We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *shakes her head* ~I am not certain. It is as if the source is trying to obscure itself. With luck, it is one of Nemesis’s generals..~ *she looks back at Rizon* I fear that the things that you are hoping to find here are not present at all. *she then turns her attention back to their path. She slows down as the cavern opens up to reveal a large area which might feel like a past nesting site for a large dragon. However, there is no dragon in the area. Instead, there’s just two objects in the cave. First, there is Hope, who is sitting on the floor and seeming to be waiting for something. Second, there is a large black object that resembles an egg in shape. This object is made of the same substance that has been coating the surfaces of the cavern as of late*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *if he had scales, they would be bristling in his anger as he sees Hope in the middle of the cavern. He snarls angrily and stomps a foot as he moves towards her, teeth bared* What are you playing at?! Why did you pull this crap on us, Hope? I thought you were our friend, damn it! What the hell do you even gain by betraying us?! Why did you bring us here, and who are you really?!

    Sephiroth: *Scowls* Calm, youth. *snorts* Just be calm. *scans the area, more interested in the egg right now, seeming cautious and wary of it* Be prepared for anything. Something doesn’t feel right about this situation.


    Hope: *blinks and looks back at Rizon as he storms over to her side* Oh… you guys made it here. *she shrugs and stands up* You were supposed to get lost. Oh well.. *she glances over to the black object* I’m not betraying, I’m just facing facts and choosing the best option. I’m going to see my parents, at long last. *she allows herself a small grin*

    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth’s words* ~Indeed, this is most likely far from the safest spot for us to be in.~ *she moves closer to Sephiroth and gives him a slightly nudge in order to comfort him. She then examines the “egg”* ~Most likely one of Nem-~

    *Before Seferia can finish speaking to Sephiroth, Gorchev rushes forward toward the object in the middle of the room. He then snorts in distaste at what he finds as he pokes at it, which only rewards him a slime-covered finger. He then bares his fangs and turns to face Hope. As he turns around, the object begins to move about. Soon enough, a large black wing unfolds from the outermost layer of the “egg” and smacks Gorchev across the room. Meanwhile, the obejct continues to unfurl, pulling out six wings as well as unwrapping a elongated tail from a humanoid body*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *curls his lips back, exposing his full set of carnivorous teeth. At the same time he does this, he makes a bellowing loud rowring noise at the sight of his superior being attacked and unsheathes his sword, charging forwards at the wing, his other paw outstretched, claws out, intending to stab the wing with the blade, and slash the wing with his other paw*

    Rizon: This was a setup… this was a set up! Damn you! If it wasn’t so damn tight in here, I’d show you the wrath of what I really am… *makes an inhuman snarling noise, his tail fur very bristled and poufy* It’s not the best option, she’s just going to fuck you over like she’s doing everything else! And you’re a loser for bowing into it!

    Sephiroth: *scowls* *”So what do we do now?”* *hisses at the kitty attacks and shakes his head, grunting at Rizon* *”Our group is losing its composure… we need organization and to strike as a unit.”*


    Nemesis: *snaps open her eyes as she hears the loud roar. She then grins at Ignatius rushes up toward her with his sword. Just as he swings at her, she lunges out to grasp onto the blade with her more human hand. Still grinning at him, she raises herself to her full eight of about 9 feet tall while still holding onto the blade, hoping to lift up Ignatius with it* Oh, little one? You challenge us alone? How noble. Idiotic, but noble. *she loudly chuckles*

    Hope: *hums to herself. She then looks over at Rizon* No, she’ll give me my parents at long last. *She then frowns at Seferia* She told me.. Seferia, Clawina.. Both of them. They just let my parents die. They took me up just to raise me to fight for their cause. They didn’t care about my parents at all.

    Seferia: *her tail swishes slightly with aggitation as she looks over the group. Then, she calls out to Rizon* Get back over here. We need to stay together.. ~We all need to retreat. We don’t have the materials needed to fight Nemesis..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: I’d rather defeat you or die in the attempt than be your slave or loyal to you, evil cad! *grips onto the blade as he is lifted off the ground and continues his loud angry wailing* Launch in and attack!!

