We are Nemesis

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  • #17624
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls slightly, offended by Seferia’s thoughts* Fine, go ahead and do whatever the hell you want to my clothing. *is quite annoyed now, due to the fact he didn’t want anything done to his clothing, as they were comfortable to him. He also didn’t want to have to wear armoured clothing all the time, either. He stands there with his arms folded, waiting for her to change his clothing, half expecting her to change it to something that would suit her tastes* Fffeh… *scowls* No wonder those idiots keep calling me your pet human. Will I ever be able to make my own decisions about what I want to do?


    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head* I will not change your clothing if that is truly what you want. I was simply stating that you are indeed letting your own guard down while telling the others that they should not let their guard down. *deeply frowns* You have every right to make decicions for yourself at any point, Sephiroth. Why do you say such things about me? *tries to think of a time where she was not thinking of just keeping him pleased. She then wonders if he means all the times she’s guided him so that he’d recover from his mental diseases*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t see how not wanting to wear armoured clothing everywhere is letting my guard down. I would at least hope I can be comfortable somewhere in this place. *sits down, irritated now. He thinks he is being overly aggressive and silly, but is not willing to admit to it at the moment*


    Seferia: *pushes herself up to her feet then walks over to Sephiroth. Soon enough, she sits down next to him before gently setting her hand down ontop of his head. Then, she begins to gently “pet” Seph’s head, though it could feel somewhat like a gentle rub as well* I will not force you to wear clothing that you do not want to, Sephiroth. I have not forced you to do anything aside from taking up a position that I know you can excell at. You and I both know that. *slowly shakes her head* Still, I will give you advice when I feel that advice is due. I have more years on you, even if for a human, you’ve been more sexually mature. *chooses not to even comment about his thoughts on his agressiveness, allowing him to make his on choices as to how to act. However, she does momentarily allow herself a few stray thoughts as to how soft and silky his hair is, finding that to be a good sign of health*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t think I am the more sexually mature out of us any more. *frowns, thinking that his current levels of testosterone are part of his cause for becoming very angry quickly now* Continue to offer advice as you see fit. I don’t see you as the type to try and wrought your authority over me. *closes his eyes as she pats his head, pondering how much he maintains his hair to keep it clean and soft* It’s not just health…


    Seferia: *tilts her head in thought as she catches his pondering over testosterone. She frowns, finding that her knowledge on that hormone is lacking, especially since dragons have a different set of homonal chemicals* No, Sephiroth, I will never bear down my opinion as to what you should do to the point of forcing you to act like a puppet. *shakes her head* I respect you more than that. *studies his hair once more* Well, a good deal of the texture of your hair, especially at the base, is due to good health.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *takes note of some of Seferia’s thoughts and ponders how testosterone makes males very competitive as well as sexually charged, especially during puberty and developmental stages when testosterone levels are highest* Hmph… so it might be. But I don’t put any extra special care into ensuring it is strong and soft feeling. *finally relaxes, sighing* I wonder what is to happen with the Russian Blue feline and the expedition group… *thinks that Rizon is likely to want to join in on it as soon as he hears about it*


    Seferia: *slowly nods at Sephiroth’s thoughts, thankful that he was willing to explain such things to her, even if she didn’t ask for him to provide any form of explanation. She finds that most males that she’s encountered seemed to have the traits that he just explained, dragon and mammal alike.* We’ll find out what will happen with the expedition as it occurs. You wanted to join it, so there will not be much of a wait to find out what happens to Gorchev as he treks down South. *slowly nods* And yes, Rizon will undoubtedly want to join as well. I shall leave it up to you to tell him whether he can come or not.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If… Rizon desires to come… *puts emphasis on the name in a mild mocking manner*… then he will need to come off his restrictions first. If you have told him that he is not allowed outside, then stay true to your punishment. Otherwise he will try to evade it in future. *scowls* I will join Gorchev’s group just to keep them safe. *snorts* Possibly from each other.


