My iPod has a tendency to surprise me

Many know that I have songs. Lots and lots of songs. My collection of songs is more than enough that I don’t always know all the songs and music that I have at my side at any given moment. So, it’s not too surprising that my collection can surprise me at times.

Well, yesterday, when I was driving home, I noticed that my iPod was playing a song that I had originally put into “background noise” priority. However, as it continued to play, I realized that the lyrics are dark. Extremely dark. These dark lyrics quickly made the song one of my hidden gems of my collection.

What was this song? Well, feel free to check it out.

I personally have a tendency to sympathize with stories of battered individuals. I myself was once a victim of abuse. My mother used to be shoved into closets when my father was angry. My father broke my mother’s wrist and tried to choke her while I was standing five feet away from her. The actual trigger for my parent’s divorce was the fact that I had a black eye.

I don’t even remember this black eye nor the events around it. My mother once told me that all she could figure out was that apparently I had gotten a dress dirty while visiting my father’s family in Long Island. According to what she was told, I was thrown into the back of a pick-up truck, as in the bed, not the back seat, and my father drove home. So, it is unknown if a punch or the movement from being unrestrained gave me the black eye.

To this day, if you yell at me, I will freeze up and not respond well at all. Yelling and anger are not good things to me. In my brain, they still lead to very bad things such as pain.

Anyway, yea, I may go into more details on my less than wonderful past on some other day. This song still really struck a cord with me when I actually listened to the lyrics.

Seferia loves Torchlight II

Yep, she very much does. She also very much loves the mod that she found for the game. This mod has added several things that have improved the expenerience for this little Seferia. More enemies, more loot, new dungeons, new classes, and so on. It does the works. Furthermore, the programmer for this mod has been on top of things and updating frequently. In fact, Seferia already needs to update her mod.

Yea, that guy updates rather quickly.

Anyway, Seferia streamed today because she felt like messing around and letting people laugh at her as she got trounced. So, feel free to watch the stream.

Continue reading Seferia loves Torchlight II

Missed last night’s stream?

Well, Seferia is here to give the basic review and put up the video just to give you that chance to watch and comment on the stream.

First and foremost, I must appologize for the first bit of the stream. I made a silly mistake and did not properly adjust the volume. Also, the headset that I’ve been using for the last two days is a cheap Plantonics headset. This one is only being used while my good one is sent off for warranty repairs or replacement. My normal headset, a Sennheiser, had been creating static, wo I felt that it was best to send it in for warranty reparis.

Anyway, aside from that, I feel that the stream was an overall success. We had an active chat and happily conversed with the guests and chat participants. Though, I once again say my laptop was possessed when it banned Viride on it’s own. I swear, I was sitting there playing the game, there was no kitty near my laptop, and I don’t recall bumping it.. It was possessed!

The members of the Teamwork podcast hunted with Malek and I for four hours. We did various silly challenges and things like that. I used my Cat’s Paw for maximum damage. Yes, things worked out. Once they left, Malek and I continued to hunt. During that time, we had quite a few interesting hunts. Malek’s death by Jaggi was epic. Then, near the end, Greg Moore from Capcom once again joined my stream.

As I said, it was a success for the most part.

Continue reading Missed last night’s stream?

Campaign statement has been made

For a while, I’ve been saying that Godzilla music deserves to go with Monster Hunter. I’ve also been saying that if Capcom really wanted a star-power cross-over, they’d contact Toho and get a Godzilla crossover. I’ll continue to say that.

Now, the likelihood of my statements ever seeing the light a day are close to nil. Still, I shall continue to dream and have fun with the idea in my head.

For now, though, I can be a girl with the ability to stream. I can be a girl with a large Godzilla music collection. And I can be a girl who can play this music while streaming Monster Hunter.

Continue reading Campaign statement has been made

When a bad fic can be spotted by just the title

Seriously, do people even think sometimes? Any effort?

Master Chief vs Chris Redfield vs Darth Vader vs Harry Potter by christopher1235
Who would win in a battle.

Yea, I’m not even clicking this one.

Words: 299

Really am not clicking on this story. I don’t even need to look at it more than that…. Well, it could be worse. I mean seriously:

A Coming Out Story by Yooney
Cloud and his girlfriend Tifa move to Midgar, city of the gays. After being introduced to the homosexual lifestyle, Cloud becomes curious and fascinated. All it takes is a man with beautiful long silver hair and a hidden motive to remind him of a long forgotten past and turn his life—along with his sexual orientation—completely upside-down. Yaoi/Seke Cloud/Shota/Cheating

It could be much worse.

Disclaimer: click on these stories at your own risk. I did not read them at all. I only saw the summaries.

PSN maintance cannot contain this dark lady

Seferia is back with yet another Freedom Fridays stream.  This week, Seferia did not have an illness trying to drag her off to the realms of sleep, so she was more than capable of following through with her gameplan of streaming.  Unfortunately, there was one little hitch to the plan.  That hitch was rather annoying in some ways, for it prevented her from finding partners in joining in her hunts.  That little hitch was a prolonged maintance on the PSN servers that made it hard for everyone who was not Seferia to log on.  The servers must have known that Seferia would not have accepted “no” for an answer.

