We are Nemesis

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    Gorchev: *glares at Ignatius* Hrmph, I do not know which commander you have, but that is not my objective at all. *scoffs* Hope has located Tiamat, so we are on a mission to actually retrieve her. Having Tiamat on our side would be a great triumph for all of us.

    Seferia: ~I am moving, Sephiroth. I have not stopped at all.~ *she shakes her head at him* ~I can’t go much faster at this point in time.~

    Sekhmet: Good. *her ears twitch a bit as she hears a noise aside from wildlife in the distance. After a moment, she pauses so that she can listen a bit more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Oh, Tiamat, eh? That big ridiculous ‘creationist’ dragon that supposedly spawned all the breeds, huh? What are we going to do to it? Capture it and somehow convince it to join our cause? That’s a really good way to get somebody onside. *snorts* Seferia did that with her pet though, so I can’t complain… *growls, becoming quiet as he hears the noise, stealthily unclipping a large serrated knife from his belt*

    Sephiroth: *growls in protest* I am not a pet…

    Rizon: *perks his ears up, blinking as he hears the noise also, tensing up, seeming to be debating whether to stay put or morph into a dragon and attack it*


    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes and continues to listen to her surroundings. She then snorts* Someone is sleeping out there.. *She continues to swivel her ears around. Soon enough, she points directly to a tree that is not far from their path*

    Seferia: *glances at the area then frowns as she scans the indicated area* A human female.. It might not be much to be worried about.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Damn… *puffs on his cigarette, then holds the butt in his teeth, talking in a slight muffled voice* And I was hoping for an elk… or something really good to eat. *crouches slightly and moves closer, not putting away the dagger yet* Who’s there? Show yourself. *hisses* Friend? Or Foe?

    Sephiroth: *”What’s a human female doing out here? Scan them on a higher level… is it safe?”*


    Seferia: *frowns and shakes her head* That was all I could really tell you from the scan. I think that she is asleep though.. *twitches her ears* Yes, the noises are definitely the girl being asleep. ~I must admit that I am concerned that I cannot scan further. It’s as if there’s an automatic blockade over this person. That isn’t normal.~

    Gorchev: *grunts in irritation* Why don’t you go out there and check, wretch. *he glares at Ignatius* Perhaps we’ll get rid of two problems with one stone.

    Hope: *softly sighs, seeming to be a bit disappointed that their trek has stopped for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”A block? Over an ordinary human female? And so close to the base…?”* *scowls* It may be a trap. Stay away from it… or approach with extreme caution. *snorts and reaches behind himself to take out one of the katanas*

    Ignatius: *Hisses* Yeah, I get the fact that I’m expendable. Thanks for reminding me all over again, blue-balls. *snorts and continues to move ahead, sniffing the air quickly. He releases a loud hiss, then stomps his foot* I smell you. You stink. Now where the hell are you? Are you a friend or foe? Answer now before you get ripped to shreds.


    *there is a quiet noise coming from up above Ignatius, but this is more due to the fact that the female is shifting her position while sleeping. For, she is not close to waking up even with the noise that he is making*

    Seferia: *She noes* ~Yes, I can’t say that most normal creatures would have a block like that.. Sephiroth, do you mind going to that private’s position and helping him in his search? I trust you to be capable of assisting.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods and moves forwards to assist Ignatius, scanning the area. He glances up as he hears the noises in the tree, frowning* Hello? *glances back at Seferia* *”Why the hell is somebody asleep here? It doesn’t make any sense…”*

    Ignatius: Oh, hey! *growls as he looks upwards, then picks up a rock, throwing it up at the female in the tree* Wake up, we’re talking to you, lady! *growls* Friend, or foe? Who sent you?


    *There is a loud yelp from up above as the rock smacks against the side of the woman. Soon after, a dark-haired brunette tumbles out of the tree and flops down on the ground. At first, her golden cape conceals her entire body. However, she begins to curse under her breath and shift about as she tries to regain her footing. For the most part, she is rather aggitated at having been woken up in such an unbecoming way*

    Seferia: ~I can only say what is. I can’t answer why.~ *she shakes her head* ~I am sorry, Sephiroth.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *growls and springs back as the woman tumbles out of the tree, baring his teeth as he stands over her once she falls on the ground. He points the dagger at her and lowers his head, growling slightly* Are you ever going to answer my questions? I’m getting pretty tired of asking.

    Sephiroth: *grips the katana handle tight but does nothing for now* *”Very well. It’s fine, Seferia.”*


    Jenna: *continues to angrily curse in a muffled voice as she regains her bearings. Finally, she pushes herself up to her feet. Then, she glarest at Ignatius* Questions? *snorts* What sort of damn-ass rude planet is this? I was sleeping, for fuck’s sake. *she snorts and tries to dust herself off*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: Sleeping? *stares at her, blinking for a few moments. He then shakes his head in disbelief and loudly hisses, growling at her* What the hell are you doing out here? This planet is desolate and the Nemesis has killed more or less anything larger than a small dog. *hisses* Thus, your mere prescence here is suspicious. And thus, I repeat – what the hell are you doing here? Are you a friend or a foe?

