We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *Takes note of Sephiroth’s thoughts then nods in appreciation, quite grateful. She didn’t particularly want to deal with Sephiroth for much longer if he was going to remain “insane” and overly energetic. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, she returns to the tent with several killed howler monkeys and a wild boar. However, before presenting the food to the rest of the camp, she moves in to her shared tent with Sephiroth* Are you most certain that you don’t want first pick?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* *”I don’t really need anything, thank you.”* *stretches out on his sleeping bag, just wanting to rest for now. He becomes thoughtful and thinks about how Seferia’s draconic hivemind will affect him in the future or if it will affect her with his own motives in her thoughts*


    Seferia: Hmm.. *despite Sephiroth’s words, she leaves behind a corpse of one of the howler monkeys. Then, she heads tot he center of the camp so that she could deposit the rest of the kills* This should be enough for everyone. *she then notes Sephiroth’s thoughts* ~It’s not quite like that, Sephiroth. We won’t merge. We’ll just be very intimate. Do you understand?~

    Gorchev: *looks up from the tent that he was setting up. He then nods at the sight of the food* Very good. That will help quite a bit.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Thank you for the food.”* *picks up the dead monkey and begins to skin it* *”I don’t want to eat this raw though….”* *sighs* *”Our minds won’t merge, but we will be very intimate? Intimate as in…?”* *begins to think about Seferia’s words, pondering if ‘intimate’ means closeness in general, or sexual relationships. The latter pleases him a lot and the thought of such begin to arouse him*


    Seferia: *tilts her head at the turn in Sephiroth’s thoughts. She then considers it over, deciding that she has no problems giving Sephiroth any of his bodily needs* ~Yes, we can be intimate in all ways, Sephiroth. As for the food, you’re just going to need to live with it. The best that I can do is…~ *she casts a spell to heat up the food a bit, but it wouldn’t be cooked*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I see…”* *frowns as the food he’s holding heats up, then sighs, beginning to pick at it* *”Thank you.”* *tentatively eats the raw meat, finding the taste undesirable, only eating it because he is hungry*


    Seferia: ~You’re welcome, Sephiroth. My apologies for not making it more appetizing for you.~ *she looks about then calls out* I have provided food. Come out now and partake of what you can.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *grins as he moves ahead to claim his ration of food* About time. Thanks, Seferia. Just let me know when it’s my turn to do the hunting, ‘kay? *begins to purr* Mmm, primate. *gives Seferia a feral grin* Working your way up the biological order to the human, huh? That pet of yours would make a nice meal for days.


    Seferia: *frowns at Ignatius and swishes her tail a bit* While I have eaten humans in the past, no, I shall not do that. *She shakes her head* Also, treat Sephiroth with more respect. He is your superior.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Yeah, yeah… tch. *flicks his whiskers back in disgust* He’s not my superior. He was running around like a kid earlier. How is somebody like that meant to lead and command an army? It’s bullshit, Seferia. You’re more able-bodied and smarter than him. Just ditch him and do the job yourself, ah? Besides… I hear he’s done shit to the others in the past. You know, bein’ aggressive an’ all. I mean no disrespect, but until he was tamed, he tried to kill people.


    Seferia: *frowns at Ignatius. She then shakes her head* Yes, he slipped in his judgement this afternoon. However, that is not like him at all. As for the past, that is the past. *she sets the pig infront of herself then begins to rip it apart so that she can eat it* Also, I am the chief commander of this army. Sephiroth is my second. I choose him. Understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: I don’t respect your decision, but it’s not like I can do anything about it. *chews the arm off the monkey, then begins to crunch through it whole* The past is what you judge by. It’s an accurate depiction of how shit’s going to be in the future. You need to keep an eye on him though. He nearly killed your own allies.


    Seferia: *sighs and shakes her head* People can change, young one. Trust me, I am old enough that I’ve seen several develop into completely different people as time moves past. He, as well, is changing. As for what happened early today, that was not his normal mind-set. Do you understand this?