Anyway, I am going to put up the recording after the break.  So, feel free to click on the more button and check them out.

Continue reading PSN maintance cannot contain this dark lady

When will they learn?

First and foremost, Seferia found something strange in the last few days of browsing stories in the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer section.  At least for now, she isn’t coming across any extremely horrible stories.  In fact, she’s come across a lot of promising ones that she might dig into more later.  Of course, there were probably ones that are easy shots at having something beyond headache-inducing; however, Seferia did not feel like venturing into the twisted scene of Spike/Xander stories.

So, instead, Seferia decided to wander around and check out other usual haunts of hers.  Guess what?  Devil May Cry is still full of a bunch of fools that write stuff that shouldn’t exist.  Seriously, people should have learned by now that the “pulled into the game” stories do not work and are a sure recipe for failure.  At least, one would think that somewhere along the line, someone would tell a new author not to use that plot device, right?

I guess not.

Amazingly, from what little I could stomach of the story, the author has enough grasp onto what they are doing in order to maintain proper grammar and sentence structure.  So, I cannot use the excuse that they have a malfunctioning brain when it comes to thinking for a reason as to why they would use this plot.  Nope, the largest grammatical quirk that I can find is an apparent love for caps lock, since I suppose that people enjoy screaming above what a simple exclamation mark can indicate.

Also, I must wonder why these authors always find names like “Akina” when coming up with their original characters.  It seems to me that the author is trying to come up with an average teenager on most cases.  Yet, they have a strong tendency to have names that just scream that they are a anime fanatic.  I can’t think that Akina nor Tera are very common names at all.

Well, this story is mostly just a “meh” to me.  It garners no rage, for it’s just standard fare.  I come across these sort of tales all the time.  I just wish that someone would smack sense into authors before they write these.

Apologies for not streaming on Friday

I had stated a few weeks ago that I’d work on keeping up a weekly schedule to my Friday streams.  Unfortunately, this past Friday, I was unable to follow through with that plan.  I had fallen sick thanks to a bug that had been going around my office and spent most of my weekend sleeping and recovering.

So, for any who may have wanted a stream, I am sorry that I was unable to entertain them.  However, I should be good to go this week.  I can’t imagine that I’d become sick yet again by the end of the week.

A warm welcome to my new additions!

Many who know me know one major thing about the Seferia. She loves plusehs. On top of that, she most certainly loves her Monster Hunter plushes. So, when I came home today and found that the package that I’ve been waiting for about five weeks for came in, I was more than happy. What was in the package, you more than likely don’t ask? Well, I’m going to show you anyway!

My Gold and Silver Rath pair are home!

As you can see, they are brand new Monster Hunter plushes to add into my collection.  I’ve been sniping up those little cute ones for quite some time, ever sense I got into the series.  Aside from a single one of them, I have not disappointed with any of the plushes that have been released.  Unfortunately, I cannot say that I have any interst in tracking down the plush for Brachydios.  That one’s design was just strange, to say the least.

Anyway, if anyone did happen to want to see my full collectino, I also snapped some pictures of the entire deal.  So, feel free to check them out:

Continue reading A warm welcome to my new additions!

Where did these elements come from anyway?

Well, this is more of a prelude for future segments of fanfiction highlights. So, sorry if you’re actually hoping I’ll target a specific story today. I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to rant about various aspects in fanfiction that I’ve noticed come up repetitively. These aspects seem to be out of place, yet seemingly, next to everyone who writes in those various sections use them. I simply don’t get it.

First, I’ve gotten bored at times and wandered into the territories of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer fanfiction. Since I like bad boys, I tend to search for Spike stories when I do that. However, I am baffled by the “mine!” thing that many stories seem to include.

I cannot think of a single instance of vampire mating found within the source material, let alone some moment where one vampire will mark another while proclaiming “mine”. So, I honestly am baffled as to where this trend started. I imagine that it had to come from some other vampire fiction. At least, I hope that it came from another vampire fiction and wasn’t just a bunch of authors mimicking each other.

Then again, I have noticed that fanfiction writers will emulate previously successful stories ad nauseum. If one author has success in making a compelling story with time travel, all the sudden there’s 100 different stories with the same concept. However, I am diverging from my point at the moment.

I still have no idea where this “mine!” thing came from. It completely baffles me. However, not so much as what I encountered when I once again got bored and started browsing Inu Yasha fanfiction.

Well, to put it simply, I found a variant on the “mine!” with just mating and marks. So, I think I will need to revise my theory that this trend was some replication of a vampire fiction that I know not of. For, it clearly was adapted for dog demons as well. Unless the authors have at some point confused vampires with the yokai of Inu Yasha and… I don’t even want to think of that.

Anyway, I must admit that these trends have slightly irked me. While some authors have managed to use these cliche’s of fanfiction to some sort of proper effect, the overabundance of stories with these elements do honestly irritate me. Perhaps they wouldn’t bother me so much if I felt that they were canon, but I’m more than certain that they are fanon.

People make no sense.