    Sephiroth: *stares hard at Jenna’s face, becoming slightly tense as he thinks hard, thinking that Jenna looks a lot like Nemesis in the face*


    Jenna: *crosses her arms and snorts* I go wherever I please. I do not need your permission or approval. *she snorts a the last question* I am what I am. I am just a passerby who is of no interest whatsoever. *she turns around* Now, get lost. I want to get some more sleep. *grumbles under her breath* Fucking jerk of a feline..

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *loudly growls at Jenna, then glances back to Sekhmet and Gorchev, wondering what their reaction is to this situation* What are we supposed to do? *hisses* Do you want me to scratch her out, or what, Princess?


    Sekhmet: *is too far away from the actual scene where Jenna is to actually see her. She just snorts and turns her back, not interested in getting her feet overly dirty in the jungle* I don’t give a damn what that female there wants to do. If she wants to kill herself, let her. *snorts once more* That second-in-command human is with you. Get him to make a decision for once in his pitiful life.

    Jenna: *begins to walk away, still royally pissed about having been woken up by a flying rock*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *glances back at Sekhmet then growls as he returns his attention to Jenna* The feline princess says that if you want to kill yourself, that is your choice. I have already warned you of the dangers out here. If you are not an enemy, you would do well to follow us if you want to survive. If not… *hisses, baring his teeth* Good day to you, human scum. *heads away from the area again, intending to return to the main group*


    Seferia: *slowly makes her way toward the area where Jenna was, looking at Sephiroth as she nears* ~Do you honestly believe that the woman looks like Nemesis, Sephiroth? I wasn’t able to make much sense out of your thoughts back there..~ *she frowns as Ignatius gives up so early* ~Rather impatient, I see.~

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    Sephiroth: *”I remember the face clearly… she kept me in a cage for months and tortured me at any opportunity she could get…”* *begins to shiver slightly as he recalls the memories of being trapped in the cage with no clothes on* *”I’d remember the face anywhere. Go in and take her prisoner. Just to make sure.”*


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth, trusting his words fully* ~Very well, Sephiroth. Go ahead and try to capture her.~ *she looks back and signals to the others that Nemesis has just been spotted and that they should attempt to attack her if they can. However, her thoughts are partially in doubt, for she is certain that Nemesis would have attacked first and foremost above all other things*

    Sekhmet: *blinks then snarls* Nemesis? Here! *she twitches her ears* Where! *she snarls in anger*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *loudly hisses at the voices around him and backs up, yanking a poison dart set off his belt. He hurriedly takes the grenades out of the launcher and loads them up with the poison dart clips instead. He preps the weapon for launch and aims it at Jenna’s shoulder, yelling* Fall back! *fires the weapon at Jenna*


    Jenna: *yelps in irritation as the dark strikes her shoulder. She then hisses and reaches back to yank it out* Fucking… *she snorts then shifts into her hybrid form in order to slow the rate of spread of the poison. Soon after, she turns to glare at Ignatius* What the fuck was that for? *She spreads open her wings, quite furious now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *loudly yelps in surprise as Jenna transforms* Oh shit, it’s a dragon! *runs back towards his group, yelling* Fall back, we need more firepower! *once he is back on the main path, he crouches down in front of Sekhmet protectively and ejects the tranquiliser darts from the launcher, loading it up with grenades* Fall back, princess! *fires the launcher twice in Jenna’s direction*

    Sephiroth: *frowns as he watches* *”Seferia…? What is the best course of action? What should we do?”*


    Seferia: ~Sephiroth, now is not the time for you to rely on my commands. I should say that now is time for you to fall back on your own battle instincts. It will be too burdensome for you to constantly ask me for your next move.~ *She shakes her head. Meanwhile, she reaches back to unsheath her twin katana*

    Jenna: *growls in irritation as the feline launches two gernades at her. She stumbles back as they explode then hisses* Shit. What the fuck is wrong with you idiots? *she snorts. However, she wavers for a moment as she tries to fight against the effect of the poison* Idiots…

    Sekhmet: *loudly growls, divided in what she wants to do. For the most part, she wants to charge out there and attack her mother’s murderer. However, she is fully aware that such an action would adversely affect her people. Still, she unsheathes her mother’s sword from her left side and glares in the direction of Jenna*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ignatius: *loudly growls* Stand back, princess! You’re the least expendable out of our group! *waits until the smoke clears from his launcher before stuffing it down with more grenades, firing those at Jenna as well* Tally-ho!

    Sephiroth: *”I just didn’t know if it was an enemy or not…”* *removes both katanas from their sheathes, moving forwards, waiting to see what will happen next*


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes and hisses in annoyance as she’s attacked yet again. She then growls and rushes in toward Ignatius, ignoring all the others since she is most interested in not being hurt any longer* Bastard. Stop that! *she tries to tackle him as she nears, but she sways again*

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