We are Nemesis

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  • #17574
    Kat Aclysm

    Darcy: *shakes his head* Your highness, I am the one who requested water. It can be seen from a high vantage point, mocking us in the distance. There is nothing that goes near it, I have kept watch for months. But idiots like this – *points at Sephiroth*- would sooner deny us on the grounds that it is ‘too dangerous’.

    Sephiroth: I’ll remind you that insubordination here is frowned on and punished quite severely. *glares at Gorchev, then narrows his eyes at Hope* Why is she even here? She’s not an authority figure.


    Sekhmet: Mrrr… *twitches her ears then sticks her nose up in the air* Of course water is an exception and is quite valuable. Still, farmland is unimportant to us felines. *Snorts*

    Gorchev: *broadly grins at Sephiroth* Oh, her? She is here by my request. *chuckles* It seems this little sweet thing has knowledge as to find something that can turn the tides. *his grin widens* I intend to use that knowledge of hers to lead a team to find Tiamat.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Not this rubbish again… go talk to the dragon hybrid, young male, an idiot, invents useless things, approximately 17 years of age. *shrugs* He claims to have seen that dragon also. Go talk to him, its probably all nonsense… I don’t see why you want to persue it, its existance can neither be confirmed nor denied.

    Darcy: I know that, but we need water. Clean drinkable clear water, not the sediment-laced rubbish we keep getting. *pins his ears back, snarling* I would rather drink my own piss.


    Hope: Oh, but it is real, sir. I saw her with my own eyes. *steps up a bit* She was asleep, in a cavern. I’m so sorry for not being able to clearly remember before when you spoke to me in the medical ward. However, I remember it all now. Tiamat is indeed real. Six wings, not a specific color, but constantly changing in color, quite large, about the sixty meters, if I had to guess, and deeply asleep. I can point to the exact location of her resting spot.

    Gorchev: *grins and glances over at Hope* As you see, I have quite a find. I shall send out my troop by dawn. With or without your permission, you little pet. However, you are free to join us.

    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes as she listens to Hope. Her tail swishes. Still, she remains silent for now. Not even bothering to continue the discussion on the need for water*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly hisses at Gorchev* You will not do it! You have absolutely no authorization to do anything of the sort. *moves to his feet* And STOP calling me a pet!! *loudly snarls, balling his hands into fists, thinking very much that he’d like to punch this guy unconcious right now. He is also furious of the fact that this feline is doing whatever he wants to with no authorization and also thinks that the mission is suicide* You will do nothing of the sort. Dividing our forces even more than they already are will be disasterous. You will NOT do it, and I will do everything within my power to see that you are officially disbanded and releived of your post.


    Seferia: *frowns at Sephiroth. She firmly sets her hand on his right shoulder and tries to guide him back down on to his chair. She believes that his outburst is not helping things at all. She then looks over at Hope* Do you swear that you did indeed lay eyes on Tiamat and that you know the exact location, girl?

    Hope: *nods* Yes, my lady. Give me a map and I can point to the location. I remember it quite well. She does exist.

    Gorchev: *just laughs at Sephiroth then looks at the others around* I’m certain everyone else here would rather get something done to help us gain an upper hand than sit here and wait like cowardly pets.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* Why are you only just reporting this now?! *snarls* You should have reported it so it could be seen to the minute you remembered. What the hell are you playing at?!

    Zola: *casually waves a hand, causing her bracelet ornaments to ding together delicately, creating a rather nice gentle sound* Be calm everyone. The human girl may very well be telling the truth. All of us want the upper hand. It’s worth exploring at the very least…


    Hope: I am sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to leave you unaware of my revived memory. It only happened within the last day. *nods toward Gorchev* He told me to come here as soon as he heard what information that I had to give. *looks over at Seferia* If someone can provide a map for me, I’ll mark the exact location.

    Gorchev: Oh, I’ve been calm the entire time. *grins* It is not my fault that certain little pets can’t handle hearing new information. Perhaps they like to be kept on a leash, hm? *chuckles*

    Seferia: *keeps her hand on Seph’s shoulder, wanting to give him support. Also, she has her hand in place in case she needs to hold him back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stays silent now, really not trusting the girl and her information. He begins to wonder whether she’s been posessed, and is suspicious of why she’s only now remembering this information. He also wonders if the russian blue feline is in on it, and doesn’t trust him either. He ignores the leash comment and thinks that Gorchev is being rather repeditive and weak for using the same taunt over and over again*

    Darcy: Map, that issue, whatever. *hisses* We need more water, damn it. If I could just get a team together and authorized, we could create a pipeline from the spring to here. You want fresh water for once and for all? I can actually make it happen, if silver-head here would actually get off his butt, authorise my proposals, and stop being so paranoid.


