We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *had been entertaining the thought of going herself. However, she frequently combated away such thoughts with reminders of her permanently maimed state* ~If you desire to go along with them, then I shall approve of your actions, Sephiroth. The proposed expedition could very well be quite important. Otherwise, it will be quite devastating.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”The circumstances leading to this information still make me wary and uncomfortable. I don’t trust something in this entire equation. Something doesn’t add up properly. I don’t know what it is yet, but….”* *his thoughts immediately turn to Hope, and the fact that he doesn’t trust her at all. His suspicions lie with her, but he doesn’t want to mention that* *”I will go with them though. Somebody needs to stay here and incubate the eggs.”*


    Seferia: *her ears pull back only slightly* ~I was the one who raised Hope, Sephiroth. She should be quite loyal to me, if not everyone else here. I’ve scanned her mind several times during the course of this meeting… I can’t find a single trace of anything that indicates that she’s being manipulated or has had her mind altered. She should be trustworthy.~ *doesn’t like the thought that she has to stay back and wait to here if her friends die yet again. She begins to strongly consider just asking Ramses to watch over the eggs while Sephiroth and her go on this mission*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You might believe in all of that, but my reasons for not trusting the girl still remain. And herein lies the problem to the mission – we’d accept her on the team as an equal and proceed as we always would, which would be disasterous if she turned traitor.”* *ponders staying behind, wanting somebody reliable to guard over the eggs*


    Seferia: ~I can assure you that Ramses is the most trustworthy out of all of us present here, Sephiroth. He would treat those eggs as if they were his own. We can trust him to watch over them. Anyway, no one’s watching over them at the moment, yet they are perfectly fine.~ *looks at the rest present* Are there any other matters to be discussed?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *smirks in amusement* *”Felines do not lay eggs.”* *grunts at the meeting* Indeed. If there are no other matters to be discussed, we can discuss our mission and work something out. Are we all agreed?


    Gorchev: *Grins* Ah good, so you are agreeing to find Tiamat. Finally, at long last. You have gained a bit of common sense, human. *chuckles then snorts* I have nothing else to discuss. Unless you desire the explain to everyone how you miraculously shaved several years off your life.

    Sekhmet: *scowls at Gorchev* Gain some sense of honor and save such trivial questioning to when you are on your own time, Commander. I grow tired of your idiotic words. *snorts with irritation*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Indeed. Such things are not relevant to the meeting, nor are they relevant to the running of the base. Keep your priorities in order. *thinks that Gorchev has agreed to the situation much too easily for his liking. He also wonders why the feline didn’t protest, especially if this was his plan that he wanted credit for. He shakes his head and grunts* If there is no more to discuss, I would like to request that this meeting be adjorned.


    Sekhmet: Hmph, close this thing already then. I have more important things to do than listen to an old idiot bloat up his head to unmeasurable sizes. *glares at Gorchev. It’s clear that she doesn’t care much for him* I also don’t want to hear the word water for one day!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head, clearly amused. He moves to exit the tent, his first thoughts about Sekhmet’s comment on water. He then thinks about the eggs and walks across the campsite to go check up on them* *”If there is paperwork to sign, call me back.”*


    Seferia: ~Do not worry about the paperwork, Sephiroth. I need something to do after having slept for nearly all day yesterday. I’ll take care of all of it.~ *silently moves to her desk then picks up the pile of requests for today. Moving quickly, she sorts throught the papers and approves such tasks as Darcy’s expedition for water and so on. However, she does leave orders for Darcy to move only during night and for him to undertake extreme caution*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves into the tent quietly, moving to sit down on his old mattress, next to both of the eggs. He then ponders what would happen if he telepathically hums to them, and begins to do so after a few moments*


    *Unfortunately, since the eggs are still in a rather early stage of their development, there isn’t much reaction at all to his humming*

    Seferia: *remains at her desk for another three hours. As soon as she’s finished off the paperwork, she files it away. Once this is done, she makes her way back to her tent. She nods at Sephiroth as she passes by him. Soon enough, she sits down in her chair and softly sighs* Are you most certain you do not want me to have new clothing ordered for you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *remains on the matress with the eggs. He takes off his shirt and moves his body around them, pondering the best way to keep them warm. Then he decides he is not physically shaped nor designed to incubate eggs and covers them up again, pondering heating some blankets. When Seferia returns, he would wrapped in one of the bed blankets, trying to warm it up. He paces around the tent, then lays the blanket down over the eggs, picking up one of the other blankets he had on the eggs to repeat the process* Hmm? *stops pacing* I don’t need new clothes. What’s wrong with my current ones? *frowns about his outburst at the meeting and thinks he should wait for the most opportune time to bring it up*


