We are Nemesis

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  • #18124
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *keeps his back turned to Seferia as he wipes off his hands, scowling to himself. He remains seated near the door of the tent while Seferia sets up their bags, lowering his head, thinking to himself that she wouldn’t be able to understand his protests because she is used to eating that kind of food*


    Seferia: *looks back at Sephiroth* This isn’t a matter of preference where food is concerned. It is a matter of survival, Sephiroth. It would take us much too long to make a fire. Also, it would attract undue attention. Then, going off to forage away from the group for extended periods of time would compromise us as well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grtowls sharply at her* I understand that. I never questioned your reasoning, nor anybody else’s as to why we shouldn’t start a fire. *moves to his feet, lying down on his sleeping bag* However, if I had known we were going to have to survive on raw meat, I would have completely rethought the way I approached this expedition.


    Seferia: What exactly do you mean by that, Sephiroth? It is your duty to assist us in this mission. *seems confused by his words, not knowing if he’s saying that he despises helping them. She then shakes her head and moves to lie down in her bag*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ponders her words as he puts his head down on his pillow. He turns his back to Seferia and begins to wonder whether he’s being selfish about the entire issue or not. He inwardly frowns as he ponders this further, deciding to himself that he’s only been thinking about what he wants, despite the fact he has genuine concerns about becoming ill from the raw meat. He finally releases a quiet sigh, nodding once* Right. It is my duty to assist you in this mission.


    Seferia: *allows herself a small grin. She then reaches over to gently rub the side of Seph’s face, petting him* Thank you for being reasonable. You should get some sleep. *she shuffles closer to him. She then begins to hum*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’ll continue to be reasonable if my concerns are acknowledged. That’s really all I am asking for. *closes his eyes as Seferia hums, thinking to himself that the sound is very pleasing and relaxing to hear. A small content smile grows across his face as he drifts off to sleep*


    Seferia: *continues to hum to Sephiroth well past the point that he’s obviously asleep, for the action is pleasing to herself as well. Eventually, she releases a yawn before she closes her eyes and begins to sleep as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *during the night, he sleeps with very little trouble. However, in the first few hours of the morning, he wakes up and lies awake for some time before finding himself unable to get back to sleep. He quietly moves out of the tent and wanders off to the area of the campsite where the group was gathered, sitting down in the area to think about the task ahead of them*


    Seferia: *opens her eyes for a brief moment, fully aware that Sephiroth is leaving. However, she chooses that he will be safe and that he isn’t going to do anything foolhardy. So, she closes her eyes and returns to sleep*

    Hope: *Wakes up not long after Sephiroth does. She slips out of the camp, heading past where Sephiroth is. It seems that she has bottles that she intends to fill with water with her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances up at Hope as she passes by, leaving her be. He lowers his head as he remains seated and thinks about the day’s events. Soon he becomes bored of that, and somewhat cold, so he heads back into his tent, lying on the top of his sleeping bag*


    Seferia: *seems to remain deep asleep as Sephiroth enters the tent and lies down next to her once more. Still, she reaches out with her right arm in order to encircle it around Sephiroth. However, this motion seems more of an indication of possession than a desire to comfort*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is still wide awake and seeks a little confused and even bothered as Seferia encircles an arm around him. He shuffles over to move up against her after a time, not wanting her arm to be so stretched out, also desiring warmth. He closes his eyes and soon drifts off into a sleep again, this time thinking vaguely sexy thoughts and of other typical male sex-related things*


    Seferia: *chuckles faintly at the turn of Sephiroth’s thoughts. However, she remains deep asleep. Finally, at sunrise, she opens up her eyes and wakes up completely. Upon waking up, she nudges Sephiroth, wanting him to rise as well* We will be leaving soon, Sephiroth.

