We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: Stretching alone does not prevent muscles from becoming stiff in time. That is why you derived so much pleasure from the massage. *she frowns, not knowing what to do about Sephiroth’s hunger. She then thinks of the mangoes that he enjoys eating. So, she quickly casts a spell to make a basket of fruits form in front of Sephiroth* I hope that will help.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits up as he sees the fruit and then eagerly begins to pick at it, chomping into a mango first without even bothering to peel it* *”That is much better. However, neither fruit nor meat will provide many carbohydrates. I should have brought along some bread.”*


    Seferia: Ah yes, your kind eats that stuff.. Hmm… *concentrates once more. She then manages to cast a spell to create a loaf of bed, though it isn’t terribly great* I hope that will do. I don’t have the exact materials necessary to truly make bread for you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *picks up the dry bread, seeming greatful anyway* Thank you. It’s not much I guess, but you tried. And the nutrition will definitely be of use, let me assure you. *bites a large chunk out of the bread and begins to chew. He picks up a bottle of water and drinks from it to wash down the taste of the dry bread* It’s good enough for what I need it for. And anything was better than more of that horrid tasting primate.


    Seferia: *She shakes her head at Sephiroth’s comments. She then shrugs* You are about the only one in our entire group that is being so picky about their food, Sephiroth. The rest of us simply eat what we can. *grins at him* It is a bit.. cute, for lack of a better word.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises an eyebrow at her* Cute..? If you think so… *slowly shakes his head, then continues to eat the bread, ripping larger chunks off of it* *”Nothing interesting has happened so far. Which I suppose is a good thing.”*


    Seferia: Well, if you don’t want to consider that scene that we walked through “nothing”, yes, you are indeed correct. We are trying to make this a silent trek, in and out. So, we don’t partiularly want any major events. *she casts a spell to pull a brush out of her magical pocket. She then reaches over and begins to brush out Sephiroth’s hair*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wriggles in protest at first, but soon gets used to the brushing and overall doesn’t seem to mind. He sits still while she finishes the job, keeping an eye on the tent door incase somebody should rip it open*


    Seferia: *finishes brushing his hair after a few moments. She then pats his back* There, all done. *she then moves to the side so that she can set up her sleeping bag* You can settle down, Sephiroth. Everyone has retired to their tents. None of them are about to bother us. Even if they did decide, I’d sense their coming well before they opened the tent.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Forgive me, Seferia. I just… don’t want to be seen, and harassed for something I would do anyway. *frowns* I don’t want to be hated for doing what I like to do. It just makes things more complicated. And annoying.


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* Do not worry so much about it, Sephiroth. Yes, some of them do not like you. Some do not like the fact that you have authority over them. And most are quite perturbed by your performance today. *she shakes her head* However, none of them hate you. Remember, you just need to be patient.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phh, patient… knowing their level of tolerance, it would probably take them years and years to trust me. *folds his arms, irritated* But fine, I’ll go along with it. You are probably wrong, Seferia…


    Seferia: At this point, Sephiroth, you have more than enough time to wait years. In time, such time spans will seem like nothing. *She begins to remove her armoring*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It doesn’t feel like nothing, let me assure you of that. *frowns at her, then leans back as she removes her armor and reaches towards her* Do you want me to do the same thing you did to me just a short time ago?


    Seferia: *glances back at Sephiroth. Studying him for a few moments, she tilts her head to the right side as she considers his proposition. For the most part, she is unsure as to how Sephiroth would know how to properly give a massage. Finally, she decides to let him have a shot with it. So, she nods* I think I will accept your invitation, Sephiroth. *She then shuffles about to properly present her back to him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves over and places his hands on her back, at first just running his hands through her fur, liking the feel. Then he remembers what Seferia was doing only a few moments ago and begins to dig into the fur with his fingers, trying to rub them over muscle, not sure how to look for tense places right now*


