We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *stares at Sephiroth. She then shakes her head* I do not understand the problem, Sephiroth. I spoke the truth of the matter. I was taught that the truth is a very important thing. I see absolutely no reason to hide it either. *frowns* I also do not understand why you believed that I’d make a joke out of you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: The truth is important, fine. But you don’t need to tell everyone everything. *growls* Next time, don’t bother releasing any more information than you have to, to Aeris. The more information she knows, the more ammunition she has against me. *glares at her*


    Seferia: *frowns in thought, wondering why Sephiroth thinks that Aeris is an enemy. She doesn’t recall much of anything about Aeris in Seph’s memories, so she doesn’t understand why he has such a bad opinion about her. After a moment, she decides to let go of such thoughts for a bit. Instead of pondering over Sephiroth’s behavior, she just moves in closer to him. Then, she leans in to kiss him, hoping that the action will satisfy and calm him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to glare at her, feeling quite vulnerable and angry right now. When she moves in to kiss him, he initially tries to push her away, thinking that a kiss and some affection won’t make the issue go away. However, he slowly calms down and soon leans into it, though he is still thinking about how Aeris will make fun of him, or tell others about what she has learned thus leading to more mockery*


    Seferia: *continues to kiss him, though she is extremely awkward when it comes to this motion. Mostly, this is because she is accustomed to showing emotion via her mind and not any physical aspects. She also hopes that he stops worrying about being picked on so much. Eventually, she breaks off the kiss and pats his back* I hope that was satisfactory.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It was alright… *moves back from her and climbs out of the bathwater, wrapping a towel around himself* We should get going… and be prepared to move out, I mean. *lowers his head, sighing. He doesn’t want to go back to the tent because Aeris is there, but thinks that he has to out of necessity. He picks up his clothes and heads to exit the public bathing tent* *”Come on..”*


    Seferia: *she nods at Sephiroth and moves out of the bathing area. She then quickly casts a spell to dry off both herself and Sephiroth. Once she is dry, she returns to the feline form that she normally stays in, this time insuring that she has her armor on as a means to keep decency. She limps behind Sephiroth, not putting in the effort to overtake him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves back into the tent, glaring at Aeris as he walks inside* We don’t need you here yet. Get out. *walks into the private bathroom area to dry himself off and change, finally coming out again, adjusting his clothing, seeming annoyed* What time is it… *grumbles to himself, seeming impatient to get out of here and put his mind on a functional task*


    Seferia: *moves into the tent not long after Sephiroth enters. She shakes her head at Sephiroth’s words; then she turns her attention at Aeris* If you don’t mind, it will make him feel more comfortable if you leave for the time being. ~He is afraid that you will make him into a joke.~ *looks over at Sephiroth then shakes her head* It is only 900. There is still quite a bit of time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I see… *moves to sit back down on the bed, leaning forwards, seeming bored* Tch… *reaches down to pick off one of the smaller weapons off his clothing, playing with it* What am I supposed to do until then?


    Seferia: Well, I wouls suggest that you pack any materials that you will need on the trip. I cannot promise that we will be able to forage much food from the wilderness. *She moves in closer to him. She then examines his weapons* I presume that you are bringing that Masamune sword with you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, I’m not. It’s too big and ungainly to use in close quarters with trees. *slowly shakes his head* I’m going to leave it behind and use smaller swords, possibly one of your katanas. *moves off the bed and crouches down to pick up a small bag, then begins to stuff various different food items into it*


    Seferia: I wish to petition for you to change your mind Sephiroth. If Nemesis were to attack herself, the legnth of your sword would be a great advantage. You should know by now that the further away from her you are while attacking and defending, the better. *she shakes her head* My katana would put you much too close.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* I don’t want to carry it with me. It’s going to be a chore to carry around and it’s going to drag along the ground now that I am shorter. *scowls* I need a different sword. It’s too large for me now, that is for certain.


    Seferia: Are you most certain that you won’t be able to wield it at all, Sephiroth? Have you even attempted it? *she frowns, thinking that it will be easy enough for her to carry it for him, if that is the concern*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises his arms up, scowling at her as if to prove something. He thinks that his upper body muscles are less dense and powerful than before, and that deems him unsuitable for effectively fighting with his old sword* I’ve attempted it… *scowls, seeming upset and annoyed with his current form, also thinking that he feels somewhat useless now*


    Seferia: *snorts at him* You aren’t that much less bulked up than you were when we met, Sephiroth. I’m certain that if you give it an honest attempt, you’d find that you can indeed wield your sword. *shakes her head at him* If I can still do most of the movements with my katanas, you can use your sword.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* I don’t want to take it with me. *scowls* Can we just drop it there? *thinks Seferia is being pushy with the subject and just wants it to end. In truth, he doesn’t want to use the sword because he associates it with his old life and a past that he wishes to turn his back on. He silently moves over to the sword and picks it up, carrying it out of the tent, intending to dump it outside of the base and trash it*


    Seferia: *she sighs and shakes her head at him* ~Sephiroth, while you should not be proud of all your choices from the past, you should never turn your back on it completely. You should learn from your past, not run from it.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m not running from it!”* *becomes quite annoyed and throws the sword onto the ground just outside of the base entrance. He makes an aggitated sound and makes his way back into the base, heading back into the tent* Give me one of your katanas.


    Seferia: *she shakes her head at Sephiroth* No, I will not do that, Sephiroth. Your reasoning is flawed. Please, go back and retrieve your sword. It is meant for you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Seferia, openly defying her as he bares his teeth* No. I don’t want it any more! *snorts in frustration, wondering if Seferia is going to be persistant, or not listen to him again* I’m fine without it. I’m not useful with it any more – I’ll go back and get it when I am bigger.


    Seferia: Sephiroth.. *she shakes her head* You are not thinking straight at all. With the way that you are disposing of it, you will never find it again by the time that time comes. It won’t be just a few years. *she frowns at him* You will probably reach the appearance of a twenty-five year old again when you are over a hundred years of age.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and moves out of the tent again* *”Fine… but I’m not using it. And if you make me take it along, I am going to be sorely disadvantaged. I’m telling you, I won’t be any good using it. Don’t force me into that. You would be sentencing me to death.”* *walks back outside to pick the sword up again, dragging the end along the ground as he makes his way back to the tent yet again*


    Seferia: *closes her eyes and holds out her right hand. Soon enough, Seph’s sword is teleported out of his hands and into Seferia’s sub-space unit. She then shakes her head at him* I think you fear too much. However, we will see in time. *she looks at him* I don’t think you realize how strong you still are.

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