We are Nemesis

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  • #18024
    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *loudly yowls and tries to whack Jenna with the barrel of the grenade launcher as she nears him* Get away from me, you fiend! *hisses and promptly leans back, thumping his back against the ground, flattening himself against the dirt*


    Jenna: *Growls as she’s hit. She then reaches over to grip onto the feline’s throat. Slowly, she rises up, wanting to lift him into the air and toss him. However, half-way through the movement, she collapses completely, starting to succumb to the poison in her body*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *tenses up, squeezing his eyes shut as his throat is grabbed, expecting the worst. When her grip loosens on him again, he kicks her and darts back out of the way, loudly panting as he keeps his attention glued on her* Die, evil witch… *snarls, pulling a small knife off his belt to defend himself with should she attack again*


    Seferia: *continues to watch the scene, rather confused. She then shakes her head* Stranger and stranger.. That was much too easy..

    Jenna: *twitches her wings and tries to struggle back up. However, within another few moments, she completely passes out, not being able to fight against the poison any longer*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It doesn’t seem right. *moves in closer, highly suspicious of Jenna as he moves in to inspect her still form. He lightly jabs her with the end of one of his katanas, snorting when he discovers that she honestly is unconcious and it doesn’t look like an act* Target neutralized. *frowns back at Seferia* *”Do we take her with us?”*


    Seferia: *is still quite wary of the situation. She also is very confused. This is mostly due to the fact that Jenna did not behave like Nemesis in any way. She wonders if the woman is playing a clever ploy. However, she can’t imagine Nemesis not hesitating to just attack without hesitation* ~I.. I can’t say that I know at all, Seph. Make a decision. I trust your abilities.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *crouches down besides Jenna to reach out, feeling her neck area to see if he can find a pulse* She’s still alive… *moves an arm under Jenna, pulling her over him. He grunts with effort at her weight as he stands up, heading back to the group* Come on. Let’s continue on our way.

    Ignatius: Holy crap! You’re not taking that thing with us are you!?


    Jenna: *faintly groans as she’s picked up. However, she doesn’t wake up. Instead, her body slowly shifts back to its human form since she is no longer holding up the spell*

    Seferia: *frowns at Ignatius* Settle down, boy. From what I’ve seen, I can’t be certain that this thing here is Nemesis.. It seems wrong. *she shakes her head* My instincts say that this is not Nemesis, despite what it looks like.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s not… I would be able to tell if it was. She feels different to Nemesis. Similar, but not the same. I’m not sure if we should be taking her back to the base, but it would be useful if we took her somewhere safe. *seems a little surprised as Jenna transforms back into her natural human form, and hauls her over his back properly, finding her much easier to carry now* We need to keep moving on…

    Ignatius: But… but… *hisses* We can’t take it with us! She’ll endanger the lives of everyone! Gimmie a break, I have a mate and three kittens to feed!


    Gorchev: *Scoffs* You are already compromising your ability to feed anyone with your damned bad habit, private. *He hisses then glares at Sephiroth* Let us see if our glorious second in command is actually competent enough to keep our lives safe. *he smirks, seeming to want Sephiroth to fail. He then turns his back on Sephiroth, intending to continue on* Hope, let us get moving.

    Hope: *nods, grinning at the news* Finally. I was about to fall asleep. *she quickly returns to leading the way*

    Seferia: *She shakes her head* ~Never mind their words, Sephiroth.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes an aggitated snarling noise at Gorchev after he finishes his statement* We’ll be safe if we all keep together as a single unit for the protection of each other. *growls authoratively* Didn’t anyone ever teach you that? Now shut up and move on. *grunts sharply and continues walking down the path they were already headed along* *”They can talk all they like – if they’re wrong, they will be corrected.”*

    Ignatius: My habit? Not nearly as bad as your ignorance, furry-balls. *picks up his weapons, reloading them again before continuing down the path as well*


    Gorchev: *twitches his left ear. He then turns to narrow his eyes at Ignatius. However, he doesn’t stop moving* Furry-balls? What sort of insult is that supposed to be? You do realize that you have fur as well. *sadistically grins* Unless, of course, you are so dirty with your genes that you actually have damaged traits such as bald spots down there. *he chuckles at the thought. He then continues on his way as normal*

    Seferia: *nods* ~Very well, but don’t press too much. They speak much, but sometimes, they do not plan on acting on such words.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *hisses* Oh who cares. Shut up and lead, wise ass. You’re the one so interested in this thing, I’m just the hired gun.