    Sekhmet: *grumbles as the sunlight slips through the curtains of her tent and smacks her in the left eye. She hisses out several of her specie’s version of curses as she sits up and rubs her eyes. She then throws a pillow at Rizon* Shut that doorway proper!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *groans slightly, wanting to remain asleep. He was dreaming particularly erotic thoughts and wants to stay there in dreamland with them, rolling onto his stomach, trying to ignore Seferia’s voice, mind, and nudging* Five more minutes…

    Rizon: *is snoozing quite deeply when Sekhmet throws the pillow at him. He makes a loud yelp in surprise and jumps backwards, crashing into the side of the tent. He springs onto his feet, looking around the room, quite alert and startled* It wasn’t me!


    Seferia: *blinks at Sephiroth’s reaction, not having expected him to be so unprofessional. However, she nods and stands up* Very well. Five more minutes. However, I shall insure that you wake up after those five minutes. *with that, she moves to the side so that she can cleanse herself off and groom*

    Sekhmet: *grumbles and continues to hiss in annoyance* Shut that flap. The sunlight is much too annoying. *she yawns and tries to turn her back on the sunlight, wanting to sleep some more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins as he is allowed more time and rolls onto his side, resuming his half-awake half-asleep daze and erotic dreaming, seeming very pleased with his dreams right now, which is also beginning to work him into a state of arousal* I’ll wake up soon… don’t worry about that… *begins to hum, content*

    Rizon: Oh? *glances at the flap, then zips it up quickly, nodding* O-oh, right… *bows his head* It’s fixed now, princess.


    Seferia: *stares at Sephiroth for a few moments, finding it strange that he’s developed these thoughts. She thinks back to when he didn’t even want to think about sex. However, she finds that he’s now obsessed with sex, to a degree. Finally, once the five minutes are over, she gets to her feet and moves over to Sephiroth’s side. She then nudges him with her right foot* Wake up, Sephiroth.

    Sekhmet: Very good. Well done, dragon. Now, give me back my pillow. *she lifts up her hand so that she can catch it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *blinks at Sekhmet* If… if you wanted your pillow, then why…? *quickly shakes his head, stopping in his tracks with his current sentence. He picks up the pillow and tosses it back to Sekhmet, knowing better than to dispute or argue with her reasoning*

    Sephiroth: *groans as Seferia nudges him and reluctantly gets to his feet, sighing* Very well… *turns his back to her and begins to get ready for the day, changing into some more appropriate clothing for the mission ahead*


    Sekhmet: *grips onto the pillow once it is tossed back over to her. She then nods and sets it under her head again* Well done. You have served well this morning. *after a moment pause, she softly speaks* Thank you.

    Seferia: *tilts her head at Sephiroth* You bothered to bring more than one set of clothing? *She shrugs. She then moves to pack up the sleeping materials. As soon as each item is prepared for storage, she sends it to her magical pocket*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *perks his ears up, sitting back down on his sleeping bag, grinning at Sekhmet’s words* You’re welcome, princess! *bows his head, then relaxes out on his sleeping bag again* So when are we going to get ready and move off for the day?

    Sephiroth: No… *shakes his head* I only brought my regular clothes. I sleep in my underwear. I’d rather not sleep in the clothes I wore all day.


    Seferia: Mmmm… *glances at his nether regions. She then shakes her head* No, that isn’t a true statement. You usually sleep completely nude. I’ve seen it several times over.

    Sekhmet: Shut up. I want to sleep some more. *She trie to burry her head in her pillow* Ask someone else about those trivial questions.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mutters* Sometimes… *scowls* We’re not really in a situation where we can do that, however. *thinks to himself that the tents here out in the open are much too public for his liking* Well, I’m awake. We might as well do whatever is needed before we set off for the morning.

    Rizon: *bows his head again, silent as he moves out of the tent*


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth. She then pauses for a moment, pondering over what Sephiroth was dreaming about during the evening. Suddenly, she moves toward him. She then shifts into her human form so that she can give him a good morning kiss, thinking that he’d like the experience*

    Sekhnet: *angrily grumbles for a few more minutes. Finally, she yawns and falls back to sleep, clearly not willing to wake up so early in the morning*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *even though he can readily see Seferia’s thoughts, her movements still take him by surprise. He freezes immediately, then slowly relaxes into the kiss, even moving his arms around her, pressing himself up against her, broadly grinning* *”We’re in the wrong place for this, I hope you know.”*

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