We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: ~You’ve been here for months, yet you haven’t noticed that there is usually silence outside? There isn’t much life that freely roams this planet anymore, Sephiroth.~

    *There are a couple of children who have sneaked out of the cavern currently playing in the lake. Their laughter is a bit loud; however, they are keeping silent enough to not be noticed from a distance. At the moment, there is a girl who is tackling a boy into the water*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *leans his side to the entrance, keeping an eye on the situation* *”No, I know that. I just don’t get much of a chance to stop and actually look.”*


    Seferia: ~Ah, well, that is forgivable, Seph. You have been rather busy once you finally gave him and agreed to learn how to become one with our group. I don’t think there are many who have gone on as many missions as you have. I still don’t understand what exactly prompted you to be that generous.~

    *The children continue to frolic in the lake. Some have gone to climb into trees so that they can jump into the lake from heights*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m not really sure either.”* *frowns, keeping a close watch on the children, telepathically transmitting the image to Seferia* *”But I’m here now, and that is really all that counts.”* *frowns further* *”Should they be out here like this? I understand children need to be children, but… this seems like waving a red flag at a bull.”*


    Seferia: *frowns in thought* ~Give them another few moments. Then, usher them in. If you do not like that plan, go find their parents and tell them to bring their children back inside. But yes, we should allow children to be children…~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* *”They are having fun, but they aren’t doing much good out here in the open.”* *lowers his head, then moves towards the kids, loudly clearing his throat as he approaches them* Are you sure you should be out here? I know you wish to have fun, but we can’t chance Nemesis creeping up on us. You should all move back inside.


    *There is a loud whine-like awwing noise as Seph announces that the kids should not be there. Soon after, one of the boys, a preteen, swings out from the tree that he was playing on then sticks his tongue out at Sephy* Hey, we’re not hurting anyone. Don’t be such a stiff!

    Seferia: ~Best of luck with your endeavor, Sephiroth. Children can be quite hard to handle.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hesitantly approaches the children* *”Thank you. I will try my best.”* *sighs* I know you are having fun. And I know it is also a hassle to be moved away. But if you don’t do as you are told and stay out here, then The Nemesis will get you.


    *Several of the children begin to loudly murmur and such, not liking the thought of Nemesis catching them. Soon enough, they get up and begin moving back to the cave. However, there are a few stragglers who just want to be stubborn. For instance, the boy who had talked back to Sephiroth frowns at him* Hey, The Nemesis isn’t anywhere around here! Why do you have to ruin our fun? It’s not like you’re an adult.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not an adult in looks perhaps, but I’m still older than you. Just because you can’t see the Nemesis, it doesn’t mean that it’s nowhere around to be seen. Now do you want to get caught, or do you want to get caught?


    *the boy crosses his arms and scowls at Sephiroth. Still, he gives in and moves back inside with the rest of his friends, mostly because they prompt him to just go inside and not pick fights*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to softly growl at the children as they move back inside of the base, being slightly authorative in his stance as he keeps a close watch over them, herding them back into the base camp, being a little pushy with any slow kids*


    *Luckily for Sephiroth, the children all move inside the cave without much of a fight now. They seem to have lost their desire to argue against him outside. However, they quickly run off once inside, intending to find some other place to play*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once he has finished herding them inside with authorative growls, he folds his arms and stands at the cave entrance, grunting importantly to himself, behaving a bit like a kind of alpha male asserting his dominance. He then dusts off his sleeves and heads back for Seferia’s tent*


    Seferia: *is currently not in her tent. Instead, she’s in the training area, trying to practice with her twin katanas. She is moving slowly, so she wouldn’t strain her damaged leg. Still, she’s having a difficult time with her practice*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at the quiet inside of Seferia’s tent and closes the tent flaps up, making sure they’re properly tied and securely shut. Once he has done that, he steps into her bathroom area, sliding a stool over so he can sit down on it. He strips down, hanging his clothes up neatly, then fills up a bucket full of water and takes a cloth and some soap so he can wash himself off*


    Seferia: *pauses in her practicing for a bit, moving to sit down at the side of the field that she was utilizing. She then begins to gently massage her injured leg, trying to revitalize the sore muscles in it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just spends his time casually washing himself off with the cold water and the soap, moving the wet washcloth across various parts of his body to wash them down and properly clean them. Once that is done, he picks up a towel and begins to dry himself off again*


    Seferia: *finally gives up for the time being. She moves to the side of the arena and simply sits down. She then reaches over to gently massage her sore leg. As she does this, she thinks over the sloppy mistakes that she made during her session. She also sorrows over the fact that she no longer has a fighting partner due to Clawina’s death*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once clean and dry, he places some new clothes on himself and carries the old ones out to be laundered by the lower-ranked people around the base. He seems rather pleased as they take the garments and is especially happy that he doesn’t have to do his own laundry any more*


    Seferia: *continues to massage her maimed leg for another few moments. Finally, she sighs and gets to her feet again. She then moves into the center of the training area. Once in position, she closes her eyes and thinks over what she wants to do, hoping that she’s be able to have more success this time. Finally, she’d begin the series of katas once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *once his laundry is in order, he follows Seferia’s life energy signal, tracking her down to the training area. He sneaks inside and watches her run through her kata, not wanting to disturb her concentration right now*


    Seferia; *grunts after a series of slashes. During the sequence, she accidentally mis-steps on her injured leg, causing her routine to go off. So, she sets the twin katana to the side. Then, she reaches down to gently massage her leg once more. She mentally berates herself for not being able to perform at her peak any longer as she takes care of her leg*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *finally flicks aside the tent flap, deliberately making noise with it as a means to show Seferia that he’s moved into the area* Don’t get frustrated. It wasnt that bad. Not really. *moves over to her and gently nudges her shoulder* What are you doing that for anyway?


    Seferia: *mutters* It is no where near to being an acceptable performance.. My queen would have never had excepted such imperfection in my technique. *she shakes her head. She then looks up at Sephiroth* As for why I do this, I do not wish to be an invalid. *She gets to her feet* I am certain that with time and practice, I can regain most of the ability that I had in the past. *despite her words, her mind is filled with doubts as to whether or not she’d ever be able to truly fight ever again*

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