A new addition approaches

Seferia has been administrating her own website for well over ten years. She’s seen the coming of many new things such as CSS and templates in her time.

Well, now Seferia has volunteered to put that basic knowledge of throwing together a website and maintaining it in order to assist the group of great guys that she has met through Monster Hunter. The WOM had been testing various ideas on how to advertise their activities, for many of its members had streaming or recording abilities. So, for the last few weeks or so, we had been experimenting with how to get the word out there and make a unified hub for our activities. We have tried twitter and google+, but neither quite had the right feel to it.

So, now, Seferia has agreed to lend a part of her site to let the WOM hopefully blossom into the hub that they dream of oiling upon.

Thus, Seferia is glad to announce that http://wom.seferia.net is up and running. There’s not much content there at the moment, because it’s new. Also, there’s always the chance that the group will decide to get their own server elsewhere. However, Seferia will be more than happy to assist in the administrating no matter where the site goes.

There are still a few small details that need to be implemented to make the site look nice and pretty. For instance, the Forums tab will direct to the group forums, same as seferia.net‘s does. Seferia has every intention of bashing that until she figures out how to make that area point to the larger forums that are installed. Also, Seferia has a few color elements that she needs to mess with.

However, for the most part, the site is ready for the public to see.

Seferia will still post of WOM activities here as well, though. After all, Seferia loves spreading insanity.

Is Seferia done talking in third person? Well, for now, she is!

I can’t believe it!

Remember how Seferia ranted about a story utilizing the second person perspective yesterday? Remember how she also mentioned that she somewhat dislikes having people write in the first person perspective?

It can’t be hard to remember those things, they’re only two posts down.

Well, Seferia has just stumbled upon a story that must be designed specfically to make her want to kill something. Yes, that has to be the only explanation for this story. It is designed just to drive her into a murderous rage!

In fact, she is in a murderous rage right now. How could she have possibly found a story that uses both first and second person? How does that even exist?

Seferia is so angry at this story that she doesn’t really want to give a properly long rant for it. She is just going to put up this rant and let it be. Yes, that is what she is going to do.

That’s it, I’m going to Torchlight II to blow up stuff!

The Freedom Friday report

If you wanted to see Seferia kill herself in multiple ways, this evening was the night to do it.

Once again, Seferia endeavored on entertaing someone by performing as a hunter on Portable 3rd HD. Once again, Seferia picked sets that had no good value whatsoever. Those sets regularly had a lack of armor value or lack of experience with the weapons. Many a time, Seferia paid for her choices to mess around. A great lesson was made as well. If Seferia pick a hunting horn then tells you that she doesn’t know any of the songs, don’t let her continue on with a plan to fight an elder dragon.

Yes, that is a great lesson for anyone. Of course, then again… some one might want to see the results of that set-up.

Continue reading The Freedom Friday report

How to ensure that Seferia doesn’t read your fic

Write the silly thing in second person. Yes, that will most definitely ensure that I’ll be in a rage and not get too far into the story.

Now, a while ago, I had said that I’d bring up a story from the DMC area since that is abundant in horrible stories. Well, I delayed because the pile was so pungent that I didn’t want to really dig into it much to find one.

Well, today I return with this one, which I had known about at the time that I had spoken of Devil May Cry fanfics. I knew full well that it was a story with possible tolerable writing if not for the fact that the person decided in a moment of great lack of brilliance to write in second person. Quickly scanning through the story proves that this person has a firm grasp on grammar. So, they have that as a plus.

Still, what exactly goes through someone’s head to make them decide “I will write this story in second person”? Seriously, I don’t know how that thought process even started. I can get the huge piles of first person stories that I’ve found post-Twilight. The fact that they appeared post-twilight and tend to have a certain… well, yea, it points to Twilight having been a contributing factor in inspiration there. Even then, there are successful first person stories. So, I do occasionally forgive the uneasy feeling of reading someone’s diary when I read that sort of story. No matter about the legitimacy of writing in first person, how does someone come to think of second person?

Second person is usually stated to be utilized for persuasive speeches. It’s something a person utilizes to get a person across to the “you” which is being referenced. That “you” is usually not just this random person who clicks on a story and decides to read it. That random person is unlikely to be pulled into the story because “you”. More likely, they’ll be turned away as I am because they aren’t making decisions and don’t want to be part of that story.

The only published fictional works that I know of that ever were written in the second person perspective were “make your own adventure” stories. I did read those when I was younger, but they had a very important part to them. That part was rather simple, the reader made decisions by flipping to pages. Thus, the story did indeed interact with the reader.

