The new season has begun

So, Freedom Fridays ended last week. However, Seferia has already got to work on starting her new weekly saturday hunt stream. So, all’s good! It wasn’t a long wait at all, huh? Yea, I know, it’s mostly a joke.

Anyway, I’ve been having fun on Tri Ultimate so far. I’m still not too far into the game, unfortunately, and struggling for resources and all that. So, the overpowered Seferia from earlier streams was not present. No, instead, another Seferia was present. It was the one that barely had any equipment or materials. The one that was struggling to make her stuff up to par. Yes, that’s the Seferia that appeared on Saturday.

Also, I think I need to tweak my mic settings. It is noticable that my mic is louder than the other callers. I’ll try to remember that soon.

Anyway, enjoy the show below.

Continue reading The new season has begun

The Soulcalibur streams will return

Seferia has talked some friends into getting Soulcalibur V for cheap, so she now has a group in which to enjoy custom characters with. The insanity will once again be revived.

Sadly, a DC from the game caused my system to crash to the degree that I had to actually turn off the power to get it to turn off. So, the stream was cut short. Still, we had fun while it lasted.

Check out the recording of the stream after the more. Also, yes, Seferia’s skill level goes way down if she doesn’t play a game in months.

Continue reading The Soulcalibur streams will return

For your reading pleasure: Jenna, the psycho-pyro sorceress

It’s been basically forever since I’ve bothered speaking of my original fictional works here. Most of that is because I figure that most people would not care. There’s also the bit that it still needs a lot of love and work to be fully matured and ready for display.

However, for today, I’m actually going to present a very major element of these fictional works, mainly due to the fact that Capcom Unity is currently holding a contest that asks for proof that my pawn is a look-alike. Well, I can’t quite prove that she was designed after something if I do not give proper proof of the design, no?

Anyway, let’s get cracking. This is going to be a lengthy post, so I’m going to provide you with a more. Feel free to click if you are interested in the information that is about to be divulged.

Continue reading For your reading pleasure: Jenna, the psycho-pyro sorceress

Freedom Fridays has come to an end

Sadly, my evening before streaming was restless, so I wasn’t the most energetic for my final Freedom Fridays stream as I had wanted to be. However, I did my best to have some fun and stream with as much energy and sanity as I could manage. I will admit, that I did indeed have fun as well. I just couldn’t come anywhere close to maintaining my usual momentum with the lack of sleep that I had.

However, I did have one sweet moment. I do not know if it was a glitch or what, but I managed to trap two monsters in one pitfall trap. It was glorious. It was also completely unexpected. I had never seen that occur. By the response in the chat, nor had anyone else who had viewed the stream.

Also, I so need to stop saying that staff members said they’d show and hunt. It seems to curse me. I swear they say it, but they do have lives and wind up being delayed at times.

Oh yes, and the Hauppauge sometimes does freak out. I was silly and forgot how I had managed to reset it from those times without a reboot. Hopefully next time it happens, I’ll remember that process properly.

Anyway, feel free to watch the finale here.

Continue reading Freedom Fridays has come to an end

I hate it when I find this stuff

So, when someone finds a story that’s counting at near to 150,000 words, one would believe that story would have some potential of being written in some semblance of a proper way, right? It’s only logical that someone who writes a lot of words learns something by writing a lot of words. Or so, one would think.

However, it has been proven to me on many occasions that this belief in the ability of humans to learn from their activities is not quite right. It seems that doing an activity a lot does not mean that they grasp the basics of that activity. Oh no, there is absolutely no correlation to the number of words one writes to how good the story is. Ok, there’s some correlation, but not much.

So, anyway, I’ve drained dry many of my usual spots, so I wandered away again to another section to look for stories. Thus, I encountered this story. The first few sentences looked acceptable enough to entertain me for a short bit, then it went downhill. I soon found that all the dialogue was being shoved into single paragraphs, which made it next to impossible to read. The grammar was nearly as bad, but I regularly give people breaks for being strange with things like having periods outside of quotations.

So, I decided to do something insane just to see if perhaps the author improved while writing 60 chapters. I skipped ahead to the last few chapters. At that point, I didn’t last long at all.

I saw Megatron and Hydra mentioned before I crossed my eyes. Even if the ability to write a story had improved, the plot did not appear to be worth the time to attempt to stomach.

So, yes, lesson fermented even more. Long story does not insure good story.

The swarm conquers all

Except Seferia’s desire to be lazy last night. I almost didn’t play any Starcraft last night because I was on the edge of falling asleep.

In fact, I spent most of my evening watching Hellsing Ultimate, which I blame Meez for. He’s currently using Alucard as his avatar, which reminded me that the original anime series was interesting and that I had never gone back to properly watch Ultimate. I’ll definitely say that Ultimate is much better than the original anime series.

Anyway, back on the real subject. Starcraft is going quite well. I may flail about when having to play as Terrans, but I zerg with some form of ability. I’m not fully certain what that ability is, but I do do it.

Anyway, feel free to enjoy the show after the more:

Continue reading The swarm conquers all

Seferia has joined the swarm

Mmmmm…. Zerg!

I am more than happy that my special editino of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm came in tonight. I basically jumped on it as soon as it came to my house. I only had to wait a short bit for it to install, then I plunged into my adventure as Sarah Kerrigan.

Even though I was certain that my strategies were not up to par, I felt like streaming this game. So, I spent several hours this past evening hitting SZZZZZRVSZZZZZ F2 and so on. It was rather fun. I do honestly enjoy Starcraft. However, I am by no means good enough to try to seriously play it.

Anyway, feel free to watch the streams here.

