A late Valentine’s for Monster Hunter

Well, yesterday, I once again had a successful stream for Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.  This time around, there were no errors!  None!  Woot!

We had some fun debates at times as well.  Now, I won’t go into the details, because I’d rather let one find them and judge for their own on what side of the debate they’d rather be.  I also said my side quite extensively throughout the stream.  So, I’d rather not indulge even more on my opinons on the matter than I already have.

Also, please note that Seferia is a marathon streamer.  I start playing and I don’t quit until I’m literally dropping dead or out of participants.  So, this past stream lasted a good long time.  Just shy of nine hours.  I’m really tempted to try for a 24 hour stream one tme, but that will probably have to wait until a really good weekend or a vacation.  I don’t even know if I have it in me to stay up like I used to any longer.  So, it might just be a thought that will never be.

Anyway, enjoy the recording.

Continue reading A late Valentine’s for Monster Hunter

How do people come up with this stuff?

I think I may have possibly found a new fetish.  I’m not certain.  What I discovered last night was simply strange and bizarre to say the least.  I never would have expected to find anything like it, and I don’t even know where it’s going.

Anyway, I’ve been getting myself hyped by indulging myself in the mythos of the Xenomorph, AKA ALIEN.  I have the Quadrology and the AVP movies, so a lot of my time has been spent watching the films.  However, I also decided to side-track for a short bit and check, for curiousity’s sake, what existed in the land of fanfiction.

What I discovered was rather strange, as I said earlier.  This story is almost well written, if it were not for the strange lack of the proper punctuations for speech and dialogue.  However, the content is simply disturbing.  I’ve only gotten a few chapters in, but I’m guessing that this might possibly be something that’s going to lead to a romance with a Xenomorph hybrid.

If I might say so, mind blown.

I also have to admit that I am continuing to read this story simply because I just want to see how insane the plot can get.  This is definitely the train wreck material that I look for.

In preparation of Colonial Marines

I’m really excited to have a game that is primarily about Xenomorphs. As of late, I’ve been drinking up the Alien movies and enjoying the fandom. I may even read the novels that I have hidden under my bed!

I’ve also considered streaming Aliens vs Predator, either the classic or newer version, at some point. I wouldn’t say to expect much from such a stream. I’d just pick the Xenomorph campaign and go crazy.

Anyway, my main reason for making this post is that I wanted to share the picture of my meager Xenomorph collectino. I’ve mostly collected the plushes, so it’s by no means impressive. However, who doesn’t love a life-size facehugger plush?


A night full of mic errors

Last night, I once again presented my weekly broadcast of Freedom Fridays, featuring Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Unfortunately, there were a number of errors that were mostly out of my hands.

It started with an error that was in my hand, I had my mic boom positioned above my head. That was silly of me. However, that was only about ten or so minutes of the stream, and it was an easy fix of going “duh, Seferia, it’s up there!!” However, unfortunately, that was followed by other mic errors for the evening. Redstache unfortunately had a static that evening. I had mentioned it to him a few times, but I decided to go with it and just leave it be. So, I had a few problems understanding what he was saying. THen, later on, Shayla’s mic did a bit of echoing, that made things a bit strange. There was also the new guy, Scott_Popular, who I didn’t have on skype, only the PSN’s mic channel. So, sorry that I didn’t get you on skype, but next time around, perhaps?

Overall, though, the stream was fun. We had Canti show up for some hunts, and we actually got to teach Shayla some fun tips.

Feel free to enjoy the show.

Continue reading A night full of mic errors

Well, Seferia beat her first Devil May Cry game

I’ve had a long and soiled history with the Devil May Cry series. I’ll be honest, I did not fully love it at all from the start.

In fact, when I tried the first game, this is what happened. I bought it used after years of hearing of it and wanting to try it out. I tried it for a few days before getting bored and annoyed with the game. So, I had returned the game within a short period of time. After a while of still thinking over the series, I broke down and bought it used again. However, I never quite finished it. I simply did not love it.

Still, for some insane reason, I continued to gather the games. I bought Devil May Cry 3 when it came out for 25 bucks with various discounts, but I never actually played it until I received the HD collection. I bought 4 and played through a few levels. However, I did not indulge in it.

