We are Nemesis

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  • #17824
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If you can’t fight, you can still lead. The higher-up SOLDIERs and administrators spent more of their time with battle mechanics and strategy than any actual fighting. They were the ones who gave orders rather than took them. You should do that – you’re already partway there as it is.


    Seferia: *Scowls and snorts at Sephiroth’s words. She then glances to the side* We have no need for those who solely push around paperwork. Much more is needed than just that. *She then turns to look at him* And, can you honestly say that you’d be able to handle a life-time of just being relegated to paper-work?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmm… *scowls, then shakes his head* I can’t say I would. Life can’t be experienced from behind a desk. Nothing interesting can. Life is out there on the battlefield. So is death. I am used to walking the thin line between them. I am skilled at it. And I was created for it. *frowns, lowering his gaze to the floor* I also feel at home there. I am in my element. It’s where I am meant to be.


    Seferia: Hmph. Well then, if you think that way concerning yourself, why do you think that I should submit to only being a clerical leader of this group? *shakes her head* I still have fight in me. I can overcome my physical limitations, with practice.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If you think you can, then do it. *shrugs* I wouldn’t want to hinder or stop you. *frowns as he thinks, pondering that it would be safer for Seferia to stay behind, especially in her injured state. He also thinks that he would not want to lose her under any circumstances and scowls at the thought, also scowling at himself because he begins thinking of how much he would grieve if she was gone*


    Seferia: *glances at Sephiroth, not fully certain how to respond to all his emotions. She then does her best to give him a reassuring smile, though the expression is a bit off* I appreciate your concern, Sephiroth. It is truly.. *pauses for a moment as she tries to think of a proper human term* ..warming.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems confused at her reply, then suddenly turns his head away when he realizes and remembers that she is fully capable of reading and seeing his thoughts. He immediately feels rather ashamed of himself, as well as embarassed, but outwardly shows none of this* It’s fine.


    Seferia: *wonders why Sephiroth is so embarrassed. She also wonders what sort of use that emotion has. However, she simply shrugs* Understood. *she then straightens up and moves to set her katanas on their stands*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stiffens his posture once again, behaving as if nothing at all has happened* Ah… indeed. *grunts, wanting to change the subject* Shall we go back to the tent? If you are finished here, I mean. If there is something else you wanted to do.. by all means, do it.


    Seferia: *Shakes her head* No, I am done here. However, we can’t just return to the tent. We are departing soon. We should prepare our belongings.. *looks over at Sephiroth* Do you desire to have those who came from your planet to look over the eggs? It will be a minimal task.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems tense and protective for a brief moment* Can they be taken with us? I’d prefer to keep them nearby. Unless they’re heavily guarded… *doesn’t sound happy and doesn’t trust his words. On that matter, he doesn’t really trust anyone to protect the eggs in his absence* I don’t want them to get damaged… *snorts* Don’t let Aeris have them.


    Seferia: *frowns then shakes her head at Sephiroth’s question* No, they can’t be taken with us, Sephiroth. Such an endeavor would be rather dangerous to do, especially since the eggs are meant to stay in place, more or less, once they are laid. *tilts her head* Strange, I would think that one, the healer, would be the most respecting of the choices.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: The healer… *snorts* She wouldn’t treat them very well. She would also dote over them and mock us willingly. A lot. *grunts* Her good aura would corrupt them and they wouldn’t turn out to become cowards.


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* I’m certain things will not be so bad, Sephiroth. Please, just try to put some faith in others than yourself. You can’t hold the world on your shoulders alone. Understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and nods his head* Understood… *grunts, discontent with the idea of leaving the eggs behind in the care of somebody else* What other option is there? I cannot think of one…


    Seferia: There are few of the soldiers here who I would trust with this sort of task. At least with the healer from your planet, you’ll have someone who can scan them and keep an eye on their health as they develop in the eggs. *she begins moving toward the tents where Zack, Aeris, and Cloud are*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes another noise of discontentment, but doesn’t outright protest this time around. He simply grunts as he follows Seferia to the tent containing his ‘friends’* You’re going to ask them to take care of them…? *folds his arms, offering another grunt of protest* There has to be another way…


    Seferia: *wonders why Sephiroth is being so obstinate about this issue. She then decides that he must be protecting his territory like any male would. She then shakes her head* I think we should simply inquire. *she then steps into the tent that she was heading to*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* *”It has nothing to do with defending my territory. Would you leave your offspring with those you knew were not suitable? It’s not suicide, but it’s not a good idea either!”* *moves into the tent after Seferia, scowling*

    Aeris: *looks up at the intruders to the tent, then grins* Oh, hello there! What brings you to our little spot here?

    Cloud: *raises his head, looking up at the pair, then lowers it again, ashamed of himself* Mmm….


    Zack: *is sitting next to Cloud at the moment, trying to keep an eye on his friend. He pats the other man’s back in a friendly manner. He then grins as he looks up at Sephiroth* Hello, Sephy. *frowns at Cloud’s reaction* Don’t mind him. He just doesn’t feel too well at the moment..

    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* ~If you can suggest someone else for this task, then suggest it.~ *She nods at Aeris’s greeting. She then steps up toward her* We have a request for you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmph. *glares at Zack momentarily* He is always like that. It is beginning to become a waste of resources. *”The feline princess. The feline prince. Anybody! Just don’t select her…”* *hisses as Seferia begins talking* Nevermind. *tries to grab her arm and pull her out again, all the while thinking that Seferia is crazy and that asking Aeris to take care of the eggs is like sentencing them to death*

    Aeris: *blinks and moves to her feet, standing in a formal manner, also attentive* A request? What do you need?


    Seferia: *despite her apprent size, which would indicate that she can’t be much heavier than Sephiroth himself, she is actually very heavy. In fact, Sephiroth would feel as if he’s trying to drag a tank. She shakes her head at him then sighs* ~Those two have expressed interest in coming on this expedition. I cannot say for certain that either of them will be here.~ *she then turns her attention back to Aeris* Are you familiar with how to take care of fertilized eggs?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *blinks* Fertilized eggs? What kind? All you need to do is keep them warm, right? *scratches her head* That’s a really weird request, but if you want… I can do it. I’ll need instructions though. *grins* What are you trying to hatch? Chickens?

    Sephiroth: *seems quite annoyed as he discovers that Seferia won’t budge an inch. He makes a soft frustrated growl at her and tries to give her another shove* *”How much do you weigh? Move! Get out of here…”*


    Seferia: *shakes her head* These eggs are mine, girl. *she begins sending Aeris a telepathic transmission that explains the situation between herself and Sephiroth, as well as the eggs* I need someone to watch over them for a bit. We are preparing to go on an expedition. *frowns at Sephiroth* ~I have never exactly had the chance to step on a scale, however, my weight should be probably around five or six tons.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Five or six….”* *stares at her* *”How does that work? You don’t look very heavy. Or dense. I am much bigger than you….”* *scowls* *”Why did you tell her that they’re our eggs? She won’t stop bothering you now!”*

    Aeris: *blinks, confused for a few moments, then broadly smiles* Oh, that’s wonderful! How far along are they? When are they going to hatch? How warm do I need to keep them? Should I sing to them?

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