We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *Sighs at Sephiroth* ~I am taller than you, Sephiroth. I am more sleek, but I am not exactly “smaller” than you.~ *shakes her head* ~My shape changes, however, I cannot hide my true weight when I shift my shape. Do you understand?~ *she turns her attention back to Aeris* They were laid recently, so they still have quite some time until they hatch. All I require for you is to have you keep them warm, incubated, and alive.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I can do that… how long will they take to hatch? Will they hatch within the year or… when? Do you know the date? *grins at her, seeming very pleased* Congratulations! I can’t wait to see little dragons running around.

    Sephiroth: *loudly groans at Aeris’s words* *”Please, can we just get out of here…”*


    Seferia: *shakes her head* I am not experienced in hatchings.. Very few dragons have existed who can even give a time frame. However, the hatchlings, they will not be pure dragons. *she turns her attention to Cloud. She then moves over to him. Soon enough, she begins to scan the boy’s mind, wanting to figure out how to heal him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses, becoming impatient. *”Please… can we go now?”* *seems quite unhappy with Seferia now and frustrated* *”You’ve already mentioned it to her. Why are you staying longer? I don’t want to be here.”*

    Aeris: Well… how long ago were they laid? If it’s like a human pregnancy, I’d give them nine months.

    Cloud: *if Seferia were to do a deep scan of his mind, she would discover that many of his mental functions are mixed up and some are destroyed because of high Mako exposure and poisoning*


    Seferia: *holds her hand out to Sephiroth and sends a soothing mental transmission to him, trying to calm him. This transmission is designed to work partially like a mild sedative type drug* ~Settle down, Sephiroth. You need not be so agitated.~ *she continues to scan Cloud’s mind. Soon enough, her eyes begin to glow as she works on repairing the damage to his mind. For now, she does not respond to Aeris*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues trying to object, although the mental sedative humming takes a lot of the anger and frustration out of his complaint* *”We shouldn’t use her… she’ll mock us and baby us at every turn….”*

    Aeris: *grins* Maybe because it’s a dragon and a human, it will hatch faster. Yes?

    Cloud: *begins to groan and sway from side to side* Mmm….


    Seferia: Hybrid creatures are unpredictable, girl. I cannot say how they will turn out, nor how long it will take. *she continues to work on Cloud’s mind, wanting to heal him as best that she can for the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *coughs and splutters, then tries to sit up* …Midgar…. *opens his eyes properly, staring up at the ceiling* F… F-forgive me… I-I I couldn’t… *lowers his head again, seeming confused with his surroundings as he becomes aware of them*

    Aeris: Oh I hope they hatch soon… are you going to need clothes for them?


    Seferia: *glances down at Cloud* This is neither Midgar nor Midgard. *she shrugs. She then glances at Aeris* No, we require no clothing to be made for them. Such actions are impractical when the exact nature of the offspring is unknown. *She looks over at Cloud once more. She then turns her attention back to Aeris* Your friend should be functional again.

    Zack: *stares at Cloud as he begins to come to. He then smiles* Hey man, you finally returned to the living! Welcome back.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I’ll still make them clothes when I find out what gender they are! *grins* I should start knitting little pink sweaters. *looks over at Cloud* He’s functional again…? *stares at Cloud then moves over to try and hug him* Hey wow, you really are back! *grins* Can you hear us, Cloud? Say something!

    Cloud: *stares at Zack, then Aeris* Hh… *lowers his head again, upset* I f… I f-failed…


    Seferia: *looks over at Aeris* You may try to make such an attempt. However, you will never find the color pink in any sort of cloth here. That color is quite expensive now. Even if it wasn’t, I do not allow my people to attract so much attention with such flashy colors.

    ZacK: Huh? Nonsense. You didn’t fail anyone at all, Cloud. *he pats Cloud’s back* We missed you buddy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Phooey! I’ll find something nice for them to wear, you’ll see. Even if its not pink. I don’t know what’s so bad about the colour though. It’s a lovely colour for a girl to wear. Every girl should be dressed in it you know.