My breakthrough was talking to Gregaman from Capcom Unity and having him interest me in the game again. Still, I did not bother to play the game until I received the HD collection. If not for the fact that I got distracted away again by Monster Hunter, I probably would have beaten DMC 3 by now.

So, it does say a bit of something that I did beat DmC last night. However, it may possibly just be a good timing for the game, for I don’t really have many priority games to distract me away from the game. I don’t know. Anyway, hope non one minds that I put a little review of my own here.

Despite the game being fun and solid in some ways, it has many problems. First and foremost, the number one glaring flaw, at least in the copy that I received, was that the score tally screen has this pause to it. It’s a slow load every single time. Each time I got to the end of the level, I became momentarily scared that the game froze up, for that screen looked broken each and every time. I do feel that this is a flaw that shouldn’t be there. There should be no moments in which the game pauses and thinks like that in a way that might make a user think “damn, did it just crash on me?”

Next, there’s an annoyance that I had with the way that the character skins worked. I love the fact that I could change how Dante looks. I’ve stated many times before that I simply do not find the new Dante attractive at all. However, I’ve played and enjoyed Gears of War, where I have similar problems with the characters not going with my sense of aesthetics. So, the new Dante’s look annoying me isn’t the flaw I want to discuss at all. No, it’s the fact that the cut scenes seemed to have no real rhyme or reason to when they decided to use the skins or when they wanted to go back to the base look. Sometimes, I’d see the skin in the scenes; however, other times, it was the base new Dante. I’d had preferred if it was always the skin for sure, but having a single pattern to how the game decided one over the other would have been nice too. To say the least, it irritated me.

Moving on, I had serious problems with the new Vergil. This has nothing to do with his design or characterization, those worked nicely for me. However, his eyes just were not right. The eyes did not express in any realistic manner, which made me feel like the animators failed when it came to him. Nearly at every instance that I saw him on screen, his eyes truthfully did bother me. They usually felt like they were opened a bit too wide and were dead in ways that do not express “this character is cold”. Instead, it just was an uneasy “this isn’t animated right” feel. I simply could not appreciate the animation work on him.

Last, DmC is full of bugs. I know that I have a reputation for being able to break any game that I pick up by this point. However, some of the bugs that I encountered in DmC were a bit too much.

First, I bugged the Succubus fight by moving to a platform to the right side before she collapsed. Instead of having her get up or something like that, the game just had her stuck, laying on the platform. I attempted to attack her, nothing happened. I attempted moving to another platform, nothing happened. I had Dante jump to his death, glitch fixed. Apparently, moving to that platform made it impossible for the cut scene of Dante punching the boss to play.

Then, later on in the dance club stage, I once again glitched the game. This one was even worse. This one required many Dante suicide jumps and fighting with the camera. I don’t even know how it glitched, however, I got to a platform where apparently three enemies were supposed to spawn. However, they simply did not spawn. So, I was stuck. Each time I attempted to jump off the platform, the camera immediately flipped around so that Dante would fall to his death. Then, I attempted backtracking. This had similar results with the camera attempting to force me to kill Dante. That camera had it out for Dante. After many camera-caused deaths and enough back-tracking followed by another death, I finally got the enemy to spawn. Still, I think the game just wanted Dante dead there.

There is one last point that I find annoying with this game. I am of the side of people who feel like some sort of lock-on might have been a good thing for this game. In most cases, the lack of lock-on worked well for me. However, there were times in which I couldn’t locate a flying enemy for several seconds or had issues getting Dante to turn in the right direction. The worse of which was a time in which Dante didn’t want to follow my commands to face forward and shoot Mondus. Instead, I shot uselessly to the side for several moments. I personally think that a button to get him to face an enemy would have been useful.

Well, those are my honest opinions of DmC. It is indeed a fun game, but flawed. I might go back later on and play the prior Devil May Crys soon enough, since this game did actually break my streak of not really getting into DMC.

For now, though, I think I shall start preparing for the streams of evilness that I am plotting with Shayla and a Dead Space 3.

