We are Nemesis

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to snicker and darts away as Gorchev turns his head around* What? I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Silly feline. *grins and casually continues to walk along, waiting until Gorchev’s head is turned back. He moves in again to pull his tail, moving back behind Seferia* *”I’m keeping myself occupied.”*


    Gorchev: *hisses then growls at Sephiroth. He soon swings around and tries to slash out at Sephiroth’s eyes. However, he stops as he spots Seferia moving toward them. He then snorts and turns around so he can continue walking* Damn stupid human.

    Seferia: *hisses at Sephiroth’s outbursts, becoming quite embarrassed by his current mind set. She also finds it that he is undermining both her and his right to lead this group. Since she had picked him to be second-in-command, his lack of restraining is indeed reflecting illy upon herself. So, she speaks up to catch up to Sephiroth, ignoring the pain in her leg for once. She then clamps her hand down on Sephiroth’s right arm and pulls him in toward her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *immediaely ducks his head as Gorchev’s clawed paw swipes out at him, greatly amused. However, he tenses as Seferia grabs onto his arm and moves over towards her, seeming a little bit nervous as he sees her mindset, also wondering if she’s going to get angry with him*


    Seferia: *Frowns at Sephiroth. She then resumes her normal pace, however, it is slower than before since she just strained the muscles in her legs* ~Stay by my side, Sephiroth. I shall keep you occupied, but leave the others alone. They will never follow your commands if you continue doing what you are doing. Understand?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs, finally calming down again* *”Very well. Though I doubt they would follow my commands anyway. They never respected me, why should they start?”* *snorts* *”I should knock them down and beat some sense into them that way. Then they would learn some respect.”*


    Seferia: ~They certainly won’t follow your directions if you continue acting like a new-born hatchling. Now..~ *she frowns as she considers various games as well. She then enters Sephiroth’s mind and begins playing with the part of his brain that translates his visual input. Soon enough, he would start seeing his surroundings in a slighly psychedelic manner. She also allows for his own thoughts toward things and people distort what he sees when he looks at them. Meanwhile, she takes control of his motor skills enough to keep him on path with the rest of the group*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to follow Seferia, turning around as he looks around the area, confused. He sees the strange colours and begins to wonder what happened to his mind, staring ahead at the rest of the group* What happened…? *touches his forehead with a hand, wondering if he’s sick*


    Seferia: ~You want entertainment. This is one of the least invasive ways to keep you entertained. Imagine anything you want. I shall insure that you actually perceive what you want to perceive. And worry not about your footing. I am keeping it steady.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* *”As long as I’m not sick..”* *begins to imagine the area as a deep thick lush rainforest full of animals and life, also thinking of bright coloured flowers. He imagines the whole thing to be tranquil and calm and pretty*


    Seferia: ~No, you are not sick at all, Sephiroth. This is just a game to keep your mind occupied.~ *she tilts her head at Sephiroth’s choice of distraction* ~I must admit that I never would have thought of you choosing that.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Oh? What do you think I would have done?”* *begins to think of a warzone all around him, specifically, Wutai in a state of war, being blown up and on fire* *”How about this?”* *imagines bombs exploding in the area*


    Seferia: ~Well, yes, I must admit that I would think this sort of thing would hold your interest more than flowers and the like. You were bred by your people to kill and fight. Please do not take me wrong, Sephiroth. I would never think of you so simplistic to only think of those things.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I think of other things besides war and killing things. Maybe in the beginning I wanted to be seen as cold and I wanted to be left alone. Maybe in the beginning I wanted to give the impression that I was cold and heartless. But it doesn’t change who I actually am and what I think of.”* *begins to imagine butterflies, and then begins to ponder what Seferia would look like in her proper morphed dragon form. After another few moments he begins to visualize himself as a dragon, appearing smaller, silverish in hue, masculine, and very horned and rugged looking*


    Seferia: ~I just stated that I know full well that you do not think purely about killing, Sephiroth. However, it still surprises me to see you visualize insects for fun…~ *she then notices the turn in his thoughts. She allows herself a slight grin at his imagined form* ~Hm, you would have been quite fearsome indeed.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I agree. I would make a good dragon.”* *seems a little dissapointed with the idea now, and thinks of something else. This time he begins to think of Seferia and what she would be like if she wasn’t permanently injured*


    Seferia: *shakes her head, not really wanting to think of such things too much. Still, she decides to supplement Sephiroth’s visuals with her memories of the past. Soon enough, Sephiroth would see Seferia and Clawina both fighting side by side, while both were in their prime. As Seferia presents Sephiroth these images, she recalls how both her and Clawina used to fight in perfect synchronization thanks to Seferia’s psychic abilities. As far as Seferia is concerned, she was in perfect harmony with her queen back then.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sees Seferia’s imagery and leaves her be, not influencing what she sees so he can get a better picture of what Seferia and her were like. He suddenly becomes aware of their synchronization and feels quite ‘lesser’ of a partner to Seferia when he compares himself to Clawina. He becomes silent at this and returns to his serious mindset, suddenly thinking to himself that Seferia would have been better off with Clawina and wishes she was still alive*


    Seferia: ~Sephiroth, I would have found a partner in due time aside from Clawina. You know full well that I hit my first breeding cycle just recently. At that time, dragons such as I are compelled by our needs to find life partners.~ *She shakes her head* ~Simply because we are new at this, we are not necessarily fated to never forge a solid partnership like that which I shared with Clawina, my mother. Clawina and I had years, from the day that I was hatched. Meanwhile, the two of us have only had weeks, at most.~ *She pulls out her images, allowing Sephiroth to explore any other images he wishes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I just…”* *thinks to himself that he shouldn’t continue on with his sentence, thinking that being attracted to somebody could be considered as a weakness. He also thinks that wanting to be in Clawina’s position and deeply linked in mind, body and soul with another living creature would do him a world of good and make him forget all of the past problems in his life. He is also jealous of Clawina and wants such a close bond*


    Seferia: ~All in good time, Sephiroth. As long as you are willing to accept the process, we will develop just as deep of a bond.~ *She is quite happy that Sephiroth even wants to deepen the level of their bond. However, she knows that for now, they are not ready to force the bond to bring their minds even closer. She then stops as she notices that the rest of the group has reached a point in which they are ready to sleep for the night. So, she removes all her manipulations over Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head slightly, ridding his mind of the disorientation. He seems rather serious as he takes his camping gear out of subspace. After that he begins to unpack his items, then sets out the tent so he can put it up, all the while saying nothing at all*


    Seferia: *nods in appreciation at Sephiroth’s work. She then steps in to help him* Thank you, Sephiroth. Do you want me to acquire something for you to eat? *considers the fact that she’s a bit hungry herself, so she might as well get him some food at the same time*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* I will eat in due time. *thinks to himself that getting the tent up is the highest priority. He has also quite lost his playfulness and he is beginning to reflect on the day, seeming to be a little bit annoyed*


    Seferia: *tilts her head as she watches Sephiroth, confused by his current mind-set. Still, she chooses to leave him be. Instead, she walks off to the surrounding area so that she can hunt down a bit of food for the camp*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once he has set up the tent, he moves inside to roll out his sleeping bag, lying down on it, sighing. He thinks about the day’s events, about the visions Seferia presented him with, and about the continuing mission ahead. He soon concludes that his actions today were stupid and that he should act with more maturity and seriousness at all times. Although he had fun, he deems it as inappropriate*

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