We are Nemesis

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    Zack: *he rolls his eyes at Aeris. He then pokes her side* You barely got to meet him at all. *he shakes his head* How did you ever become an expert on Sephiroth? *he chuckles* Were you trying to sneak into the military apartments when I wasn’t with you, hm? Is that how you got him angry?

    Seferia: *she nods at Sephiroth’s suggestion* Yes, that does sound like a plan indeed. *She slides over to the far side of the bed. She then pats the free space* Lie down, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I.. I spoke to him a few times here and there. He was always pretty rude and cold. Everyone described him that way. I’m not an expert but some things are just common knowledge you know!

    Sephiroth: *sighs and shuffles into the free space, lying down beside her* Understood.


    Zack: *pokes her side once more* Admit it. You were trying to sneak into the complex to meet up with me. *gives her a cocky grin* I’m just that irresistible. You couldn’t stay away!

    Seferia: *she wraps her arms about Seph’s torso. She then begins to gently hum to him, trying to lull him to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just lies there for some time, seeming discontent and restless as he slowly falls asleep. His final thoughts are of upcoming battles, and of thinking about what he’d do if he were crippled or permanently injured after a fight. Finally he thinks of nothing more and is asleep, his mind creating pictures and thought from his memories while he sleeps, forming them into dreams*

    Aeris: *pokes her tongue out at him* Silly Zack! Why would I ever run around looking for you?


    Zack: Didn’t I already explain that? You can’t stand being away from me. I’m just that good. *he broadly grins* A minute away from me must hurt like an eternity, huh?

    Seferia: *continues to gently hum to Sephiroth. She decides that she will protect Sephiroth from harm no matter what the cost. Eventually, a bit after Sephiroth drifts to sleep, her hums cease as she drifts to sleep as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sleeps through the entirety of the night with very little disturbance. He shifts around slightly in his sleep but is relatively silent. When he does finally wake up, he is rather content with lying next to Seferia, enjoying her company. When he does finally get up, he moves into the bathroom area of the tent so that he can relieve himself* *”How soon are we expected to leave?”*

    Aeris: Something like that I think, yeah… *lightly runs a hand through his mess of spikey hair then moves away to sleep*


    Seferia: *slits open her eyes not long after Sephiroth contacts her. She then releases a small yawn before responding* ~We should be leaving at around 1100. As far as I am aware, the final preparations are being made now.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Why during the middle of the day’s heat? Forgive me for thinking that doesn’t make any sense.”* *thinks to himself that moving off on a mission during the middle of the day is crazy because it is both hot, and because they would easily be spotted*


    Seferia: If we were in a more open terrain, that would indeed be true. However, most of our movements will be concealed by the rain forest canopy. As long as we do not bother cutting a path for ourselves, we should be able to move stealthily no matter the time of day. *she glances at him* Also, word is the feline princess is demanding on coming, and she wanted to sleep in.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses in distaste, finishing up in the room, seeming annoyed once he steps back out into the main area of the tent* She… wanted to sleep in? That’s kind of ridiculous. *grunts and shakes his head* It’s ridiculous that the entire group should be held back because she wanted some more rest. Though it gives us time to… *becomes quiet, then moves away to the corner of the room, picking up one of the eggs very carefully, also pulling a blanket back over it both to keep it warm and to conceal it from view* Did you want to move the other one? *pauses, frowning* Do they need to be kept still?


    Seferia: *sighs at him* I thought I told you this before, Sephiroth. Those eggs are to be kept as stable and still as possible. Try not to move them around too much. However.. I’d rather have them close to each other so that the developing hatchlings get used to the feel of each other’s energies.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances back at her, then down at the other egg, wondering how in the world he is going to carry both and keep them covered and concealed with the blanket at the same time. He sighs and crouches down, being perhaps too careful as he tucks one egg under one arm, and the other under his other. He frowns as the blanket falls on the floor, then presses the eggs slightly to his sides, offering them his own body warmth instead* I don’t want somebody to see me… *Scowls*


    Seferia: *turns her attention to Sephiroth* Do not worry about such. If any enter this tent while you are like that, I shall make it so that their mind is blind to you and the eggs. *she then sighs and moves to his side* However, I did not mean that you needed to carry them together. Just insure that they are laying next to each other. That is all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: They should be fine. They are still fairly close together. And they also have my life energy within inches of them to comfort them. I do not think it will disturb or upset them at all… *sighs* However… if we are to leave, we have to move them to Aeris’s tent. How else is she going to care for them? Unless… you want her to move in here while we are gone on our expedition. *makes a short irritated noise* Do you really want that?


