We are Nemesis

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    Gorchev: *eyes the birds. He then gets to his feet and dusts off his outfit* Yes, let us eat. Come. We shall summon the others. Hope has recently returned with drinking water from a river. *he nods then moves out of his tent, heading to the center of the camp, where Hope is setting up the bottles of water that she had gathered up*

    Seferia: Hmm… Do you really need my permission or opinion on that matter? *she releases another faint chuckle* Go, get your food. *she then gets to her feet and walks out of the tent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t think I would ask for your permission, even if I did have it. Asking to eat would be a bit silly, I think. *moves out of the tent, curiously watching the others move. He follows Seferia, staying near her*

    Rizon: Oh good. How’d she find fresh water so quickly? *follows Gorchev outside, then also wanders to the center of the camp, grinning proudly. He places the dead birds on the ground and begins to defeather the rest of them*


    Gorchev: *Scoffs at Rizon’s naivety* Hope has scouted for us hundreds of times before. She knows these lands. That is why she is leading us. *he shakes his head* She knew where to find water. It is as simple as that. *grunts as he passes Ignatius’s tent* Let that one starve.

    Seferia: *does her best to smile at Sephiroth’s words. She then nods* Yes, that would be foolish indeed. She reaches down to grab one of the prepared bottles of water as she nears Hope’s location* Good work, girl.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *curiously tilts his head as he eyes off Ignatius’s tent* The common lineage rookie? Are you sure that’s wise, sir? *shakes his head and continues to defeather the birds anyway, holding one upsidedown so he can pull it’s head off* I’ll leave the guts inside. I know how much you guys like eating those bits.

    Sephiroth: *sits down nearby, silent, waiting for dinner to finish being prepared*


    Gorchev: *Scoffs then growls* Perhaps you are right.. Let him not eat until an hour has passed from the first bite from any of us. That should teach the disrespectful upstart. *he shakes himself as if getting rid of dirt and water from his fur*

    Seferia: *sips from her water, finding it quite refreshing. She soon moves to sit down next to Sephiroth* ~Will you be able to eat your food raw?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly shakes his head* *”No. I am not able to eat meat raw, unless it is fish that has just been caught. I will take it back into the tent and find a means to cook it. Somehow.”* *remains seated, just watching everyone else for the time being*

    Rizon: *nods* If you think that’s the best course of action, sir. My rank is below yours, so I’m not going to question what you’ve suggested. *begins to preen his paws once he has finished defeathering the birds, then he picks one up and begins to chew on it*


    Seferia: ~That is quite unusual. Most humans who have gone through survival training, such as a man who has gone by the code name Naked Snake and Hope, have absolutely no problems eating raw meat while in the wild. *she reaches over to rub Sephiroth’s back*

    Sekhmet: *walks over to the center area where Rizon is. She looks over the birds. She then grips onto one of the largest ones* Well done, dragon. *with that, she turns around to head back to her tent, as if she were too good to eat with the rest of them*

    Gorchev: *watches Sekhmet pick out her food. He then shrugs and kneels down to grab a fowl for himself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *doesn’t seem too worried as he watches Sekhmet take her share and leave. He just continues to munch through his own bird, picking up one of the bottles of water to drink halfway through the meal* Is the water source far away? I might need to fill up on my supplies before we move on tomorrow morning.

    Sephiroth: *screws his face up at the thought and shakes his head* *”I’ll cook my own food, thank you. I prefer to.”*


    Hope: *looks up* The river is a half of a mile away, sir. You can get there by going that way. *she paints to the north-west* It shouldn’t be hard for you to reach it.

    Seferia: ~I suppose for now, we can afford for you to be picky. However, you might want to learn how to stand raw food when needed. You won’t always be able to cook it.~ *She shakes her head, thinking of all the times that she’s been in tough situations*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *picks up his ration of water and the dead bird, carrying them back into his tent so he can deal with them there instead*

    Rizon: *nods, chewing for a few minutes, speaking with his mouth still partially full* I’ll make the walk early tomorrow morning. It’d be a wise thing to do, unless you know of more water holes on the way. *begins to tear the legs off the bird, crunching his teeth through the bones*


    Seferia: *watches Sephiroth as he leaves. She then looks at the rest of the camp before nodding her head* Thank you for the food. *with that, she gets to her feet, carrying her own water and food. Then, she limps back to her tent with Sephiroth*

    Hope: *closes her eyes so that she can easily imagine the terrain in her head. She then softly speaks* When we head off in the morning, there will be another water source in about three hours time. Is that what you wanted to know?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: Oh, there is? I can get by on this then. *raises up his drinking water bottle, then resumes ripping the wild bird carcass to pieces, chewing into the ribcage* I’d need food before I need water. My natural form is water-conservative anyway,

    Sephiroth: *sets the raw bird down on the floor of the tent. He then proceeds to cut it open and gut it, being rather careful and precise in his movements* Hmm? *glances up at Seferia* You didn’t have to follow me you know.


