We are Nemesis

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  • #17974
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *Scowls* I’m strong enough. My strengths are just different now. It will take some time for me to be where I was, but… in time… *sighs and shakes his head* Can we just go out and start this mission now?


    Seferia: *looks over Sephiroth* No, we can not. You are still unarmed. We can, however, head to the armory so that you may pick up weapons of your liking. If that is something that you agree with.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head, seeming more content with her words now. He moves out of the tent, nodding again* Come on, let’s go then. *heads for the armory, pondering that getting himself some kind of short sword and some explosive small weapons would be most useful*


    Seferia: *Still thinks that the range of Sephiroth’s sword is the best suited for fighting against Nemesis. However, she does not press the matter any longer. Instead, she simply follows him, nodding at the attendants in the armory as they pass by*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shoves past some of the guards in the armory, immediately heading for the line of swords on the wall, immediately selecting out two medium length katanas, setting them on his back so they can easily be accessed. Once he is done with that, he glances back at them, seeming content* That’s it – I’m done. Let’s move out.


    Seferia: As you wish, Sephiroth. *she nods and grins at him* Let us hope that this expedition is without danger. *she turns to exit the armory. Soon enough, she makes her way to the training field that is not too far away from the gates. The field is currently filled with a few others who are preparing to leave, including Hope and Gorchev. However, Sekhmet has yet to make her appearance*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *follows Seferia out to the training field, folding his arms once he’s in the area. He glares at the others momentarily before lowering his head, standing near Seferia, not wanting to establish eye contact with anyone and receive glares or scornful looks*

    *not terribly far away, a rather commonish feline is standing in the field, also awaiting deployment. His fur is white with patches of black containing lighter broken grey tabby marks – he is the definition of “mutt”. He is clad in makeshift homemade body armor and he is carrying a rather oversized grenade launcher. He glances around himself boredly, then stubs out a cigarette he was smoking* How much longer until the Princess gets here, eh? I’m so bored I could fall asleep.


    Gorchev: *growls at the younger feline* Disgusting habit. *he snorts* We should have extinguished the humans and their horrid products. *he swishes his tail. He then turns away from the feline and taps his foot* That princess better not make us wait much longer. *he snorts*

    Seferia: *reaches over to gently pat Sephiroth’s back, wanting to keep him calm. She also sends a psychic humming to his mind*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the feline tilts his head, then releases a short hissing chuckle at Gorchev* Oh, put a sock in it, bluey. It’s not hurting anybody. Well, except me. And you gotta die of something, eh? *pats his grenade launcher* It’s either gonna be this, or them. I don’t care which. *begins to purr*

    Sephiroth: *glances up at her, then lowers his head again, trying to psychically transmit to her that he’s not on edge or concerned*


    Gorchev: *snorts once more, quite irritated* Hrmph, dying by accidently launching that weapon into your face would be preferrable than that stick of poison. *He shakes then growls* Someone, go drag that Princess out here, NOW!

    Sekhmet: *finally arrives at the meeting place. She narrows her eyes as she hears Gorchev’s words. She then hisses with irritation* What was that?

    Gorchev: *twitches his ears upon seeing Sekhmet. He then scoffs and looks to the side* Finally, we can get going.

    Seferia: *does her best to give him a grin* ~Kind gestures do not always mean that the one receiving them is in bad spirits.~ *she looks up* ~It’s time to go.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *the mutt feline loudly chuckles in amusement as Gorchev nearly gets in trouble, then he bows his head to Sekhmet as she approaches* Princess. Mister blue here is impatient and wants us to move. I’m so glad you’re here. Without you, I would have gotten bored and blown his furry balls to bits.

    Sephiroth: *”About time.”* *stands tall, waiting the next instruction*


    Sekhmet: *looks around and narrows her eyes* Rizon.. *curls her lips up* Wasn’t Rizon going to come along with us? I wished for him to come so that we can have use of his weapons.

    Gorchev: *glares at the mutt. He then hisses at Sekhmet’s words* Rizon?? We need not that incompetent dragon. *hisses* Let’s just be on our way.

    Seferia: *shakes her head at the turn of the conversation. She then sends out a beacon call to Rizon*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* We’re waiting for that idiot..? *glares back at the campsite, frustrated. He thinks Rizon would not be able to do anything useful and that he’s a very lazy creature indeed*

    *the mutt feline seems to enjoy Gorchev’s glaring looks and bares his canine teeth at him, also poking out his tongue* You wanna fight? Bring it, bluey. Are you going to be able to survive out in the wilderness? There’s not a designated tidy sweet smelling cat-box for you to take a shit in, you know. *pats his clothes, then takes out another cigarette, lighting it shortly after* Can you handle that, knowing where you’re headed, blue-balls?

    Rizon: *makes a rather loud chirping sound and morphs himself into a feline form, rushing through the rest of his preparations, bumbling out of his tent with his bag of supplies, nearly tripping over a few times as he runs to the training field* Sorry…. sorry. I was… *tenses* It doesn’t matter. *stops in front of Sekhmet and salutes* I’m ready now. F-forgive me, princess.


    Gorchev: *Glares at the mutt then moves over to him. Soon after, he reaches on to literally squash the other feline’s privates. He then leans in to glare into his eyes* You worthless shit. You think that I come from fancy dining rooms? I come from Russia. There is no money there, even when humans lived. We know more about being tough and sturdy than all others on this planet. *he then shoves the youth away* Let’s get moving!