    Seferia: *looks up at Sephiroth, wondering what exactly he’s doing. She then frowns as she realizes from his thoughts that he’s been trying to keep the eggs warm with body heat. So, she sighs and shakes her head* Sephiroth, there is a much more efficent way for you to heat up those blankets. *points to a fire-pit in the corner of the room* Hang those blankets around that area while keeping a fire going. Alternatively, you can heat up stones then wrap the heated stones in blankets and then place them next to the eggs. Dragons usually just heat up stones with their fire anyway then set those stones next to the eggs. *shakes her head* As for your clothing, shouldn’t the answer be obvious? You yourself stated that you lost an eighth of your body mass. *shakes her head* Your pants are dragging on the ground by at least a few inches of cloth. Also, your shirts are sagging on your body. It is quite clear that you are not the exact same size as you were when those clothes were fit for you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I thought about heating the blankets up via the heat of fire or the stove, but I didn’t want to set our bed linen on fire. It’s hard to get more. *glances at the fire pit anyway, thinking it’s a good idea. When she mentions the clothes, he glances back again, frowning* Oh, right… hmph. I suppose I will take these ones and trim them back a bit. Or just find new ones. *shrugs*


    Seferia: Very well then, Sephiroth. I can fully comprehend your fear about burning our belongings. However, heating rocks will not produce burnt items. You should still consider heating up rocks then wrapping them in towels. *looks over his clothing, still believing that they require more than simple trimming* I could attempt casting a spell or two to make them fit you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ponders building an incubation box for the eggs in which hot rocks can be placed under it. He then wonders if there are materials in the base, and if it would overheat them* Hmm? *raises his arms up, waiting for Seferia to cast the spells* Go ahead. You will have to do it to my wardrobe though.


    Seferia: *thinks for a few minutes then slowly shakes her head* No, the hot stones wrapped in blankets will be sufficient, Sephiroth. There is no reason to treat my eggs like chicken eggs. Anyway, those materials can be better used on other things. *lifts her head to study his outfit. She then nods and begins to weave a spell that would reshape his clothing so that it would fit him better* Would you prefer that I recreate the clothing you wore when I found you? I can do that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems rather pleased as Seferia alters his clothing. He shakes his head at her question and grunts* I do not want my General’s uniform. I have no reason to wear it here anyway. I’m fine with what I have. *gets to his feet again so he can begin the task of heating blankets in the manner that Seferia suggested*


    Seferia: Well, I imagine that id did provice more protection than that cheap material that you have on at the moment does.. *looks over him, thinking that his current clothes would be easy enough to shred apart. She then shrugs, choosing to allow him to choose his clothing for himself* If ever you decide that you want to change your mind or have some sort of dream outfit in mind, just tell me. I can easily use my magic to create clothes for you. Same as what I did to your bed the other time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I know… I still would have been content with the blankets on the ground that I had in the first instance. I never needed anything fancy. You were the one who gave me the mattress. Compared to what some people have here, it’s better than the average already. *thinks that Seferia has been trying to spoil him all this time, and thinks that is a bad thing as well when others are suffering with less comforts*


    Seferia: Perhaps in comparison to the average resident here, yes, you are spoiled. However, in comparison to the rest of the commanding officers, your clothing is atrocious. The others have realized that they do need to at least dress minimally better than the common soldiers. Then there’s Sekhmet who has much more than.. *shakes her head as she considers all the unnecessary embellishments that Sekhmet surrounds herself in* To say the least, my choice to use magic to modify that which is not much to start with is not that much of a “spoilage” We are leaving that which could benefit others in the stream while just taking what can be considered junk and creating jewels. *eyes his clothing again* Anyway, even a rusty blade can easily tear through that choice of clothes.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: My clothing is fine. If I was going to do any armed combat, I would wear some kind of armor. Or semi-armoured clothing. *frowns* But that is not an issue at this current point in time, now is it? Until we go on this mission to retreive the dragon, I need do nothing in terms of clothes.


    Seferia: Hrmm… *narrows her eyes, wondering if Sephiroth realizes how much he’s being a hypocrite at the moment* You do realize that you just called a meeting in order to emphasize how much we should not put down our guard due to the lack of Nemesis sightings. *shakes her head* You clearly have put down your own guard to think that ever wearing casual clothing would be safe. We are not safe from her, even in this cave, Sephiroth. If you got that impression, it is wrong.

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