We are Nemesis

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  • #18274
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *vaguely raises his eyebrows as he continues to chew through his raw meal, wondering why Seferia is thinking of him. He shakes his head and tries to add to her thoughts, adding to them the fact that he doesn’t get quite so angry when he is acknowledged or listened to*

    Rizon: *lowers his head again, rubbing the fur on the back of it* Thanks… Seferia. I just feel like I’m never going to get through to her. Ever.


    Seferia: *seems slightly amused at Seph’s counter to her thoughts* ~Sorry, Sephiroth. I wasn’t directing that to you. However, you do not always make the proper decisions. I can’t always give you what you want. I think you’ve learned that much by now.~ *she then shakes her head at Rizon* As I said, you need to be patient. You have already been permitted to sleep in the same tent as her during this trip. Realize that is a sign of good will.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *gently nods his head, seeming accepting of her words. He silently moves away from the area, heading back to the main part of the camp*

    Sephiroth: *”You could give me everything only if you wanted to.”* *seems highly amused as he continues to chew through his food* *”You could even heat this up enough until it’s cooked. I don’t know why you don’t.”*


    Seferia: *slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth* ~I told you when I heated it, that is the best that I can do without ruining it completely. The magic used to heat it was not a fire spell. It would have simply gotten hotter without cooking. As for giving you everything that you want in general… no.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”No? Why not? It’s not like I am trying to destroy anything.”* *finishes eating the monkey and walks out of the tent, hurling the remains far into the bushes for the scavengers to fight over* *”I’m going to sleep early tonight.”* *rolls onto his side and relaxes, appreciating the fact he can rest in peace inside the tent*


    Seferia: ~I know that you aren’t trying to destroy anything. However, I cannot possibly give you every little thing that you want. To be honest, Sephiroth, sometimes, you can get quite self-centered in your desires. Hence, blindly agreeing to everything you want would not be optimal.~ *with that, she heads to her tent* ~Very well. I shall join you shortly…~ *pauses and thinks of Sephy’s desires on intimacy* ~Did you want to…~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Sometimes, it could be worth it. You can’t deny me everything… unless you wanted to. And that wouldn’t be very fair at all, now would it?”* *blinks slightly* *”Did I want to…? Did I want to what?”* *doesn’t understand her thoughts on intimacy at all* *”Did I want to cuddle, make out, or…?”* *tries to probe her mind slightly, wanting the answer*


    Seferia: *Had mostly caught onto Seph’s more perverted thoughts earlier on today, when they had discussed intimacy. So, she wants to make him happy by giving him what he longed earlier, sex. Soon enough, she strolls into the tent* Well?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits up a bit, glancing back at her* What… right now? Here? *shifts about a little bit, due to the fact that thinking about sex is stirring up his hormones* I.. *averts his gaze to the floor, thinking that he’d like to have sex. However, he still has issues with the fact Seferia is not the same species as him and considers it a little strange, and not natural* What if somebody hears us?


    Seferia: *tilts her head at Sephiroth* I believe that you are forgetting what I can do, Sephiroth. I am a dragon. I can make it so no one can perceive our presence in this tent at all. You need not worry about noise. *moves closer to him. She then kneels down next to him* I shall do whatever makes you happy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shifts back from her, feeling a little uncomfortable and very self-aware of the fact that he is quickly becoming aroused. He coughs slightly and turns his head away from her, frowning* Now is not a good time… perhaps later, when everybody has gone to sleep. *seems to be quite concerned about being discovered*


    Seferia: If that will make you happy, then I shall oblige, Sephiroth. I am only trying to make you happy. *she studies over him for a few moments* Turn around, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Turn around? *frowns and shakes his head* I don’t want you to if you’re just doing it to keep me satisfied. I really don’t need to… *shrugs* It is just something I think about often, now that you have turned me into a teenager.


    Seferia: *sadly shakes her head at Sephiroth* I didn’t… I didn’t try to turn you into a teenager, Sephiroth. I thought I explained that to you earlier. This is just a side-effect of the close bond that we’ve formed. *she shakes her head, she then looks into his eyes* Now, please, turn around. I am not going to do anything that has to do with human intercourse.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I know you didn’t mean it. And yes, I understand how it happened. But what is, is what must be. And so I am now a hormone-fueled teenager and possibly at the peak of my sexual potency as a male… *frowns at Seferia, but seems quite trusting of her words, and thus turns around to face her again* Well, there you go… what are you going to do?


    Seferia: I am going to perform a service that I did for Clawina quite often. You will most likely benefit from it as well. *with those words, she reaches out and begins to expertly massage his back. She moves slowly, tending to each knot in his muscles*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *at first, he seems unconvinced. After another few moments though, he begins to groan with pleasure, finding the massage to be very relaxing and comforting on his muscles* You do this… a lot…? *closes his eyes, moaning as Seferia hits particularly good spots on his back* Oh my… why did I never know about this…?


    Seferia: I performed this service for my queen quite often when she was stressed out, yes. As for why you never knew about this.. Are you referring to the concept of a massage in general, or do you mean my ability to provide one?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I meant in gener–*squeezes his eyes shut suddenly as Seferia’s hands move over a sore spot, now a mix of both pleasure and pain* Go over that spot again… *sighs* I also didn’t know you could do this. I mean… it’s fantastic.


    Seferia: As I said, it was a service that I provided for Clawina when she was stressed out. There is not much to speak of it, though. *She nods and moves to work on the spot that Sephiroth referred to with more care* How is that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I guess… *tenses suddenly* That’s it – that’s the spot exactly *groans* That’s it… *begins to shiver slightly, immensely pleased* I don’t know what you’re doing exactly, but… keep on doing it…


    Seferia: *chuckles at Sephiroth* It is called a massage. It is a simple technique that require precise movement of the hands and fingers upon muscles in order to relax the muscles of the other person. In your case, I am working out most likely years of stressed out muscles.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Stressed out muscles? That doesn’t sound like something I’d do. *lowers his head, closing his eyes, trying to relax properly once more* I stretch them often.. it shouldn’t be a problem – at all.


    Seferia: You also have spent nearly your entire life fighting, Sephiroth. *rubs her hand against a muscle on his left side* By the feels of this one, you have pulled it at least once during a battle. Most likely in a lunging maneuver.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I stretch them to prevent that, Seferia. *sits up properly again, thinking that he’s had enough of the massaging* That will do it for now, thank you. I think I will do something like that later on. *lies down on his back, relaxing, thinking to himself that he is still hungry despite the fact he ate as much of the monkey that he could before gagging at the taste*

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