    Cloud: Missed…. m… me? *stares at Zack, then groans, shaking his head* D… damn…

    Sephiroth: *”Can we please GO now?”*


    Seferia: I just explained why we do not have cloths in that color. We do not wish to stand out more than is necessary. *she shakes her head* I only permit the cloth that you are wearing now because it is going to wear out soon. *She frowns at Sephiroth* ~Be still and calm down.~

    Zack: *nods at Cloud, backing away a bit to let him look around if he wants to* Yea, you’ve been really out of it for quite some time. We were worried about you, pal.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m calm, but why won’t you listen to me?”* *seems rather frustrated with that and moves out of the tent, having given up on trying to convince Seferia of what the best option is, also feeling like his opinions were never considered*

    Cloud: Out of it… *groans and moves to lie down on the floor of the tent* How long for…?


    Seferia: *twitches her ears as she listens to Sephiroth’s retreat. She then shakes her head and moves to follow him. She manages to catch up to him not far outside the tent. Once there, she sets her arms on his shoulders and tries to hold him in place* That is nonsense. *she shakes her head* Your arguments were simply too filled with fear of unreasonable results. That is all.

    Zack: *scratches the back of his head and looks at the tent* Well, I’m not exactly certain when it started. I know that Sephiroth said it’s been at least five years since Nibelhiem…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: There was no fear in my statements… *frowns at her, looking her right back in the eyes* You weren’t willing to listen to me at all, were you? *seems rather unhappy and turns his head away*

    Cloud: That’s… that’s a long time….


    Seferia: I listened to every one of your words, Sephiroth. *she shakes her head* However, you are allowing fear of an unlikely scenario to reign over your judgment. *she reaches over to rub the top of his head* The eggs will not be killed by that woman.

    Zack: Yea, I suppose it is… *he looks over Cloud* You do know that Sephiroth is here, right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: Sephi… *tenses* Why…? Why is he here….? He tried to… *lowers his head again* He did….

    Sephiroth: *scowls at Seferia’s words, but lowers his head, accepting of her affections. He still thinks in his mind that she’s making a mistake by sending the eggs to Aeris to take care of, and doesn’t see how he’s afraid. He thinks the idea is stupid*


    Zack: *Frowns at Cloud* Yea, Sephiroth is here. But he’s not over the edge anymore. He’s fine. He’s back to being the reliable Sephy that we knew before. *he shakes his head as he continues to look over Cloud* You’re not feeling too well, are you?

    Seferia: *decides to allow Sephiroth to think what he will of the situation. She still believes that the feline royalty might be coming on this expedition, or at least Sekhmet is likely to do that. She also thinks that Aeris is the best choice out of the others in this complex, for she’s a trained healer. Still, she just holds Sephiroth and continues to rub the back of his head. As she does that, she begins to hum into his ear*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: M-my head… it spins… *curls up on the floor*

    Sephiroth: *still seems a little discontent as Seferia rubs his head, calming because of the humming noises. He finally releases a resigned sigh and gives up on the situation* Very well… let her do it. If nobody else will be here, then what is, is what must be.


    Zack: *Softly sighs. He then looks up at Aeris* Do you think that he just needs a bit more rest, Aer… This isn’t really how Cloud was before.

    Seferia: *softly speaks to Sephiroth* Let’s go back to our tent now. We need to rest up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a soft grumbling noise in protest but doesn’t object much more than that at all. He sighs and nudges Seferia’s shoulder, trying to move her along* Very well. I cannot think of any reason why not.

    Aeris: *thinks* Well, it’s a lot better than he was before. Maybe we need to give him a few more days. Still, even now, it’s a huge improvement on before! *grins* I agree with you. Maybe some more rest and he’ll be fine.


    Zack: *he nods at Aeris’s words. He then pats Cloud’s back and tries to ease the man into a lying position* Come on, pal. You need a nap, or something. *he does his best to give Cloud a grin* Once you’re better, you can ask Sephy why he’s here. It’s not really my place to answer for him.

    Seferia: *she lets go of Sephiroth. She then moves to follow after him to the tent. Soon enough, she steps up in front of him so that she can open up the flaps and let him go through*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once he approaches the tent, he ducks his head so that he can move through* Thank you. *moves into the tent properly, then heads for the corner to check up on the eggs, crouching down in front of them, making sure the blankets are still securely over them, and also ensuring that they are still warm*

    Cloud: Sephi… roth… killed my mother and… he burned down my hometown…


    Zack: *sighs and shakes his head at Cloud* Yea, he did do that.. But he wasn’t right in the head at that time, Cloud. He was sick. Kinda like you are now. *grins* But he’s much better now. You’ll see.

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