We are Nemesis

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  • #17924
    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *blinks at Zack* I’m not even sure if I want to know how you hold it up… *pulls Sephiroth into the middle of the tent area and grins* Yeah, what’s up?

    Cloud: *is still sitting on the floor, oblivious to the world around him once more. He is currently staring at the forementioned bottle of hair gel, though he is doing absolutely nothing with it*

    Sephiroth: *grunts* Nothing is ‘up’. I am just about to leave on a mission this morning. Aeris needs to come with me back to my tent, where… where… *drastically lowers his voice, scowling* Where the eggs are being kept.


    Zack: *he walks over to Cloud and kneels down next to him. He then sets his hand on Cloud’s right shoulder* Hey, Cloud. Wake up. You’re dazing out like crazy. *he gently shakes Cloud. He then looks over at Sephiroth* Oh yea, those eggs… Hey, Sephy.. Weren’t you like completely disinterested in women?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrrows his eyes, annoyed at Zack’s question* What about the eggs? Are you trying to ask if I am a homosexual? Hrmph. I’m not. Whatever gave you that idea? *grunts in irritation* I am disinterested in the majority of people, both males and females. The reason those eggs exist is because… *tenses, stopping, ending up glaring at Zack* My personal life and my private interactions with others is not really any of your business.

    Aeris: *grins* So was it a random fling? Or are you really in love?

    Sephiroth: *tenses* I… *growls* Shut up!


    Zack: *shrugs at Sephiroth* You just seemed to really hate women all throughout your time at SOLDIER. You never once seriously looked at them or anything. I just thought that you didn’t like them at all after a while.. *he glances at Cloud again and kneels down next to him* Hey, Cloud. Sephy is here. See, he’s not insane and murderous anymore. See.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It had nothing to do with the fact that I didn’t like them, or that I didn’t find them sexually attractive. *grunts, shaking his head* It was that I didn’t know. I didn’t understand about companionship, mating and breeding until I was educated on the subject. Nobody ever thought to tell me. At all. *narrows his eyes* We’re getting off the subject.

    Cloud: *looks up at Sephiroth, then rises to his feet, balling up his hands into fists* Seh….roth… *mumbles* Must defeat before… *throws a punch at Sephiroth, collapsing shortly after*


    Zack: *groans and plants his face in his left palm* Cloud… settle down, Sephy isn’t a danger to us. *he sighs then looks at Sephy* You didn’t know though? Man, you could have told me. I knew the entire rule book. *smirks* How do you think that I caught a babe like Aer? *he chuckles at his own words*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses, looking highly irritated as he looks in Aeris’s direction, then back at Zack, growling* We are very much off the subject now… *glares down at Cloud* He wouldn’t be able to hurt me very much anyway. *shakes his head* Let’s get back on course, shall we? *moves for the tent exit* Aeris – follow.

    Aeris: *loudly giggles and playfully whacks out at Zack, seeming embarrassed by his comment* Oh Zack, stop it! *blinks as Sephiroth begins to leave* Well.. how do you like that… *sighs*


    Zack: *he shakes his head and sighs* Go ahead, Aer. I’ll watch over Cloud and make certain that he doesn’t hurt himself. *he reaches down to grip onto his friend’s shoulder. He then gently squeezes* Everything’s going to be all right.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *watches Sephiroth leave* No… no. Don’t… don’t let him g-get aw… *lowers his head, resting it on the floor, going quiet again*

    Aeris: *nods and follows Sephiroth out of the tent, following him across the campsite back to his own tent where Seferia is waiting*

    Sephiroth: *leads Aeris back to the tent and opens the tent flaps, more or less pushing her once she nears the entryway* Follow me. And don’t make any stupid comments about the eggs. *drags her over to the mattress in the corner and nods down at the blanket pile* Seferia can give you a more detailed description of how to take care of them properly.


    Seferia: *turns her gaze upward as Sephiroth enters the tent. She then nods at Aeris* Hello. *standing up, she dusts herself off. She then walks over to Aeris* What exactly does the woman need to know, Sephiroth? The procedure is rather simple.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: She needs to know the proper care of the eggs in general. *growls suddenly, turning his attention towards Aeris* Don’t pick them up unless you really have to. Don’t drop them. Don’t let them get cold – ever. Don’t move them unnecessarily. Guard them with your very existance… *turns away from her and begins to pace, his mind becoming a flurry of doubt and thoughts on how Aeris wouldn’t take very good care of the eggs. He also thinks that he’s going to think about them constantly while away, and be concerned about them*


    Seferia: *watches Sephiroth for a few seconds. However, she chooses to let him remain on edge as he is now, for she figures he needs to just work out his emotions. She then walks over to Aeris* Well, that was more or less the proper instructions. These types of eggs must remain in place and not be turned. They are not the eggs of chickens. If you have any ways of obtaining warmed bricks of coal, set them around the eggs to keep them warm. Do you have any questions, girl?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *nods* I have a couple of questions. If they’re incubated at colder temperatures, do they become girls or boys, or what? I know some reptiles can have their gender altered by doing that… *grins* I’d want to see some little girls. *scratches her head* How do I get some bricks warmed up?


