We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: Mmm… *glances down for a moment* ~Only if this one does not die on the mission. Also, if he does improve his behavior by the end of the trip, we might as well not bother disciplining him. Let us see what happens.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* *”Indeed… but he seems like an idiot, and an insubordinate jerk, just like all the other felines I have met…”* *seems to be bearing a bit of a grudge by now over the species and just glares ahead of him at Gorchev and Ignatius as he continues to follow, not saying anything further for hours*


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* ~I was raised by their queen, Sephiroth. I cannot agree with your opinions on them at all.~ *she ponders over all the things that Clawina taught her and how much Clawina loved her own people. She also sorrows that Sephiroth can’t see the species in the way that Seferia has grown to see them.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in disgust, finding Seferia’s opinions of the feline species to be ridiculous, especially when the most common reaction he has ever gotten from them has been elitism, scorn, and in some cases, hatred. He says nothing of this however, and just continues to follow as the hours pass, following Sekhmet, Gorchev and Hope’s lead well after the sun goes down*


    Sekhmet: *as the sun sets she scowls and begins to look around. Soon after nightfall, she finds a spot that seems suitable for sleeping in her opinion. So, she simply stops and refuses to continue on* We sleep here. Understood?

    Hope: *glances back at Sekhmet and sighs* You are certain that you can’t continue on for another hour at the least?

    Seferia: *continues to mourn the fact that Sephiroth hasn’t seen the full scope of the felines. Still, she chooses not to force her opinions on him. However, as Sekhmet stops, she begins to scan the area, trying to determine if the area is safe or not*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Are you sure you want to settle here, princess….? *pins his ears back as he listens to the noises going on around him, frowning as he hears movement, but not from anything large enough to hunt down and make a good meal out of* We’ll make camp here, I guess. *sets his bag down and begins to rummage through it so he can put the tent up*

    Sephiroth: *says nothing as he follows along. His thoughts are sad for Seferia, but he still feels justified in his own beliefs on the felines because their scorn and hatred is all he’s ever received from them. When Sekhmet stops, so does he, but doesn’t comment, awaiting instruction*


    Seferia: *finally stops scanning the area. She then nods her head* This is as good of a place as any other. I can approve of it. *she then looks over at Sephiroth* ~Pick out a spot where you want to set up our tent. I’ll help you set it up once you’ve decided where you want to lie.~

    Sekhmet: *turns to Rizon then pulls him to the side* Come on, dragon. You have a tent, correct? Let’s get it up.

    Gorchev: *nods at Sekhmet and Seferia. He then turns around to Hope* No, we are stopping here. Go get some water. Hurry.

    Hope: *salutes to Gorchev. She then runs off to get water for the group*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: Tent? Oh, right… *dumps his bag on the ground, then pulls his tent out, looking for a flat piece of ground* How’s this? *pokes the soil with a claw* We’ll have to put the tarpaulin thing down first, though… unless you want the damp to rise up and get us during the night.

    Sephiroth: Understood. *nods and moves some short distance away from everybody else so he can set up his own tent. He thinks the idea is a bit frustrating, but seems glad to stop and pleased with the idea of resting up*


    Sekhmet: Hrmph… Yes, indeed. That would be most unpleasant if I woke up with completely damp fur due to a lack of protection. *she holds out her hands* Here, give me a side. The faster we get this done, the faster we can rest.

    Jenna: *releases a faint groan as she begins to come to. However, she is yet to wake up quite yet*

    Seferia: *frowns at the noises that Jenna is making. However, she moves clsoer to Seph as he chooses his spot. She then takes out her tent supplies from her magical sub-space pocket* Shall we?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmm? *glances back at Seferia, crouching down to place Jenna on the ground. He watches Seferia curiously, wondering what she is up to exactly* You don’t want me to set up mine? *glances back at Jenna* Or should I put her in it?

    Rizon: *hands Sekhmet one side of the tent* One sec… *pulls a tarpaulin out of his bag and throws it onto the ground* It needs to be nailed in.


    Seferia: Hmm… *glances at Jenna. She then nods* Yes, set up the tent that you brought and place her in it.. But not until we know that she will stay. *she shakes her head. She then begins to utilize her magics to set up the tent for herself and Sephiroth* As for us sleeping together, most of the others are sleeping in pairs. Not to mention, we are a mated pair.

    Sekhmet: Mrrr…? *glances at the tent as it is tossed at her. She then shakes her head, choosing not to correct Rizon in the misunderstanding, for she intended to assist in laying down the actual tarp. Instead, she just waits for him to finish up.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods at Seferia’s words, still finding the term ‘mating pair’ a little strange to hear. He grunts at her comment on Jenna however, and continues to set up the tent for her anyway* She is more likely to be friendly if somebody has made any kind of effort towards assisting her. It’s just a tent… you have your own. If she ruins it, it’s not a big deal.

    Rizon: *crouches down to nail in his side of the tarp, then places the tent down over the top of it* Whenever you’re ready…. princess. *keeps his head lowered and his mind on the task, not wanting to meet her eyes for now*


    Seferia: *Mutters* What I mean if she’s a spy.. We might want to keep a closer eye on her than putting her in a seperate tent where she can easily move without our notice. *she shakes her head* Let us see what happens when she wakes.

    Sekhmet: You’re the one having me hold onto your tent until you are ready. *She shakes her head. She then holds out her right hand* Give me a pole and we’ll get this done and over with.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *chirps slightly* Sorry. *pulls the tent poles out of the bag and hands them to her, bowing his head slightly as he does so* Forgive me, princess. *picks up some tent poles of his own and begins to construct the parts of the tent nearer to him*

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Seferia, scowling in frustration at her words. He makes a quiet sighing sound and nods, moving to his feet again, leaving the other tent half-made* Fine. I don’t think she’s a spy though. Why would a spy be sleeping in the trees, in plain sight of view and obvious? *shakes his head* Oh who cares.