    Rizon: *growls in his throat, then shakes his head, moving back to Seferia* Alright, but…. now what are we going to do? We’re screwed, aren’t we? There’s nothing we can do to beat her, everything has been tried…

    Sephiroth: *scowls, seeming most unhappy* Retreat…


    Nemesis: *slithers her tail around her body before lifting it up so that she can press the tip of it against Ignatius’ lips* Shhh.. Now, now, now. We musn’t have that sort of talk, now should we? *she darkly chuckles* However, we will assure you that death does await you. *her smile stretches and widens, revealing her fang-like teeth. Loudly chuckling, she hurls Ignatius at the rest of the group, wanting to play with her prey for now*

    Seferia: *glances around at the group. She then slowly shakes her head and sighs* ~Yes, you’re right, Rizon. We don’t have the tools to fight against her. Sephiroth, lead everyone back toward the entrance that we came in through. Use every one of your psychic abilities to remove any rocks that block the way. Do not hold back.~ *she then focuses her sighs on Nemesis* ~I’ve fought her before.. I’ll try to keep her busy long enough for you all to make it out of here safely.~ *she then pulls out her twin blades before moving to the front of the group*

    Hope: *moves closer to Nemesis then grins up at her* I have delivered. You said that you will help me meet my parents once I bring them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *howls back at Hope* You’re not selling us out to the devil! What even makes you think for a second that she’s going to pay up?! You fucking traitor, I’d get you if I could! *begins to retreat the way he came, using his psychic energies and magic to begin blasting apart the area. He blasts a much taller and more wider than he probably should, and if one is cluey enough, they might work out that he has other intentions with his hole forming in the area*

    Ignatius: *collapses in a heap on the ground, landing on his paws. He loudly hisses in defeat, then turns his attention up to Gorchev* We should get out of here…

    Sephiroth: *glares at Seferia and moves with her* Don’t be an idiot. Get out like the rest of your group!


    Nemesis: *swings around to face Hope. As she turns, she unfurls her wings to give the motion a more dramatic effect. She then broadly grins at the girl* Ah yes, we did say that you would get to meet your parents, didn’t we? Hmm.. *she reaches out with her right hand and pats the top of Hope’s head* Yes, we did indeed. Guess we might as well deliver. *she then suddenly slams the tip of her tail through Hope’s back, severing the spinal cord within seconds before the tip pokes out of her chest* You shall meet them indeed.

    Hope: *her eyes widen in surprise as the tail slams through her. She gasps as she tries to regain any breath, however, with a tail going through her lungs, she finds that impossible. Soon enough, her body becomes limp. However, she does manage to whisper out* Why…?

    Seferia: *glares over at Sephiroth* ~Do as I say. I have more power than most available here. I am also leader. I cannot ask anyone to jeapordize their lives when I can do it myself.~ *she shakes her head* ~Go, I’ll hold her back.~

    Gorchev: *jumps back as he watches Nemesis impale Hope. His ears pin back in sorrow toward the scene. He then snorts at the call for retreat* Damn you… *he hisses before turning tail and rushes to follow the others*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly snarls and grabs Seferia by the shoulder, trying to yank her back* *”No, don’t be an idiot! Just, don’t. Don’t do this… I, no, the group is nothing without you. They will be lost.”* *growls and tries to pull her away, though he is probably not going to be very successful. His emotion is running quite high now, and he is in a mix of anger, panic, and despair at Seferia’s decision* *”Last thing we need is more idiocy and heroes who end up dead and in memory….”*

    Rizon: *makes a bellowing roar as he blasts out enough space to break free into his dragon form. Once morphed, he begins to easily cleave down a ton of rock and crystal with his sharp claws* *”Subterranian claws for the win!”* *doesn’t look back, and tries to get ahead so he can keep clearing the way* *”Follow me, we need to get out of here!”*

    Ignatius: *runs out with Gorchev, looking back at Seferia and Sephiroth* What are you doing!? GET OUT!!


    Seferia: *looks back at Sephiroth, seeming quite concerned at how much he is trying to talk her out of her decision. Finally, she releases a deep sigh* ~Very well… I’ll stay with you. I am sorry.~ *she glances back at Nemesis, who is still ripping apart Hope’s corpse. She then quickly turns around and begins to trot after the rest. However, she does try to cave in the exit to the room where Nemesis is before she joins the rest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *between his clawings at the rock, he uses his hard gemmed scales like a plate of armor and begins ramming whatever rocks can be shifted by force. When the pile of rocks becomes too dense in front of him, he opens his maw and begins to blast a barrage of black fire at the rocks, which melts and partially erases whatever minerals it touches*


    Seferia: *finally catches up to where Rizon is digging. She then frowns at what she is seeing and groans* We need to train our troops to think with more logic.. *groaning, she narrows her eyes at Rizon* ~If you were going to do that, you should have gone after the caved in area that would most likely have had loose soil.~ *with that, she loooks back at Sephiroth* Let loose as much of your psychic abilities as you have available, Sephiroth. We need to make an exit.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *just continues to smash through rock and rubble and crystal as he comes back the way the group came in, breathing his oblivion flames onto the ground whenever he can. He continues to tunnel his way through using his mass and body size, his movement sending clouds of dust and rubble around* *”As soon as everyone is out, I will blow this place apart.”*