    Seferia: *she tilts her head then shrugs* I was not needed out there. And we have yet to set up our actual bedding. She sets down her own food and water. She then sits down across from Sephiroth, watching him out of curiosity. She finds it strange that Sephiroth is removing a good amount of the nutrition. She also thinks back to what Clawina and her kind eat, finding that their group is more effective at not leaving scraps*

    Hope: *she grins at Rizon* Yes, dragons are always best at everything, aren’t they?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *puffs out his chest, causing the fur on it to fluff out slightly also* Damn right! *purrs* We’re good at everything. *smirks* We’re just that good. And to think… if we find Tiamat? I can convince her to join us. I’ve never met the Grand Mother before. I wonder what she’s like…

    Sephiroth: *growls at Seferia’s thoughts, thinking that the felines are stupid and their practises are foreign to him. He continues to gut the bird, then slices it down it’s middle, flattening it out. He then moves out of the tent again, intending to find firewood*


    Hope: *she shrugs, looking away* Oh.. She.. She’s big. Yea, that’s it. *she shakes her head. She then gets up, leaving the scraps of her food behind, and heads into her tent*

    Seferia: *frowns at Sephiroth’s thoughts. She then frowns even more at the fact that he’s searching for firewood* ~Sephiroth, this is a rain forest. I highly doubt you’ll find the type of wood that you wish to find with ease.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Fine. I’ll starve then.”* *growls in annoyance and returns to the tent, tossing his food onto the ground. He then retreats to the corner of the tent and lies down on his sleeping bag, quite utterly annoyed, also frustrated at the fact he can’t cook anything*

    Rizon: *bobs his head at Hope’s lack of enthusiasm, but pays no real attention to it and finishes up with his meal. He discards the uneaten scraps into some nearby bushes and moves into his tent to preen*


    Seferia: *She shakes her head at Sephiroth. She then moves closer to him and sets her hand on his shoulder* I know you prefer to have your food heated, but you can’t refuse to eat if you don’t get it over a fire. Hope was able to eat her meat raw. Why can’t you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why can’t I? *snarls* It’s disgusting raw. I will end up getting sick from eating raw meat. *tries to push her hand away, but isn’t terribly forceful about it. He thinks to himself that he is disadvantaged in the fact that he can’t eat meat raw, and ponders to himself that he should wander out on his own and find fruit or other plant food sources*


    Seferia: Hope is a human, same as you. She has eaten raw food when she can’t make a fire. I have not seen her get sick from the food once, Sephiroth. *She shakes her head* Are you most certain that you’d automatically become sick? You need to eat. If you are weakened by hunger, you might die.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in disgust, thinking that Seferia’s words are ridiculous* I’m not about to die from hunger. *also thinks to himself that he has never eaten raw meat before, and he is not about to because the idea disgusts him* I’ll forage before I starve to death.


    Seferia: Hrmph, she is not the first human that has passed through our basic survival lessons which include eating from whatever is available. Most humans who go through that class agree to eat raw food in the end. *she shakes her head at him* You are being unnecessarily stubborn on the matter. As well as wasteful.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *turns his attention up towards her and loudly growls* I am not being stubborn. Is it stubborn to be concerned about one’s own health? I don’t think you’d ever be able to understand it because you’ve never had to eat something that’s outside of your standard diet. But fine – fine. *growls and moves to his feet, utterly irritated with her, thinking to himself that Seferia is being unreasonable. He picks up the gutted dead bird and begins to eat it, finding the taste to be terrible* *”If I get sick, that is not my problem.”*


    Seferia: If you get sick, I’m certain that I will be able to heal you. Human bodies are not hard to heal up. *she shakes her head at him* However, I do not think that you are going to get sick from a fresh kill.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes an aggressive growl in response, turning his back to her as he sits down with the food, pulling pieces off to eat. He finds the flavour rather awful, and continues to eat only out of necessity and to keep Seferia quiet. He finishes up with the food before terribly long and throws it out of the tent, brushing himself off as he tries to clean up afterwards*


    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head, not understanding why Sephiroth is getting so angry at her. She just doesn’t want him to hamper his abilities by starving. However, she leaves Sephiroth alone. Instead, she just sets up their bags so that they can sleep for the night*

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