    Sephiroth: *”I could still do without the comments. And if they want to make innacurate statements, they can. I will correct them as necessary.”*


    Gorchev: On the contrary, we are not paying you. You are here for survival, mutual survival. Now, cease with the attitude. If you don’t, I shall insure that your family lacks food for two weeks.

    Seferia: ~Very well. I can comprehend that.~ *she looks over Jenna* ~She does indeed look like the human version of Nemesis. She smells like her as well… Very peculiar..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *pokes Jenna in the side* *”She smells different to Nemesis. I’ve smelled that thing – the entire area I was trapped in smelled like her.”* *frowns* *”It stank horridly. This woman doesn’t smell nearly as bad as that…”*

    Ignatius: Tell that to my kittens. *hisses*


    Gorchev: Repair your attitude, soldier. You volunteered to help us fight for freedom. We did not force your hand. Now, act like you have some brains and guts. *he snorts*

    Seferia: ~I believe you on that matter. However, she does smell like her in part. It is still rather peculiar, Sephiroth. As far as I know, that woman has no family.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”We may be proven wrong… we don’t know yet. All we can do is observe her and keep on our guard.”* *sighs* *”And if she attacks… everyone has a chance to get away.”* *frowns* *”Where are we going now, anyway…?”*


    Seferia: ~We are continuing on our way to the location where Hope had spotted Tiamat. Despite what has happened, we have a mission to carry out, Sephiroth.~ *she glances at Jenna again. She then frowns and scans her* Her breathing is slowing.. What was she shot up with?

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *glances back at Seferia and grins* What was she shot up with? Just a home-made concoction of anasthetics and tranquilisers, Seferia. She’ll be fine. There wasn’t enough to kill her, don’t worry.

    Sephiroth: *”I see… I just want to hurry up and get this over with. Tell them to move faster. They wouldn’t listen to me.”*


    Seferia: *Frowns then shakes her head* ~I am sorry, Sephiroth, but I will not make that request. If I did ask for us to speed up more than we are moving at the moment.. I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up at all.~ *she nods at Ignatius* Good. It would not do much for the woman to die before we get answers.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Well, she might not talk at all. Be aware of that one. *turns his attention back to Sephiroth and grins* At least I don’t have to carry him. Turns out that pet of yours is good for something afterall. *gently chuckles and continues on his way*

    Sephiroth: *scowls to himself and just continues to follow, saying nothing*


    Seferia: *shakes her head. She then sharply sends a psychic slap toward Ignatius* ~Learn some manners and respect, young one. Your attitude at the moment will get you killed, and not by your comrades.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *makes a loud pained yowl and stumbles, nearly collapsing entirely* D-damn… *hisses in pain and shakes himself, his fur spiking up as he becomes angry* Hey come on, s-stop it!! *once he recovers from the slap, he becomes quiet and glares as he follows Gorchev and Hope*


    Seferia: ~I repeat, learn respect for your higher-ups. As it is, you will die early. I’m certain that your death will do no good for your kittens.~ *She shakes her head. She then looks over at Sephiroth. Slowly, she moves closer to him, wanting his support*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *growls* D-don’t talk like that… *mutters* It’s none of your business anyway, lady… *grumbles and moves ahead, not wanting to look at her*

    Sephiroth: *slowly shakes his head* *”When we get back, would you like me to have him punished for insubordination?”*

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