Why the WOM site acts like a seperate site

I just feel like rambling for a bit. This will probably be easily ignored, for it’s just for my own rambling purposes. In fact, I’d dare say that this article will bore like crazy. However, it is going to exist.

Anyway, I know that there have been people who have been confused when I made the blog for the Well-Oiled Machine. The blog is hosted on my site, seferia.net, because it costs me nothing to add it on. It doesn’t bother me at all to give some of my webspace to them, they are a great group of people with great personalities. They deserve the chance to shine. They deserve it a lot more than I do, that’s for sure. So, it is my great pleasure to let them pigg-back on my site in order to gain the attention that they deserve.

Still, I am more than certain that people notice that both blogs are based off wordpress, yet they cannot use the same account on both of them. In fact, I know because people did comment on it to start with. Well, the simple answer to that is that I did not set up a multi-site installation just in case the WOM did decide to move to a different server.

For one point, Crosswinds, as great as they are in giving me a reasonalbe price, has been subject to receiving DOS attacks. Thus, I can easily see how the downtimes that come with these attacks might cause a problem. So, I want to give them the option to move to a location that possibly has more stability. I have a relationship with the crew of Crosswinds, they do not. So, no point in forcing them into the relationship if they don’t want it.

Then, there’s the simple fact that their site currently has my name on it. Even if the wom.seferia.net had worked in the ways that I had wanted it to, seferia.net would have been part of the address. Malek has spoken of claiming something like wom.com some day, and I support his desires to have a web adress that is all about wom, and not so much about me. So, I’m certain that the current set-up is temporary.

Now, to go on a tanget for a short moment, the website was indeed supposed to be wom.seferia.net and not seferia.net/wom. In fact, if you click on those two links, you’ll notice that the sub-domain somewhat works. However, the site refused to accept wom.seferia.net as a base. So, it’s more like the wom.seferian.net only forwards to the folder and doesn’t include the entire folder. No one was able to give me a good solution to getting the sub-domain to work the proper way. So, for now, it’s stuck like it is. Maybe I’ll bother Tony one day about it. However, I doubt that would be the proper solution either. He manages the backend stuff for the server, but I doubt that he’s the right person to ask on how to get my site to work properly. Oh wells, for now, it’s not important.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this article is not something to say “Hey, you guys, get off my site!” No, I’m just rambling about my ideas and stuff, as I said from the start. I love being a webmaster and managing sites for others. As it is, no one is paying more than they were before the wom site was set up. So, everything is working out just fine.

Also, if Malek does decide to split off and gain a domain for the wom, I will be more than happy to continue providing the webmastering services that I do now. It is my pleasure to have made a site for the guys, and I do hope that more of them use it for their blogging desires.

Thus, I end my ramble of unimportant ramble.

Poor Deva has a long way to go

A very long way to go. Deva knows the basics of Monster Hunter, but Deva does have a great tendency to die. So, prepare to watch a recording full of death, destruction, sorrow, and drama. For that was what last night had.

Unofrunately, Seferia also died a few times last night as well. She cannot say that it was her best night. However, she got to use her Sexy Pirate armor. So, that much was a plus!

Feel free to watch the recording after the break below. Also, please ignore the momentary peak at Seferia’s desktop during the stream. You saw nothing!

Continue reading Poor Deva has a long way to go

One day, need to hunt these down

Today, someone asked me a question about my plush collection, which lead to me looking up the site of the maker of a set of plushes that I absolutely love. I have not been on this site for quite some time, so, it was very nostalgic to go back on there.

Unfortunately, it also brought back one other thing. I had skipped out on some of the great and fun plushes that Toy Vault had made due to money constraints. One day, I really should go back and hunt down those few plushes that I never really had the chance to get.

See, I had fallen in love with some of the designs such as this one:


And I had always been on the sidelines with this one.


However, if I were to go back and get a plush that is missing from my collection, it would not be a Toy Vault plush at all. No, the one that I really want to go back and hunt is made by Palisades. For a time, I was collecting life-size chestburster. I have the facehugger, regular, and queen chestburster. However, there was a final one that I just didn’t have the money to nab back then.