This one, on the other hand, does not.

Not to mention, I’m more than certain that the author made the “you” character a Mary Sue. That really doesn’t help their story at all.

Sad final statement: there’s worse fics out there in DMC. I may go back to digging to bring another one to light on another date.

The rebooted Freedom Fridays stream is strong

Especially given that some people received what they called “joygasms” from a surprise visit from an old hunter that had vanished for some time.  However, I shall get to that later.

First, many will have noticed by now that I’ve been streaming P3rd nearly every Friday.  Previously, this stream was every-other week.  However, I have felt that a bit more regularity was in need for that specific one.  The change is in part because I have stepped away from the structured small Unity hunt and simply made it a stream.  Given that I have no reasonable ways to stream Freedom Unite, I feel that the stream is best kept to only Portable 3rd.  So, thus, we have the reboot of Freedom Fridays.

Now of course, there will be times in which I’ll want to be with my family or do something else on a Friday.  So, there’s always the chance that I won’t be able to stream one week.  However, I’ll do my best to keep this to a minimum.

Anyway, onto the posting of the video, no?

Continue reading The rebooted Freedom Fridays stream is strong

Continuations of crazy thoughts

Well, I suppose the title isn’t all that good. Meh, I’m always having crazy thoughts. So, every time I think something, it is a continuation of a crazy thought. No matter. Onto the discussion point.

Yesterday, I went “whee!” and all that good stuff over having my Audrey II fix with the Director’s Cut for Little Shop of Horrors. Well, today, I’m going to discuss the crazy thoughts that my minor fandom of a singing world-conquering plant spawned. These thouhts are just crazy, but I care not.

What are these thoughts? Well, very simple thoughts. Why are there no plant-type monsters in Monster Hunter?

Continue reading Continuations of crazy thoughts

The many yays of gifts

Wish lists are such great things. They manage to get me things that I actually want. Unlike things like a new pair of jeans that I once got as a child… In fact, I made a rule starting around my 14th birthday that if any attempted to get me clothing as a gift, they’d receive the glare of death along with more than sufficient scorn for a full year. They got the message quite quickly.

Anyway, this year, I was more than happy to receive Little Shop of Horror’s Director’s Cut Blu-ray. I have a slight love for that movie. Audrey II is more than a memorable little evil plant full of great amounts of devouring hunger. I mean, this song alone was one of the reasons that I had always had a soft spot for the movie.

Few villains who sing that I know of have songs that rank along with that one. This one is just so irreverent and clear on the point that “Twoey” is not messing around.

I wish I could find a good copy of the version where she eats Seymour. However, it appeared that was of short supply on YouTube. So, I made due with a really good quality from the original ending.

Anyway, I absolutely adore the original ending. It has a great amount of humor along with karma to it. The sad thing was that I was not aware that there was two different endings until recently, when David Willis had tweeted about the Blu-ray. However, now that I know of it, I am very pleased.

I also got the Ratchet and Clank HD collection and a Hex 3 Jaja stylus.

I had previously blogged about the stylus several months back when I had discovered Lar’s tweet on it. At the time, it excited me to have the chance to turn my iPad into a lesser Cintique. Well, now that I have it, I’m not disappointed. It does look like it will do exactly what I had thought it will. It’ll take some time for me to get used to it though. So, we shall see if I can start bashing out sketches.

Hopefully I won’t be too lazy on that front.

Oh, I also got some silly fantasy artist’s bible thing. It has some interesting reference things. However, most of it is rather basic. It’s not bad.

With that said… I want to listen to Mean Green Mother from Outer Space again!!

For Slim

I love The Wolrd Ends With You’s music. It’s just so fun and catchy. And this song just popped up on my iPod. So, I felt like sharing the awesomeness of the songs from TWEWY.

And yes, one day I’ll go back and finish the game. I’m 1/2 the way there. I swear!

In other news, it’s amazing how bad Devil May Cry fanfiction is in general. I will probably highlight something from there sometime soon. I just need to pick the right one.

When great plans go wrong

We still manage to laugh it up and blame the universe.

Last night, the WOM got together yet again on Tri in order to create something that was that thing over there. That thing over there wasn’t pretty, but it was a thing. It was so much of a thing that it wasn’t even potato. Nope, it was just a thing of a thing that is a whatzit. Mmmm-hmm…

We had DCs, guys who don’t believe in capturing, and monsters setting up the deaths.

Continue reading When great plans go wrong