    Seferia: *looks over at Sephiroth then very minutely shakes her head at him* ~Gorchev was hand-picked by Clawina herself. He is quite loyal and would never do anything to jeopardize the rest of us… Well, the rest of Clawina’s forces. I doubt he has the same considerations for your species. However, I have to warn you, since Clawina is the one who gave that one his positoin, only Sekhmet can remove him.~ *examines Hope once more. She ponders over how suspicious the situation sounds. However, since she did have a hand in raising the human child, she would like to trust her* Very well, child. *glances down at the table then casts a spell to change the surface into that of a map of the world* Please, indicate where you saw Tiamat.

    Hope: *salutes Seferia by thumping her right fist against where her heart is. She then moves closer to the table and studies the map for a moment. Soon enough, she moves her finger toward a segment of what was once Venezuela, where a national park that was once known as Cueva del Guácharo is found* She is there. Inside the caves.

    Sekhmet: *looks over at Darcy* I hope you do realize that water from underground is actually more viable and cleaner than that from the surface. Even humans knew that ground water was cleaner. *shakes her head* Why don’t we have someone dig out this cave a bit more and see if we can find new pockets of underground water? There are bound to be some, somewhere in here.

    Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cueva_del_Gu%C3%A1charo

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *has become quiet and doesn’t trust the situation at all. However, he is unwilling to comment any more and decides to let Seferia take the lead on the situation, figuring that she probably knows best. He looks at the map and wonders if the place indicated is even close by*

    Darcy: If we dig any more, part of this cave system is going to collapse, surely. It’s been dug out more than enough times, my liege. And felines are not meant for digging. We are hunting animals. Digging is for animals that scratch in the dirt… *hisses*


    Seferia: ~You do not know where we are, Sephiroth? I thought you had been briefed on that much before. We are near the Yucatan Peninsula, where Belize and part of Mexico were once found. That location is not “close” by your standards.~ *slowly shakes her head then looks over at Gorchev* I must request for you to hold off on sending out your troop until we can fully consider this information, Commander Gorchev.

    Gorchev: *Snorts* What is there to consider? We have an eye-witness who is providing us with a very clear indicator of where to look. *flattens his ears, quite irritated that this subject is even up for debate* Unlike some, I actually want to get an upper hand in this war.

    Sekhmet: Yes, felines aren’t meant for digging. However, not all of us in this cavern are felines. There are several dragons here who are quite naturally at digging cavernous lairs by instinct. Then, there are humans. We felines barely do any digging at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”If it’s not close.. how far away is it? I did find it odd that she was gone for so long and just magically appears again at our door. And now she suddenly remembers everything? I don’t buy it…”* *narrows his eyes, suspicious*

    Darcy: *seems contented with Sekhmet’s response and nods* Ah, then I’ll have the dragons dig. No way in hell is my spotter team going to do it. *pauses* But we don’t even need to dig if we can set up a pipe line from the spring to here!


    Seferia: ~Sephiroth.. You do know how to read maps, correct?~ *narrows her eyes very slightly as she looks at him through the corner of her eyes. She then turns her gaze toward the map. Soon enough, she begins projecting a mental image to Sephiroth. First, she indicates their location. Then the location which Hope had pointed out* ~On foot, I’d say that would be at least a week’s travel, if not more. Hope was unaccounted for during a time period that lasted over a week.~

    Sekhmet: *twitches her ears* I was simply making alternative suggestions. You would need to speak to the two who actually approve and reject proposals *looks over at Sephiroth and Seferia* for your pipes. Mrr… It probably won’t hurt for us to have two new sources of water.

    Kat Aclysm

    Darcy: If allowed another expidition, I will bottle some of the fresh spring water personally to bring back for you to sample, my liege. It is as crystal clear and clean as water comes. Because it comes from an underground spring, it is still warm, but once cooled, it would be delightful. And much healthier for us all, that is for damn sure. *sniffs the air, pondering* Though if we dig… *snarls, shaking his head* We need to find that spring vein for digging to be of any use. I doubt it runs through the cave system.