Continue reading Seferia has joined the swarm

The season finale is approaching.

Freedom Fridays is quickly reaching the end of its life. As I had mentioned before, I have intentions of replacing my weekly Monster Hunter stream with a TriU-based stream. I’ve yet to pin down a name or day for this stream, so I’m open to suggestions.

Anyway, this past week’s Freedom Fridays was a complete success. It may have started off slow, but once it picked up, it was a blast. I also beat my prior records of nearing but not passing 9 hours of streaming. Yes, now my record stands firmly at a ten hour long non-stop stream.

The only sad thing about the stream was that at about hte half-way point, the frame rate became unstable. I’ll try to isolate the problem to determine if I can stream with music playing again or not. However, the music that I was playing at the start of the stream had to be killed off.

There was also a slight issue near the end with a person making comments that were not quite ones that I wanted to support in any way nor give any impression that I support. I do not enjoy having an entire group of people blanket-hated upon. I care not how one wants to term this hatred, it is not ok. Those that do come on the calls for my streams with such attitudes will be removed each and every time.

Anyway, if you think that you can make it, enjoy watching the recording of the stream.

Continue reading The season finale is approaching.

The day is nearing

A few may have noticed that I’ve been excited for the nearing release of a game. I’ve spent a good amount of time speaking of a specific character who I find to be a shining example of how to do a complex villain right. She has strength both psychically and mentally, which creates a fearsome adversary. She has a strong story filled with emotional drives, which makes her a lively dynamic. She is certainly no 80s cartoon villain. She is the Queen of Blades.

I may have a rocky relationship with Blizzard, having fallen away from World of Warcraft twice already and maintaining no plans on returning to that. I do feel that their merger with Activision has attributed to their decline in my mind. There are a number of things that occurred in WoW that just did not properly please me enough to make me worship them. However, I shall not go into that. Despite what negative feelings that I have in the loop for Blizzard, I absolutely adore Starcraft.

Still, I am more than excited for the Heart of the Swarm. Out of all of the races from the Starcraft games, I love the Zerg the most. Perhaps it is just that I have a tendency to like monsters, especially well-designed monsters. The Zerg have always had designs that please me. If I could, I’d happily take a pet Zergling.

Then there is Kerrigan. As I said earlier, she is a very complex and developed character. Her history is not in any way simple. I have to admit that I haven’t read the books that may have more on her past than what’s in the games. However, I can’t deny that this scene here is a very good reason to seek out revenge.

I know there’s other elements, such as her Ghost training which, from what I have read, was not a pleasant experience. I’m also aware that the Zerg-infestation twisted her personality. However, I always felt as if most of it was a removal of inhibitions. So, it brought out things that were already there. I feel like the trailers for Heart of the Swarm back-up my beliefs on this matter.

Then there’s the fact that I simply love the design for the Queen of Blades. I call myself a wing-aholic. I love things with wings. The more interesting the wings, the better they are in my book. Few have wings more unique than the Queen of Blades. Of course, the wings are not practical. There is absolutely nothing to them that would realistically permit for flight, for there are no feathers nor webbing. The near skeletal quality of the wings certainly are just for show. However, I love them nonetheless.

Then there is her battle prowess.

This is a woman who is feared for her capabilities. She is respected for her abilities and tactics. Through ruthless tenacity, she earned her right to lead the Zerg through her battles. I most definitely enjoy the fact that Blizzard made a strong female as one of their “villains”.

So, I am more than excited that the Zerg expansion for Starcraft II is coming out next week. I’m very likely to play it a lot more than I played Wings of Liberty. Raynor does not entice me quite like Kerrigan does.

Anyway, there’s an awesome trailer out there that makes me even more excited.

I don’t think that I need to say anything else after that. Ok, maybe I will. I want the music from that trailer!

To the blog writers out there

Please, for my sanity, use your words to make points and statements. It can’t be too hard to write commentary when writing a commentary right? I mean, when a person is writing a blog post, one would think that they are writing something, right?

I had the misfortune of having a friend link this post to me not too long ago. Now, this person was mentioning how the article was reopening the gamer girl debate or something like that. However, I could care less about that little detail.

Instead, I tried to read it to find what exactly was stated to make any form of controversy. Sadly, I couldn’t properly finish the task because the author of the article put minimal effort into their words. Outside of the opening few paragraphs which introduced the supposed subject, which one is to assume that there are contradictions in gamer culture when it comes to females, this writer barely wrote any further words.

Sure, the images could theoretically tell some form of story somehow. However, the way that this article handled is simply atrocious. I personally wound find it beyond careless to give any reader a single sentence then a bunch of images without my interpretation as to what that was supposed to mean. However, that is how this article is structured. First, the writer presented a supposed rule, then they, what I assume, brought images to both support and discredit the rule that has been arbitrarily made. However, without the input from the author, it is left to the reader to come up with an interpretation as to what this all means.

So, it is no shock that there are people who are commenting without any comprehension as to what was “stated”. The author took the lazy route of speaking their mind, so nothing was actually stated. There’s no direction nor attempts at persuasion. All that is present is a series of abstracts that can possibly mean something, but I do not know what they mean to the author.

As such, I can firmly state that I feel that this author has failed on many levels. Please, when you write an article with so many images, at least put in commentary so that you continue to persuade your audience. It can’t be too hard. If an author feels like this is too much effort, then perhaps that person should reconsider their decision to write.

For the record, I couldn’t care less about what any think of gamer girls. I’m a female who plays games, I try not to make that much of a deal about it. I just ask to be called a she and not a he. That’s all. So, the entire debate is not worth my time.

May I never read another article like that one again…. Watch, I’ll find one like that in a week.