    Seferia: It would be preferable for her to come in here on a frequent basis than to risk moving the eggs. *she looks at Seph and shakes her head* I do not want the youths to die. *doesn’t see a major problem with allowing Aeris access to her tent while she is watching over the eggs*

    Zack: *Yawns and stretches as he wakes up. He then stumbles out of his bed as he makes his way to the bathroom area of the tent* Just like old times…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses, not liking Seferia’s idea. However, he can think of no real reason to object* Alright… *sighs and very carefully places the eggs down again, sitting down with them to warm them up for a bit before covering them with the blankets again* I should go out and get her. They need to be watched. *begins pondering getting some kind of incubator device built for them*


    Seferia: Hmm… *she shrugs, not really being an expert on incubator machines. She then shakes her head* To the best of my knowledge, heated rocks are the most effective means of insuring that the eggs remain heated. That’s what has been traditionally done, at least. *She shakes her head. She then looks up for a moment, pondering over Seph’s activities* Have you bothered to check up on the one girl that you got closed to while you were still being rehabilitated?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: A few times…. not much. *frowns, lowering his head, regret breaching his stoic cold expression for a brief moment. In actuality though, his regret pangs run much deeper, and he begins to think of the fact that he misses the young girl, but also feels that it was better if they stayed away from each other, especially if his prescence reminds her of the brother she had lost due to his lack of ability to protect and save him*


    Seferia: *strolls over to Sephiroth’s side. She then brushes her fingers through his hair, trying her best to give him the type of comfort that his species prefers* Don’t think of things like that, Sephiroth. You were new here. You didn’t know of the risks. Even so.. The stab wounds.. He was sentenced to death as soon as Nemesis struck him. There would have been no saving him at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her words, lowering his head, seeming down* You remember what happened. I tried to intervene and stop her, but there was nothing I could do.I could only temporarily disable her and flee. It was the boy’s fault for being out on his own, but… well. I could have saved him if I was faster. *grunts* I don’t even know why I wanted to.


    Seferia: *pats Sephiroth’s back, doing her best to comfort him* I cannot fully answer that one for you, Sephiroth. All I did was give you a form of amnesia in order to allow you to see our land without the biases of your lifetime. *she shakes her head* However, from your descriptions of the events, the attack was sudden and unexpected. There was nothing that you could have done. You didn’t even know how to look for Nemesis at that time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I still really don’t know how. I haven’t seen her that much. *scowls* And every time she shows up, we move. *moves away from her, then heads for the door* If she comes this time though… I’ll be ready for her. *clenches his fists* I’m going to get Aeris. I will return. *steps out of the tent and heads across the camp*


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth’s words* Understood. I shall keep an eye on the eggs for now. *she sits down in her chair. She then ponders over what Sephiroth has said to her. While she is grateful that he cares deeply about the loss of someone else’s life, she thinks that he should try being friendly to the one girl once more. Still, she isn’t about to challenge his ways on that topic*

    Zack: *has finished with his business in the bathroom area. For now, he is brushing out his hair, seeming to take his time in making it look like a mess*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stands at the flaps of the tent, unsure of how to approach. After a moment of standing there however, he whacks his open palm on the tent three times, doing his best to knock on the ‘door’ under the circumstances* Hello? Is Aeris here?

    Aeris: *grins and pokes Zack’s shoulder as she passes by him* Do you want the hair gel? I think Cloud has the bottle right now. *opens the tent and smiles warmly at Sephiroth* Hello! Come on inside. *grabs him by the arm and pulls him in*


    Zack: *smirks at Aeris* Hey, who said that I ever use hair gel, babe? This is all me. All natural. *he smirks and winks at her. He then frowns with concern as Sephiroth enters* Hey, Sephy. What’s up? *he looks around, wondering where Cloud is*

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