We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *backs away from him, thinking that he disapproves of her decision* We are? I did not know that at all. I thought that you’d appreciate the kiss. *She shakes her head* My apologies, Sephiroth. I misinterpreted your dreams.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her, grabbing her hand again* No, I meant… *tenses, thinking Seferia has misunderstood his words* A kiss is fine. Keep doing it, I liked it. I was talking about… *frowns, stopping again. He begins to think that having sex in a tent like this would be inappropriate, which was hwat he was really thinking of before*


    Seferia: *tilts her head. She then shakes her head* We do not have time for such activities, Sephiroth. *With that, she moves off to the side and finishes up packing up her items. As she does this, she switches back to her feline form* Is there anything you need to have done before we depart?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh, I know. *seems slightly dissapointed, but does not push the fact at all* Is there anything else I would like to do? *slowly shakes his head* Not really. I am almost ready to move out as it is now. I would like to forage for some food, possibly fruit, but that is not a high priority.


    Seferia: *ponders over Sephiroth’s opinion as to what he wants to do. She then nods her head* Very well then, forage within the nearby area. Do not leave the general area of the camp, though, Sephiroth. If you cannot see the camp any more, you have gone too far. Understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head and slips out of the tent. He soon vanishes into the underbrush of the surrounding area, gone for the best part of 15 minutes. When he returns, he seems more calm and relaxed, and his hands are also mildly sticky from the fruit he had found*


    Hope: *finally returns from the trek that Sephiroth saw her depart on earlier on in the morning. She is carrying several bottles full of water, so one can assume that she was getting water the entire time*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances over at Hope, seeming rather curious in his thoughts as he watches her return with the water. He begins to wonder how long ago he saw her, then shrugs, moving back into his own tent to wipe the fruit juices and pulp off his hands* I have returned. *smirks* Did you miss me?


    Seferia: *looks up at Sephiroth then tilts her head* Did I miss you? No, that was hardly a long period of time? *her right ear twitches* Was I meant to have missed you with that period of time?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* Forget it… *thinks to himself that Seferia has missed the point of his silly comment and makes a note to himself that it’s probably not a good idea to do it any longer* What are we waiting for now, exactly? *folds his arms, feeling a bit impatient and bored*


    Seferia: *tilts her head* Well, I was waiting for you to return. *she glances down at his hands* Also, I believe that you need to eat. Aside from that, we need to finish packing up our items. That way, there will be next to no traces of our presence here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I see…. *frowns* How do we pack up everything inside of here?


    Seferia: *blinks and looks around* Hm? I already put away most of the items in here. I don’t really see much else to pack up. *she shakes her head then points outside* Go ahead and eat your food, Sephiroth. I will finish packing up this tent. *pauses for a moment* Also, check and see if Sekhmet has awakened.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I already ate food. I went foraging just a short time ago and found food. *shrugs* If you want to finish packing up the tent, I will leave you to that. *steps outside and wanders over to Sekhmet’s tent, poking at the edge of it* Are you even awake, feline princess? We are ready to move out. I… I suggest you get moving.


    Seferia: My appologies. I thought you only went looking for the food early. I did not think that you had already eaten it. *She shrugs. Then she moves out of the tent so that she can start disassembling it*

    Sekhmet: *groans and twitches her ears in irritation* Silence. I need more sleep…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks, annoyed at Sekhmet’s reply. He begins to pick at one of the tent supports, causing the front part to collapse shortly after. He then quietly slips away, heading back for Seferia*


    Sekhmet: *releases a surprised yell as her tent collapses on top of her. She then angrily growls and yells out* Sephiroth, you insolent human male! I’ll insure you’re reprimanded for this. *right after, she calls out again* Rizon! Get your dragon ass over here and get me out of this.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *inwardly smirks as he walks away, thinking to himself that Sekhmet is pushy and spoiled. He softly chuckles as he heads back to Seferia, wanting to watch and possibly assist her with the tent packing away*

    Rizon: *”My dragon ass is really busy right now, princess. It’s going to have to wait…”*


    Sekhmet: Rizon!! *growls, quite irritated. She then begins to slowly crawl out from under the tent. Her hair is extremely ruffled up and she seems to be more than a bit irritated*

    Seferia: *Has already taken down the tent, so she’s currently just folding it up and piling up what needs to be stored*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *seems a little embarrassed now, but stays calm in his reply* *”Please, just wait another minute or so…”*

    Sephiroth: *grins at Seferia* You are rather quick at that. *begins to wonder how often Seferia has been on such adventures, and also wonders if she is used to it, because of having to put up so many tents within the base*


    Sekhmet: *shakes herself off now that she’s out from under the tent. She then grumbles and turns around to put it back up again so that she can get back inside to get her items* Damn human pet. Disrespectful, rude, and unreliable!

    Seferia: *turns her gaze to Sephiroth then shrugs* We dragons tend to be faster at many things that humans can do. It is not uncommon at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* Oh of course. I’m not going to argue that. *grins to himself as he hears Sekhmet’s growling and protests in the distance*

    Rizon: *finally returns to the tent area, looking a little sheepish. He moves over to help Sekhmet, grinning nervously at her* Your tent fell down, hmm? Nevermind. It happens sometimes. But ah… on the upside, your tent is halfway packed up?


    Sekhmet: *Growls and glares at Rizon* We need to put it back up to get our items out of it. *She snorts* And it didn’t just fall down. Sephiroth, that bastard human, knocked it down while I was in it!

    Seferia: *her ears twitch. She then looks over at Sephiroth* Did you truly need to wake her in that manner?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns suddenly* Oh, don’t be like that. And don’t tell her… *lowers his voice* She deserved it. Plus, it kept me happy. I was most amused.

    Rizon: Huh…? How do you know he knocked it down? *glances off in Sephiroth’s direction, narrowing his eyes, his tail swaying slightly as he ponders what to do* Should I drag him over so you can reprimand him?


    Seferia: *looks over at Sephiroth, confused once more* Don’t tell her? *she then glances back at Sekhmet* Sephiroth, I do not need to tell her. She’s swearing at you as much as she can. *she then looks over at Sephiroth* I don’t think you were stealthy in your actions.

    Sekhmet: *growls out* It is quite obvious, Rizon. He asked me to wake up. I told him that I required more sleep. Then, right after those words were spoken, the tent fell down on my head. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out! *she hisses then snorts* Perhaps… *She finally gets the tent back up. She then slips inside so that she can gather up her belongings*

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