    Seferia: No, the eggs of my species of dragon are not dependent on the surrounding temperature. Their sex is determined by their genes. *she shakes her head* You will not be able to sabotage their fated gender. *She then nods outside* There are fires at the rations station. I shall leave orders with the cooks there so that they know that you’d be asking for briskets when they are done cooking.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *slowly nods her head* Alright… how should I warm them? Do I put the briskets underneath the eggs? Over them?

    Sephiroth: *glares in frustration at Aeris, then shakes his head, moving over to the matress on the floor* Look. *raises part of the matress up, then removes a metallic storage container that holds slow burning coals. He shows it to her, then places it back under the matress* Use that if you’re not going to understand. As long as they have some form of heat, they will be fine. Is that understood?

    Aeris: *sighs* Sheesh… you’re getting really mean about this, Sephy!


    Seferia: Do not mind his agitation. He fears that you will ruin our unhatched children. *she shakes her head* It is understandable, this is his first time having children. Not to mention, I believe the change in his body as of late *she looks over Sephiroth, slightly regretful that she was the cause to his change in physical age* has changed his hormone levels. I doubt he’s fully capable of dealing with those quite yet.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a rather loud frustrated sound as Seferia finishes her sentence and moves over to her, grabbing her shoulder to try and pull her away and make her be quiet* *”Why are you telling her that?! I am not immature and my hormone levels didn’t change!”* *seems quite flustered and embarrassed by her words as well as insulted. He also wonders why she is mentioning it so casually to Aeris, and if it would be considered a weakness or not. He quickly shakes his head and moves out of the tent, intent on making a retreat to the public bathing areas*

    Aeris: *grins* Oh, so that’s how it is, huh? *gives Sephiroth a rather sympathetic smile* Don’t worry, Sephy. Puberty is a difficult time for everyone. If you need some help, then… *blinks as he darts out of the tent* I think he’s overreacting to some harmless fun.


    Seferia: *stares at Sephiroth, not fully understanding what she did wrong. She then shakes her head as he leaves* ~You were an adult, now you are a teenager again. Certainly your hormone levels can’t be the same.~ *she still doesn’t understand what she did wrong. Nor does she comprehend what set him off. She then looks over at Aeris* Fun? I was simply stating facts. There is no reason to hide facts.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *smiles at her, still seeming quite amused* Still, the facts seemed to upset him a lot. Maybe he’s sensitive to them right now. He’s got the mind of a teenager again, right? *chuckles* He’s probably nervous and unsure of himself and too concerned about what others think all over again.

    Sephiroth: *slips into the public bathing tent and retreats for a corner, wanting to get out of the way for now*


    Seferia: No, I never said that he has a mind of a teenager.. He still has full use of his memories and such from before the change. However, it was physical. So, his body should be producing the same amount of hormones that a human of about sixteen does. *she shrugs* I do not know enough about human males and their development to say much more.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I don’t think he ever really grew mentally beyond that of a child. You should check him out – does he ever behave like an adult? *grins* Boys never really do. You’re going to have to take care of him from now on.


    Seferia: *tilts her head* I do not believe that I understand what you mean there. He behaves quite well. He has recovered quite a bit since our people rescued him. *she turns away, looking at Sephiroth’s few possessions* He was like an untamed beast when I met with him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Sounds like a kid with no boundaries and a short fuse to me. *crouches down near the eggs and pats one of them on it’s top* Go find him. I can sit here and take care of these. If I do a good job, hopefully it will help him build more trust in other people.


    Seferia: *she closes her eyes and contemplates Aeris’s suggestion. Finally, she moves off, heading to the public baths. As she moves, she shifts into her human form so that she would have an easier time with the bath. She also dares to neglect to form clothes as she shifts form. Soon enough, she slips into the bathwater and heads over to Sephiroth’s location. Upon reaching him, she just stands there, awaiting to see what his reaction will be.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances up at Seferia as he senses her out, glaring at her before turning his attention away* What do you want… *leans his back to the wall, sitting down, thinking to himself that Seferia gave away too much information and now he’s going to be hassled even moreso by her in the future*

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