    Sekhmet: *snorts at Rizon* Yes, it doesn’t matter. Next time that I want you some place, insure that you make it there. *her furs bristle. She then heads to the gates* Yes, let us move out.

    Seferia: *frowns at Sephiroth* No one is worthless, Sephiroth. Never forget that. *she waits for most of the group to begin moving. She then takes up the rear end, wanting to keep guard there*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the mutt feline’s eyes widen as Gorchev moves in on him, making a loud painful yowl as the other squashes his privates. The cigarette falls from his mouth and he seems paralyzed at least until he has been let go again* What the… *makes a loud angry yowling sound* What the hell is wrong with you, male? *stumbles back away, trying to maintain any dignity he has left*

    Rizon: *lowers his head, seeming rather downcast and unhappy* Understood… *perks up again when she tells the group to move out and salutes* I’m ready!

    Sephiroth: *moves in front of Seferia, wanting to keep an eye on the front of the group*


    Gorchev: *snarls at the mutt* My name is Gorchev. I am your commanding officer. Learn my name properly. Understand? *He then snorts and moves toward the front of the group*

    Hope: *waits for the gates to open. Soon after, she moves to the head of the group, having been told to lead the way*

    Seferia: *remains in the rear as the group makes it on their way. She keeps her eyes on the canopy above them as they exit the sparse forested areas around the cavern and enter the rain forest that grows throughout the area. However, her psychic scans include the entire area around the group, for she is looking for signs of enemies. If Sephiroth keeps an eye on Seferia, he might notice that she stumbles from time to time and seems to slowly loose a bit of ground when it comes to keeping up with the group*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the mutt feline makes a low growling noise, but keeps his head low and his ears pinned back, adopting a defensive posture. He waits until Gorchev has moved ahead before moving after him* Fine… Gorchev… and if you want to… *hisses* whatever you want to do with me, if you want to address me by name, it’s Ignatius. Remember it. *continues to follow along after him*

    Rizon: *stays near the front of the group, keeping a very protective eye on Sekhmet. He scans the area around them, determined to protect and guard her*

    Sephiroth: *slows down as Seferia does, not seeming to want her to be left behind*


    Seferia: *she tilts her head down to look over at Sephiroth. She then shakes her head* You need not worry about me, Sephiroth. *she gives him a reassuring grin* I am not too far behind.

    Sekhmet: *turns her attention to Rizon. She then snorts and quickly turns her head to the side, pretending that she hadn’t looked at him at all*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *his eyes momentarily lose their slitted pupils as he scans the area with his natural eyes, seeming to be paying no attention to anything else right now. He stops occaisonally as he sees anything moving, then shakes his head and keeps walking onward when he realizes that what he sees so far is harmless wildlife*

    Sephiroth: *”I’m not worried. But I’m not leaving you behind.”*


    Seferia: *nods with appreciation toward Sephiroth* ~Thank you. Honestly. Thank you very much. The gesture is generous.~ *she grins at him. She then decides to try to speed up for a short bit so that she’d catch up properly once more*

    Sekhmet: You did bring the inventions that have been tested, correct? I don’t want to look like a fool, dragon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *glances back to Sekhmet, nodding at her question* The anti-matter plasma grenades? One exploded in my tent yesterday and now there’s a huge hole in the rock wall where the explosion removed the wall out of existance, but yeah… I have a bunch of them. Just don’t kick my bag. They’ll go off and I won’t have a spine any more. *frowns*

    Sephiroth: *hangs behind the rest of the group, keeping at Seferia’s pace* *”It’s alright.”*

    Ignatius: *keeps his ears alert and high, paying attention to the area. He takes another cigarette out of one of his pockets to light it, continuing on his way*


    Sekhemet: *frowns at Rizon* That’s not exactly what I would term as tested, Rizon.. *scowls* Those are much too new. What if they accidently go off? Our trump card would be revealed. *she snorts* I hope you are careful with those things.

    Seferia: *she finally catches up with the rest of the group. She then slows down to her normal pace so that she can stop straining her muscles* ~I still appreciate it. You would have never done it before, I’m certain.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”No….”* *frowns at his past behaviour, then thinks that previously, he would have laughed at Seferia’s weakness and would have left her for dead*

    Rizon: I’ll make sure they don’t go off. *speaks firmly and calmly, trying to sound serious and confident in his words* I’ll keep an eye on it. They’ll explode after blunt trauma, but most things usually will. It’ll be fine, I promise… *sighs*


    Seferia: Hmph. *she shakes her head* ~It matters not too much, Sephiroth. What matters is what you do today. Still, I am quite grateful that you have come this far.~

    Sekhmet: Good, they better not explode by accident. It would be horrible in several respects if you do fail at keeping them from exploding. *She snorts at the thought* I trust you to be very careful indeed.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I still don’t care about most people. I wouldn’t be so quick to say things like that about me yet, Seferia…”* *grunts* *”Come on. Let’s keep moving.”*

    Ignatius: So like… what are we doing on this expidition again, anyway? Are we looking for water like the Commander wants, or what? I was just ordered to come, but nobody ever briefed me as to why I need to go exactly.

    Rizon: They won’t. They… *sighs* Trust me, they just won’t… I’ll be careful. I promise.

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