    Sephiroth: *seems insulted that Seferia thinks he doesn’t know anything about maps and reaches over to pick it up slightly so he can properly examine it himself* We’re still getting off the subject… and the entire reason I called this meeting. *looks up, pondering whether now is a good time to mention Nemesis, or at least the lack of her*


    Seferia: *looks over at Darcy* Very well. If you wish to take a small group out to that spring and set up an auquaduct, then you may. However, use as much caution as you can in this endeavor. Avoid any open places that would leave you vulnerable. Understood? *turns her attention to Sephiroth* ~If that is what you want to discuss, then discuss it, Sephiroth. However, do not expect that subject to go over well.~

    Sekhmet: Mrr.. Perhaps you and Hope have become off-topic. I have remained very much on the same topic as was started thanks to some present. *narrows her eyes at Darcy*

    Kat Aclysm

    Darcy: *hisses* I don’t care about their stupid expedition. I’m thinking about the biggest priority here, and that’s the proper care and health for all of us. Good clean fresh water will bring that about. *growls*

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head, snorting* I wanted to address the meeting assembly about the laxing feelings looming over the base population because of the Nemesis sightings recently. Or lack of them. Just because we have not seen her for months, it does not mean she’s no longer a threat.


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes at Darcy and releases a deep rumble of a growl, trying to get him back in line* I already gave you permission to get the water that you desire. Be silent about the matter. All I ask of is for you to be safe as you get this water. Can you do that? *quickly recovers her stoic composure then looks over at Sephiroth* Yes, it is unlikely that Nemesis has left for good.

    Gorchev: *Scoffs* Even more reason for my expedition to occur now. If we wait, she may return. This is our window of opportunity!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes at Gorchev* You of all creatures of this base should know what a predator is like. Think of the lion and the gazelle. The lion waits in the grass, biding it’s time. The gazelle is relaxed, unknowing to the enemy, and utterly oblivious because it is hungry and wants to eat the grasses on the savannah. It thinks it is safe. It hears nothing, and relaxed further, lulled into a sense of false security. And once opportunity presents itself, it finds itself dead. *snorts* This is exactly what our enemy is doing. If you want to go out there and become the Nemesis’ next meal, be my guest.


    Gorchev: *his fur noticeably fluffs up as he growls in Sephiroth’s direction* The hunter also knows that the weak and maimed make the easiest prey. One who keeps themselves strong are harder to take down. *snorts* We are making ourselves weak by passing by the chance to get one of the most powerful creatures that have ever existed. *slams his fist into the table. He then looks across the table at Zola* Certainly you want to get your great “Grand Mother Dragon”.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at Gorchev’s outburst, thinking the feline rather silly. He is also annoyed that the feline can get angry without reprimand, but Sephiroth cannot do the same* You don’t even have a plan, do you? *snorts* I don’t care if you’re prepared when you leave. But if you rush out there without thinking, you’re a damn idiot.

    Zola: *nods her head, then raises it high* Indeed. The Grand Mother Dragon would be an ally and a comfort to us all.


    Seferia: *glances in Sephiroth’s direction, wondering why he keeps on thinking that she reprimanded him* ~I did not bar you from yelling at me. I was simply surprised by your actions. Anyway, technically, Gorchev is yelling at you and not me. Still, I never reprimanded you for the action.~ *shakes her head then looks at Gorchev* I once again ask for you to wait, Commander Gorchev. Some time to at least prepare your troops properly will help immensely.

    Gorchev: *flattens his ears then snorts* Very well, I shall delay the deployment of my troop. However, I cannot pass up the chance to get Tiamat. We need everything we can get to win this war.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I know he was yelling at me. He is being exceedingly aggressive. When I did that earlier, you held me back so I wouldn’t leap out and attack him.”* *narrows his eyes, pondering if Seferia is biased towards this feline right now* Hmph. Indeed… I cannot argue against that point *frowns in thought, wondering if it’s a good idea or not to accompany the group intending to go out, then decides against it, thinking that will cause a lot of drama*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes, but refuses to allow any other emotion appear on her features. However, her thoughts indicate that she is quite hurt by the way that Sephiroth is thinking. Still, she chooses to forgive him, for she believes him to be a creature who has had suspicion ingrained in his personality* ~For the record, if Gorchev were thinking of punching you, I’d hold him back as well. I simply desire for no fight at all. Also, as a military commander, you should know that duty comes before fear of “drama”.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *feels a sharp pang of regret when he learns of the fact that Seferia is hurt and upset. He ponders saying something about it, but makes a mental note to himself to officially apologize for it when the meeting is over* *”I would want to accompany the troops on this mission, then. My fighting skills, abilities, and expertise could give an advantage to the situation.”*

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