to par. However, today Seferia will not be focusing on one of those.

However, do be warned, there will come a day in which Seferia will once again find a fic that will make her rant. It will not be pretty.

No, Seferia will not be doing that today. Instead, she will be handing out a stamp of approval. For this fanfic is one of the ones that she actually enjoys following. As such, she feels like sharing it. She also feels like stopping with the third person to give her actual review.

Meet Final Fantasy VII: Another Side By: Mystwalker. I cannot say that the idea behind this fanfic is overly original or anything, it is indeed simply an alternative universe fic where Sephiroth does not go evil. However, the lack of novelty doesn’t bother me. This story is well written and has had several clever elements to it that keep my attention. I also have found no forced relationships as of yet, which please me quite a bit.

About the only thing that I find to be disappointing is that the story line does seem to follow the game’s story a bit too much. However, the author has tweaked and twisted this enough that it feels like their own take and not a retelling of the game. So, I have no problems about forgiving them for presenting the game anew.

This story is still in progress, so their is a high chance that like many fics that I like, it will never be finished. However, I do hope that this author does indeed follow through.

Anyway, I’m done abusing my blog to share a story that I like. Beware though, as I said, Seferia does tend to find more bad fanfiction that good fanfiction. So, the next time this category comes up, it may be a dozy.

Yet another fun stream was had today

Seferia once again teamed up with Shevaman in order to create a stream of RE6ness. It was… something or other that is that thing. Yep. It was that. Feel free to enjoy the recording.

Also, seferia.net was moved a new server today.  So, hopefully some of the silly things that have been giving my site slow loads will be gone and over with.  Hopefully.

Continue reading Yet another fun stream was had today

Seferia was once again talked into returning to Tri

Shevaman had contacted Seferia last night with a request to play a game tonight. After much debating, as can be seen in the prior post, Seferia decided that Monster Hunter may indeed be the way to go. Monster Hunter is always fun. So, Seferia had no complaints there.

As such, this stream was formed.

Continue reading Seferia was once again talked into returning to Tri

Another dillemma-time for Seferia

First and foremost: Little Big Planet, you torment me!! I once had over half the game 100%ed and was well on my way to doing so for the rest of the game. I was steady and certain in the fact that I would get it all. Then, came the great crash of the PS3. Back then, around 2008ish, when the crash occurred, I didn’t have cloud saves. Nor could I even turn on my PS3 in any attempt to recover the data.

So, that save was lost and I was brought back to nothing. Thus, after some time of avoiding the PS3, I went back to go through the game, but not with the same enthusiasm. So, I played through a good chunk of the game again and became appeased that I could make funky costumes yet again. I was content and had moved on.

Now, recently, my harddrive crashed. However, I thought everything was all good. I had things backed up on the cloud save and all…. Apparently, LBP was immune to the back-up. In fact, recent pokes has shown that I should have done things manually to get that….

Anyway, I once again want/need to go through the game to recover what I had lost. Thus, LBP is the tormentation of love. Yes, very much so.

Anyway, that’s not my dilemma. Nope, my dilemma for tonight is that I may be split four ways or more. First, I had spoken to my Aussie gal, Kat, about playing LBP since I wanted to regain stuff. She had mentioned getting her stuff tonight. So, I had a basic plan of playing that tonight.

Then, there’s Russia. He’s a cool dude, though sometimes repetitive. We were playing through Leon’s campaign in RE 6 on professional last night. We were having fun. So, I did want to continue with that. We didn’t finish a full chapter, so we’re currently mid-way through.

Which brings me to dilemma part three, Shayla/Shevaman contacted me last night and asked me if I wanted to do another campaign with her tonight. That’s so tempting since she’s so fun. However, if I were to do such on my PS3, I’d lose that save with Russia. If I were to do it on my 360, I wouldn’t have as good of skills. Perhaps I can finish our chapter then move to Shayla? However, there’s also Kat…

Onto the last bit, Malek mentioned playing Tri tonight. Perhaps… maybe, I can talk Shayla into playing Tri and we can giggle at her going after monsters. I’m sure Kat will be fine with waiting.

Yes, it is definitely time for Seferia to think.

And the Saga of Chris Strife ended tonight

This time, I only had a few blurps of sound that occurred when cutscenes occurred. Overall, it was a much better stream. However, my Hauppauge is definitely being a pain at times for livestreaming. Overall, it’s good. However, I’m strating to really feel the unstable driver’s properties.

No matter, enjoy the many, many, many deaths.

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