    Sephiroth: *”The dragon is doing a fine job of making an exit.”* *grunts* *”Just follow the dragon battering ram.”* *sends a few blasts at the ceiling, trying to cause a cave in around Nemesis*


    Seferia: *releases a frustrated noise at Sephiroth’s retort. She then shakes her head* ~That doesn’t mean that additional force would not make things faster. That dragon is young and likely to tire shortly. He’s also being fool-hardy and likely to hit solid rock that is not easy to tunnel through.~

    Gorchev: *jumps back from the area where rocks are flying about and shakes himself off* This is highly annoying.. We need to leave here now. We don’t have time for this nonsense.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”So direct him out. He’s running on 50% determination and 50% panic right now. You can either waste the opportunity, or guide him to your advantage, and for our continued survival. The choice is yours. Or…”* *pauses* *”I got us in. I can manipulate him and get us out.”*


    Seferia: ~I am attempting to give him directions. However, in his state of panic, he is not being a good listener. Please, just give him some assistance. I know that your psychic abilities can create quite a bit of force when you concentrate. Hurry, we don’t have much time.~ *she pauses* ~If you think you can manipulate him into working on the right area, then do such.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”It’s very possible.” *concentrates on the dragon ahead of him, and begins trying to penetrate into his mind. There is a loud angry screech and then nothing as Sephiroth gains access to it’s mind. Once the barrier has been breached and taken over, Sephiroth begins to steer the larger beast, then once again resumes the attacks it was using before. Thus, Rizon continues to use his oblivion-breath against the rock and terrain in the cave, and the occaisonal paw-swipe as he is guided out*


    Seferia: *nods with approval as she notices that Sephiroth has taken direct control over Rizon. As she pats Sephiroth’s shoulder as a sign of appreciation, she turns around to watch the area where she last saw Nemesis* Make it quick.. We do not have much time, especially since you did not permit for me to stall her advance. *with those words, she applies some of her own magics, trying to melt away the rocks blocking Rizon’s path*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to mind-control and manipulate the dragon, having him charge through more of the rock as Seferia helps to clear some away. He quickly follows after the dragon, stepping through the destruction, not wishing to be left behind with Nemesis and the debris* *”After we’re in the clear, should I have him cause a cave-in to trap the monster inside so we have more time to escape? If we do that, though… should we take the human corpse with us? Maybe the royal-feline will have some closure if we take it.”*


    Seferia: *Shakes her head* ~We have no times for closure or sympathies at times of war, Sephiroth. I am sure that you have left commerades on the field of battle in the past.~ *She glances back as she hears a rumbling from deeper in the cave. She then casts a spell to cave in the area behind them before looking toward Rizon* Once we are outside, cave in the area, completely. That may buy us just enough time..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I have. I left slackers behind. They do nothing except hold you down, or waste time.”* *hisses at the rumbling and grabs onto the dragon’s tail, manipulating it to continue moving forwards, using it’s breath to melt rock and crystal* Keep going… *growls* It had better buy us some time. And we had better get out quickly – try mentally restraining an angry dragon for this long and see how far you get…


    Seferia: *makes a bit more of the cavern behind them collapse in on itself. She then turns around to face the tunnel that Rizon is tunneling. Soon after, she concentrates on blasting through the path with her own magics. She then grins as she feels a breeze moving through the tunnel* Everyone, get out, now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Hey, you don’t need to tell me! *flares out his whiskers at the scent of fresh air and quickly runs towards it, very excited* Move, move, move!

    Rizon: *despite Sephiroth’s best efforts, he finally pierces through his mind manipulation ability. He stands there, enraged and emotional, swinging his head back to face Sephiroth, roaring as loud as he can shortly after, filling the tunnels with his loud dominant booming sound* *”Enough! I am not here for you!!”* *inhales and quickly douses the area with flame, burning him*


    Seferia: *nearly as soon as she witnesses the flames heading toward Sephiroth, she moves to stand before her with her back facing Rizon. For the most part, she wants to take the brunt of the flames and shelter Sephiroth. However, since she does not have enough time to change to her draconic form, she gets rather toasted, and the smell of burnt fur would fill the air. Grunting in pain, she narrows her eyes and manages to stay standing on sheer will alone* ~Rizon, you are here for all of us. If you attack a teammate ever again, I will have you locked up as a traitor.~

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