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *hisses* If his mindset changes all the time, he’s not suitable to lead us. I was happy with you leading. I was happy with blue-balls leading, even though he’s an asshole. But the human…? They’re below us. And even in human terms, that one is pretty damned low.

    Rizon: *moves on the feline, making a loud chirping noise that is not physically possible with a felid’s vocal chords* Don’t question Seferia’s decision, cat. If she says that’s the way it goes, then that’s the way it goes. Now shove off. *turns his attention to Seferia* May I speak with you in private somewhere?


    Seferia: *shakes her head to Ignatius’s words* I do not think you quite understand the situation. Sephiroth.. He was close to being thirty years old in human years. However, circumtances have made it that he is the age he appears to be at the- *she looks up as Rizon approaches her. She then nods and walks over to Rizon* Yes, I’ll speak to you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *nods, then begins to walk away from the campsite* Good… please follow me. *”I don’t want any one to hear us… this is something more of… well, um…”* *sighs* *”Please, just follow. I’d appreciate it.”* *sneaks off, hiding in some bushes, trying to look inconspicuous*

    Ignatius: Tch… I understand it quite well.


    Seferia: *she gets to her feet and just silently follows after Rizon. She remains silent and patient as she waits for the male to lead her to the proper spot*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *once he figures that he is far enough from the camp, he crouches down, sitting cross legged on the ground* Seferia… I need to talk to you. Please, sit. I, uh… I want to know something. Something important. *looks up at her, pinning his ears back, looking quite troubled. There is a lot on his mind and his expression would reflect that*


    Seferia: *nods at Rizon. He then moves in to sit down next to him* Alright, youth. Speak your mind. What exactly is it that you’ve found out?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *his eyes dart back and forth around the area, then he looks back at Seferia, miserable* I… I’ve a confession to make. I also need some help… *lowers his head, lowering his shoulders, looking positively crestfallen* I’m just a common fast-growing whelp dragon. And I… *awkwardly rubs the back of his neck* Sekhmet… I… I-I’ve fallen in love with her. I don’t know what to do about it either… she doesn’t like me. *glances back at Seferia, looking hopeless* H-how did you and Clawina manage to bond so closely? I want to do that with Sekhmet… I want to be her dragon, her protector, and her mount should she need a ride.


    Seferia: *tilts her head. She then shakes her head* First of all, Sekhmet does not dislike you. If you pay attention, she does enjoy having you near. Second, my past with Clawina will be of no help to you. Clawina found my egg before I was even hatched. I am her first and foremost daughter. I shall always be that. *she sadly shakes her head* However, my best suggestion for you is for you to be patient. Allow the closeness to slowly develop. In time, you two will either have mutual kinship, or mutual hatred. However, I believe the former is more likely.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *lowers his head, not seeming to take Seferia’s words very well. He just gently nods and rises to his feet again* Thanks… I… I’m trying to be patient. *weakly smiles* But she’s aggressive. All of the time. I can’t really tell what goes on with her….


    Seferia: Sekhmet is like that no matter the circumstances, youth. Do remember, her problems are not with you. She’s developed a reputation of being uncaring to the feelings of others. So, you are not going to soon get her to openly show affection toward you. *she gets to her feet* Also, you must remember that the girl has lost her mother. *sighs* She is not ready to let something else hurt her like that again.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *nods his head again, still seeming discontent* Yeah, I guess so. I never really thought of it like that before. I thought she was just mean and aggressive because she wanted to be mean and aggressive. *brushes the dirt off his spotted fur* We should be going back now, before they wonder what happened to us.


    Seferia: *nods her head once more in agreement* As I said, be patient. Those with tempers may seem impassible, but they do have their soft spots. *she allows herself a slight grin. For the most part, she is thinking of Sephiroth at the moment. Also, Sephiroth probably would have been able to perceive the contents of the conversation through their bonds*

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