We are Nemesis

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  • #17699

    Zack: *nods as he settles down on his bed. He then yawns and decides to laze about until Aeris returns. He grins, wondering exactly how excited she’ll be to find him back to himself once more*

    Seferia: *closes her eyes, doing her best not to have her thoughts mix with Sephiroth’s for the moment. She wants to allow for him to come to his own conclusions concerning the mission. However, she does feel that there is something wrong with what Hope has been doing, but she wants to trust the female that she personally helped raise*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tries not to pry into Seferia’s thoughts and ponders how he will be treated by the others. He also wonders if he should take Zack along, but then considers the fact that he couldn’t even walk a short time ago* It’s going to be interesting… *frowns deeply, then thinks about Rizon and reconsiders his decision regarding the youth* Hmm… *thinks to himself that if Sekhmet goes along, Rizon would be a rather good guardian to keep watch over her*


    Seferia: *turns her head to look over Sephiroth. She then slowly shake her head, thinking his thoughts are quite spontaneous. However, she does not fault him for going through so many topics at such a fast pace* Well, I shall leave such decisions to you, Sephiroth. However, if you truly want my guidance, I would say to check on Zack tomorrow. He might be feeling better then.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Perhaps… *moves to lie down on one side of Seferia’s bed, stretching out, pondering about the opportunity to get some sleep. He seems amused at Seferia’s thoughts on his own thought patterns and chuckles for a moment, kicking off his shoes onto the floor*


    Seferia: *tilts her head as she notices that Sephiroth is settling down for sleep* I know that I created tolerable armor for you to wear. However, is it not common practice for humans to rest in things other than armor? Not even my queen rested in her armor, even though she could not lie down to sleep.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits up again, frowning* Do you want to be lazy and unprepared? Living in this kind of situation calls for preparedness. If we have to move out at a moment’s notice, we can do so. Preparedness makes us powerful. Laziness merely makes us fat. *thinks of all the times he slept in his clothes while in the ShinRa Army*


    Seferia: *Nods at Sephiroth* I simply did not expect such from you. Especially since you had stated that you would have preferred to wear comfortable clothing over protective clothing while in this area. *indifferently shrugs, not finding the topic to be very important* It was simply a curiosity.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I would, yes. But you pestered me into wearing this. And you know I have a point. *picks up on her thoughts that she doesn’t find the topic important, and becomes offended. Thoughts run through his head that he wishes she would make up her mind on the clothing issue and he becomes irritated. He pulls his coat off and dumps it on the floor nearby, curling up, his back to her now*


    Seferia: *blinks at him* I was only stating that you are a curiosity, Sephiroth. I was not condemning your choice of sleeping attire. *shakes her head. She then moves over to the bed and sits down next to him. Soon enough, she begins to softly stroke the side of his head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s not sleeping attire…. I explained my reasoning already. *scowls, becoming more irritated. However, when she pats his head, he seems to calm down quite a bit, and sighs* I thought you would be happy with what I said.


    Seferia: Actually, I am quite indifferent as far as this matter is concerned, Sephiroth. I was not trying to make you feel as if you needed to change your clothing. I was only making an observation. That is all. There was no judgment in the matter. *shrugs and continues to “pet” him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If you didn’t want to make me feel that way, why was it such a huge issue for you to talk about? *scowls up at her, thinking that the entire thing is ridiculous* If it’s not a big deal, don’t go on about it. It’s not like you to talk extensively about things you find irrelevant, or useless. *grasps her arm and tries to pull her down*


    Seferia: *her eyes widen as Sephiroth pulls her down. However, she soon returns her expression to its normal passive appearance* I made a single comment. It is you who keeps on dragging out the topic. Time and time again, I’ve told you it was a curiosity and of no importance. Please, just let it go. *shakes her head at him* Also, please tell me what you’re doing..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* Very well, I will drop it. As for what I am doing… nothing, really. Are you tired? You should be well rested before the mission begins. You might not get a chance to get any real sleep while we are on it. *lets go of her arm again, then reshuffles in his position, keeping his back to her, although his anger is all gone now and he feels absolutely none towards her. His mind is in the beginning stages of sexual arousement and he briefly ponders getting up to go somewhere private and take care of it*


    Seferia: *tilts her head and considers what she is sensing from Sephiroth. She then recalls that humans, especially those who are “maturing”, as Sephiroth has been forced to redo, are much more sexual than most other creatures. She then closes her eyes and shifts into her human form* Turn around, Sephiroth. *has decided to assist him in his problem*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? *turns his head back to face her, confused as to what she’s doing. He then picks up on her thoughts and turns his head away again, immediately embarassed at the idea and what she has picked up on* No, I’m alright. You do not have to do anything.


    Seferia: *reaches over to gently nudge Sephiroth, trying to make him face her* We agreed to become mates, Sephiroth. I recognize that the relationship that we entered is one where we both support each other. You met my needs. I should help you meet your own needs.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls slightly, stubborn and determined to remain lying where he is, figuring that if he doesn’t pay any attention to his issues, they’ll go away again* No, really. I’m fine, Seferia. *sits up, then turns to face her, scowling further* It’s not a need.


    Seferia: *Shakes her head at him. She then slowly moves to sit ontop of him. Luckily, her form is rather light, even though her alternative forms tend to retain quite a bit of her “dragon stregnth”. She then looks down at him* I know enough about humans to know that these things don’t just “go away”.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wriggles about uncomfortably underneath her, feeling awkward with the situation. He is also becoming increasingly aware of his growing state of arousal and begins to think that he won’t be able to hide it soon* They do if you ignore them. Believe me. *frowns and glances around her, frowning at the tent flaps* At least secure the door.


    Seferia: *lifts her head to look at the flaps. She then nods to his request* Yes, I suppose that does make sense. *she concentrats on the door. Soon enough, she seals the door up with her abilities. Once that is done, she looks back down at Sephiroth* Well, I do not believe that it is natural to just ignore such impulses. We are not in a situation where it would be inappropriate either. *narrows her eyes as she considers her knowledge of humans. Soon enough, she moves down to kiss Sephiroth, though the motion is rough and unpracticed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches her close the tent, seeming to relax, also approving. When she moves in to kiss him, he is immediately responsive and moves his arms around her, moving his head up to return the kiss, also being somewhat clumsy in his movements. His embarassment is quickly forgotten as be becomes more excited*


    Seferia: *decides to allow Sephiroth to guide her and show her exactly what she should do in order to fulfill his desires. However, she does know that he needs his clothing off. So, she reaches down so that she can undo his pants*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *closes his eyes and continues the kiss, well into his sexual excited mood now. He begins to think of Seferia naked, and also thinks of graphic pictures as well as sexual positions. He makes no protest when Seferia undoes his pants and moves a hand down, trying to help her yank them off* *”Are you sure you don’t object…? I’d prefer to have your consent before we do this and my instincts take over.”*


    Seferia: *releases a soft chuckling noise at Sephiroth* We dragons never do anything without wanting to do it, Sephiroth. No one can force a dragon to do otherwise. *with that, she begins shifting her form. Soon enough, the clothing melts away from her form. She then tries to move into the position that he’s indicating* Might I request where you learned these things, Sephiroth? Your mind was not filled with sexual imagery when I was helping you regain your senses.

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