    Seferia: Sephiroth, you know full well that erring on the side of caution is usually the best course. You have been a general even before now. What would you do if you were back on Wutai and found a random person sleeping in a tree while you were on the way to a battle?

    Jenna: *groans once more and begins to shift about, struggling to wake up now*

    Sekhmet : *takes up the poles. She then begins to put up the tent along with Rizon. Once the tent is fully erected, she nods at Rizon* Let us go in and set up our sleeping bags. Come one, dragon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I would either slit their throat, or assume they were a stupid civilian who didn’t know what was going on. Either way… *grunts, shaking his head* They wouldn’t last very long. *moves over Jenna, lightly nudging her with a boot* She’s waking up. Want to change your stance on the tent?

    Rizon: *nods and pulls his bag inside the tent, shuffling to one of the far corners of the tent, giving Sekhmet most of the room inside. He unrolls his sleeping bag and flattens it out completely, seeming pleased* Should I go hunting, princess?


    Seferia: Hmrph, we still have not seen her actions in honest. I cannot say much of anything as to my stance as is.. *she shakes her head then nods to her tent* Let’s bring the woman inside there. At least we’ll be able to question her without the others getting in the way. *soon after, she turns around and heads inside the tent, which has a magical spell on it. While the tent isn’t too impressive from the outside, it seems to be two to three times larger from inside*

    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes at Rizon* Why are you being so timid, dragon? I am not about to injure you. *she snorts* You are a respected ally. I would not hurt you unless you turned traitor.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *stares back at Sekhmet, then bobs his head in a submissive manner* Forgive me, princess. It’s just that I… *tenses* I-I’ve never been in close quarters with such a young pleasing lady such as yourself before…

    Sephiroth: *sighs* You want her inside the tent with us? *seems incredibly dissapointed at the idea, thinking to himself that doing such would mean that both he and Seferia would have less privacy* Understood. *moves to grasp Jenna by the arms, pulling her inside the tent, laying her down on the floor just inside of the doorway*


    Sekhmet: *blinks, a bit confused by his words for a moment. She then loudly snorts* What utter nonsense. I’ve gone into your tent several a time at the base. *she chuckles at him. She then moves closer and pats his head* You are a foolish little dragon.

    Seferia: Only for now. I wish to interrogate her awy from the others. *she moves to stand near the back of the tent. She then crosses her arms and waits for Jenna to wake*

    Jenna: *groans once more. She then coughs for a few moments. Soon enough, her eyes flutter open and she reaches up to rub her forehead* Damn…

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: Dragon? Perhaps not right now. Right now – ocelot. *points to some of the spotted markings on the sides of his face* See? *grins slightly as she pats him and begins to purr* Which do you prefer, princess? Dragon, human, or ocelot? I haven’t tried out any others, but…

    Sephiroth: Understood, Seferia. *moves away as Jenna begins to wake up, then sits crosslegged on the floor nearby as he keeps an eye on her, awaiting to see what she will do*


    Sekhmet: *rolls her eyes* What does it matter. Each version of you is just ad incompetent and dragon inside as the other. *She smirks at him. She then pokes his nose*

    Jenna: *shakes her head, trying to get rid of the residual effects of the tranquilizer in her system. She finally looks over at Sephiroth then snarls* What do you want?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *his attention goes crosseyed as he looks down at her finger, scowling at her comment* Hey… I’m not incompetent… *moves his head back from her, rubbing his nose* I was asking which one you liked the look of better. Obviously I can’t morph into a dragon in this small space, but I’d still like to know an answer.

    Sephiroth: *frowns* What do I want? You were found in the middle of nowhere. We don’t know what you are and to be frank and honest with you, you could be a spy or an ally of the Nemesis. Thus, we’re keeping you under observation until we can determine the truth. Now. *grunts* What were you doing in a tree, in the middle of nowhere?


    Sekhmet: *she rolls her eyes at his attitude. She then leans in to lick the ridge of his nose* Settle down. You are acceptable in no matter what form you are in. For no matter what, you will still be Rizon. Understand, dragon? *she straightens up. She then moves over to set up her own bag*

    Jenna: *growls at Sephiroth* Wasn’t that fucking obvious well before you idiots threw stones up at me? I was sleeping. Peacefully and happily sleeping. Regaiing my stregnth via the rejuvenating powers of sleep. Understand? *she crosses her arms* And I am not associated with anyone’s nemesis.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I don’t think you are understanding something here. *moves to his feet, quite angry at her attitude* You were told before. This place is desolate. You were in the middle of nowhere. It’s highly suspicious. Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn’t just kill you here, right now.

    Rizon: *keeps his head very still, blinking at her as she licks his nose. When she moves back, he nods his head, grinning slightly* I understand it. *sits back down on his own sleeping bag and just watches her*


    Jenna: *Shrugs, seeming completely indifferent* Aside from the fact that killing me would be a completely pointless act, nope. *she yawns and snorts* I just arrived on this planet yesterday. I don’t know anything about it. I just picked a random place to sleep, until someone threw a rock at me. *glares at Sephiroth, her eyes blazing for a moment as she becomes angered*

    Sekhmet: *sets her bedding down. Even as the bag is set down on the ground, she does her best to fluff it up, clearly not wanting to sleep on rough ground* This isn’t what I’m used to.

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