    Seferia: *peacefully closes her eyes and allows Sephiroth to rub his hands against her fur. However, as he begins to try to massage her, a frown of displeasure appears on her lips. At first, she doesn’t truly want to correct him, for it is his first time. However, she soon begins transmitting directions into his mind, hoping to correct his errors*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Seferia’s displeasure, initially considering just giving up and not bothering, slightly insulted that what he’s doing is wrong. However, when he receives directions, he carefully and slowly follows them, frowning, feeling a little vulnerable to criticism as he wonders how much Seferia likes it now*


    Seferia: *Remains patient with Sephiroth, knowing full well that this is his first attempt at giving a massage. In time, she nods with approval* You’re imporving, Sephiroth. It’s not great yet, but I’m certain you’ll get it soon enough.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins slightly, seeming pleased with Seferia’s approval* Thank you. *moves to sit beside her instead. In his mind, he feels rather pleased and pretty good about himself, thanks to Seferia’s encouraging words. He begins to think that he’d better pay much closer attention next time she massages him, so he can do it properly instead of just let his mind wander and turn to the semi asleep state it shifts into when he is thoroughly enjoying himself*


    Seferia: *gives Sephiroth a small grin in return. She watches over him as he drifts to sleep for about an hour. Eventually, she lies down in her blankets and begins to sleep as well*

    For the next few days, the expedition continues without much to report. Thanks to Hope’s directions, they manage to travel through areas that have not been ravaged by Nemesis, so they remain in the cover of a deep jungle canopy. Sekhmet is the only one who truly complains during the next few days, for she finds it distasteful whenever residue from the jungle begins to coat her fur.

    Finally, they reach a small, benign looking crack in the side of an equally unimpressive hill.

    Hope: *nods toward the crack* This is it. *she grins at the rest of them* Tiamat awaits us inside of here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *continues to follow the group, trying to keep everyone else in fairly high sprits. He does a lot of the hunting work, and even manages to gather small fruits for the humans in his group. When Sekhmet complains, he begins to hum some of the melodies the other dragons taught him, but resorts to singing them telepathically when told to shut up. He mostly keeps nearby her, wanting to protect her the most out of the group. Finally when they reach the unimpressive hill, he is quick to the defensive and stands ontop of the hill, scanning it for signs of danger or of life* I’ll check this one out!

    Ignatius: *keeps to the back of the group, keeping his head down and out of more trouble. After the threats of punishment, he isn’t so willing to step out of line or piss of his superior officers. When they reach the hill, he takes a bow and quivers out of his backpack, preparing himself for anything*

    Sephiroth: Where are we going anyway… *remains with Seferia, not too worried about much else. However, he is highly suspicious of the crack in the hill, finding nothing of interest about it* We spent days exploring, risking our lives, and you bring us to this? I don’t see any Tiamat… This is garbage!


    Hope: *frowns at Sephiroth. She then shakes her head* Of course you don’t see her yet. Tiamat is inside. Trust me, there’s a lot more to see down there. *With that, she slips through the crack. On the other side, there is a large cavern that leads down under the terrain that the group had been trecking through. The ceiling is illuminated with glow worms and the like*

    Seferia: *eyes the crack. For the most part, she’s concerned about getting her current form to fit through it. She then slowly nods* Let’s go check it out. We didn’t come all this way to turn back now.

    Sekhmet: *snorts as she sniffs the air coming out of the crack. Swishing her tail, she scowls* I’m going to be filled with even more filth.. *she shakes her head before squeezing through the crack*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Very well… *follows the rest of the group into the crack, staying away from the head lead to keep an eye on Seferia. He shakes his head at Sekhmet’s comments but leaves her alone, knowing better than to bother her or make her angrier once she starts* Are you alright? *grins back at Seferia*


    Seferia: *mains a soft grunting noise as she scrapes her bed leg against the walk walls for a brief moment. However, she finally slips through the crack and into the cavern* I am fine, Sephiroth. You need not worry… *She glances about* Well, this is much larger than what the entrance indicated.

    Hope: *broadly grins as the entire group enters the caverns. She then nods* Come on. It’s not much farther! *she begins to jog deeper into the caverns*

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