    Seferia: Hmm.. As second in command, you may make the decision as to whether or not he can be taken off his probation period or not, Sephiroth. I have not seen much of that young one as of late, so I do not believe that I can judge whether he’s learned anything.. *narrows her eyes and ponders overs whether or not Rizon would jeopardize the mission* Also, I am coming as well. I have said this before.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Rizon would most certainly jepordize the mission. He is going to protest until the next rainy season no doubt, but I think it would benefit us more if he stays behind and still on his probation. It will also teach him to think more about acting irrationally, and the consequences of such actions. *ponders whether he is being too harsh or not, then ponders if he would place the same ruling over his own children*


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth’s words* No, you are not being overly harsh. I do believe that the young dragon might be too young to handle the severity that such a mission entitles. He’d undoubtably get himself into trouble. As for our hatchlings, we shall see in time. *eyes his clothing once more, still thinking that it is overly flimsy. She also believe that Sephiroth is being callous with his choice to let his guard down here. In addition, she considers the various armor types that she can create that would be “comfortable” and not restraining. However, she does not wish to force her opinions onto him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Seferia as he picks up on her thought process* Fine. You may create armour for me WHEN we leave for the mission. I refuse to wear heavy clanky armour around the base camp, and all the time. If it is overly shiny or ornate, others will also hassle me for it.


    Seferia: *tilts her head* My tastes are of the ornate nature? *blinks, confused at his accusation. She then looks down at her own armor and tries to determine whether it is ornate or not by human stadards. She personally finds it simple and functional. She then looks at Sephiroth, wondering if he is overly sinsetive toward “ornate” items*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No. *scowls* I just don’t want fancy decorative armour. *thinks of samurai and knights with gold-leaf decorated armour and decides it is not for him* I just want something practical and plain. And don’t count on me wearing it inside the base camp.


    Seferia: If you believe that my tastes are not ornate in nature, why do you think that I’d give you such ornate clothing? *shakes her head, not understanding Sephiroth’s logic. She then looks over again, still thinking that she can easily give him a durable soft clothing made from magically imbued material that would be as durable as dragon hide while maintaining the light softness of cotton-based clothing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If you can give me durable comfortable every day clothing, then I will take it. *thinks to himself that that all armor is bulky clanky hard stuff from the middle ages times, and heavy like chain mail, and thus uncomfortable always* I don’t know why you would give me ornate armour, but before it comes up, no, I don’t want it.


    Seferia: Very well, give me a chance then, Sephiroth. *narrows her eyes* Please, visualize what you might consider a favorable look for your armor. I shall use your own thoughts to construct armor that is tailored to your specifications.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ponders for a few moments, then thinks of a basic functional suit of armor with shoulder pauldrons and pointed horns* Just don’t do it at this very second and expect me to wear it. *moves to his feet again, then wanders to the corner to check up on the eggs*


    Seferia: *blinks and stares at Sephiroth, doing her best to visualize the armor that he is indicating to her on him. She then shakes her head* If you prefer spikes on your shoulder protection, why did you have such plain ones on your old armor?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why? Because I didn’t select out that armour in the beginning. I didn’t plan it, and it was not my idea. *frowns* However, the shoulder guards were functional and practical. They were also decorative, but not to the extent tht they looked weird and ridiculous. *folds his arms* I want armour like that.


    Seferia: *slowly nods, still trying to fully comprehend what Sephiroth is telling her. She begins wondering if he has problems making decisions* So, you want armor like the uniform that you wore when we found you. However, even though even at that point you were not aligned with ShinRa at that point in time and had no problems wearing that armor, you don’t want that armor back. Am I correct?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You are correct. I don’t want that particular armor back. It was simplistic and boring anyway. They were just shoulder pauldrons. Nothing to write home about. *ponders what kind of armour Seferia was thinking of and tries to get into her mind properly to get a better idea*


    Seferia: *faintly frowns as she feels Sephiroth prodding into her mind. However, she doesn’t fight against his attempts. Still, there is a light sense that she would have preferred some sort of forewarning next time. As for the armor, she is thinking of a magically contructed material that would be as soft and gentle as newborn dragon hatchling hide. However, it would also be as durable as full-grown dragon armor. These properties would give it a lightly polished leather look. Still, the clothing, at least she thinks, should be easy to stand on an every-day basis. As for the design of the clothing, she is just trying to process what Sephiroth has been telling her in order to visualize what he wants for a design*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *thinks about the armor for several moments, going quiet. He ponders how nice it would make him look, trying to envision the outfit on himself. He makes a small hum in approval, pondering that it would make him appear intimidating to others. Finally he nods, glancing over at Seferia* Do it.

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