We are Nemesis

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  • #17549

    Seferia: *shakes her head and looks around* ~Please, let us at least return to my tent. Then, we can discuss things.~ *glances into his eyes* ~And remember, our minds are open books to each other’s. There is absolutely no way that I can lie to you. So, you do not need to be so conflicted as to whether or not you can trust me..~ *reaches out to grip onto his left hand, wanting to guide him back to her tent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* It matters not where we discuss this. *”If that virus breaks out, I wonder if it’s safer to risk my chances with the Nemesis.”* *snorts in aggrivation and pulls back from her, wanting to move outside properly*


    Seferia: *hisses in irritation and reaches out to grip onto him once more* ~Clawina kept it on her person because she trusted none other to not use it. She also thought that worst-case scenario, she’d use it on the human sorceress and sacrifice the rest of this planet. Sekhmet has it because she is Clawina’s heir… Would you prefer that I arrange for yourself to be the handler of the prototype?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes further* Now why would you do that…? *doesn’t seem interested in fleeing any more, but is confused and trying to work out Seferia’s reasoning. He soon calms further when he works out that there isn’t any malcontent in her mind and walks back into the cave system, thinking it’s safer inside than to go out there and risk being grabed by Nemesis anyway*


    Seferia: *Sighs with relief as Sephiroth finally decides to come back inside the cave. She then tries to lead him back to her tent* I’d do that because I trust you, and I want you to trust me as well. Anyway, I find it highly unlikely that you’d release a disease that would relentlessly ravage your system as much as it would most other humans, several species of hominoidea, a few species of dogs, and other mammals..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why even develop something like that? *scowls angrily, not liking the idea at all. He walks back to the tent in silence, then begins to ponder whether or not the virus could be used in a weapon against Nemesis* Hmph… *turns the heat down on his food, then stirs the pot, wondering how long it would take to cook. He obviously doesn’t make pasta much and seems impatient to eat*


    Seferia: It was developed prior to the developments with the traitorous human and her companion, Sephiroth. I thought I already informed you of that element. It is just a left-over from the days when we were planning on going to war with creatures that had nuclear bombs. *slowly shakes her head* Clawina determined that we needed some sort of trump card, for the weaponry of humans could wipe out everything we were intending to fight for. Not to mention, the war would have been much cleaner if there was no actual fighting. *tilts her head as she receives his other thoughts* I do not believe that it would be a good weapon at all. Even if the human part of Nemesis is killed off.. there is still the second half. No, that virus probably should have been burned, but.. the proper equipment to do such is not available here. That is why it is a large reason why it is still around.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts, not seeming terribly happy at Seferia’s explanation* Bury it somewhere, then… *thinks of a good hiding spot, such as one of the cities Nemesis has decimated and turned to dust. He looks up at the time and scowls, then pokes at his food, growling* Cook faster, damn you.


    Seferia: *groans at him and shakes her head. She wonders how someone who grew up amongst geneticist could know so little about how ineffective the method that he just suggested works* No, Sephiroth. That is both irresponsible and dangerous. A container can leak, or it could be dug up. It’d just put undue risk into the entire scenerio. *tilts her head* Are you feeling alright. You seem much more impatient than I recall…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her, then turns his back to her, clearly annoyed about her comment, and also impatient for his food to cook as he is quite hungry* I’m just fine. But I don’t want to talk about this. If you don’t like my ideas, then come up with something else. *growls and pokes at the pasta with a fork* Finally. *glares, thinking that he’ll never cook this food again. He carries it to the sink to drain the water off*


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth’s words* It’s not that I don’t like your ideas. I did give you the offer to be the one to hold onto the virus if you do not like the thought of Sekhmet having it.. *Shrugs. She then returns to studying him. She is still quite concerned. She believes that he is indeed acting less rational and more erratic and impatient than she’s seen him do in a long time. However, she quickly strikes out the possibility that he’s slipping into insanity again.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *picks up on Seferia’s comment and grunts sharply* I’m not insane. *snorts* I just don’t want you to push my ideas away as irrational, that’s all. It’s not very intelligent to offer to give me a virus to take care of, then not be able to think of a way to dispose of it. *mutters* If just one of my suggestions were taken in this place, it would be a miracle… *angrily stabs a fork into the pasta and begins to chew on it, thinking that it is the most bland and boring thing he has ever tasted, and wonders why people in the base spend so much time trying to get it*


    Seferia: *groans at him* You can read my thoughts, yet you still do not quite understand.. *Shakes her head, then decides that she doesn’t understand him perfectly either* It is not because I do not like you or your suggestion. However, your suggestion goes against every procedure for disposing of biologically dangerous agents such as viruses. Incinerating the virus in a sterile environment is the proper way to destroy it. I should hope that you can clearly see that sterile environments are not available here. *frowns at him* And my concerns about your behavior are not stemming from your reaction to the topic that I just addressed. You’ve been raising your voice, rushing out of the safe zone, impatient toward food, and otherwise erratic in ways that I have not seen from you prior to today.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls, annoyed at her persistance now* I didn’t want to discuss it any further. But fine.. as to my statement, it was a generalisation, not just a comment about having my suggestion in regards to the virus veto’ed. I was talking about this place in general. *grumbles, moving to sit down, pondering if he really is being bad tempered and irrational right now*


    Seferia: *slowly nods at Sephiroth* Well, if it helps you, in general, I respect your opinions. You should have noticed by now that I have often asked your opinion on operations, even before I proclaimed you to be second-in-command. *moves behind Sephiroth and begins to gently stroke his hair* Just give them time to adjust to your appointed position. You will have your chance.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her, but soon calms down under her touch. He closes his eyes and leans his head to one side, seeming very content and pleased with the situation* Anything I suggest is liable to be voted out because of idiots who don’t trust my judgement…


    Seferia: *slowly nods, fully understanding his sentiments* Yes, it’ll take time for them to learn to accept your advice. For now, you’ll have to be forceful. However, in time, they’ll learn to trust you. Just be patient.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* I am patient… *moves to his feet* I suppose we should go to this meeting now. It will never be resolved anyway, but we should go in the hopes that something interesting may happen at some point. Though, I expect to be complained at yet again.


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth* Yes, this would be a good time to head out to the meeting. It would be rude for us to arrive late. *shakes her head at his continued statements of doubt of being taken seriously. She believes that he is still being unduly pessimistic over the situation. Still, she steps out of the tent and begins walking toward the command center*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *plucks up an apple to chew on as he follows her to the command center. He wonders why Seferia thinks he is being pessimistic especially when people have been harassing him. He snorts and heads into the tent, then takes a seat near Seferia’s designated position*


    Seferia: *doesn’t bother sitting down and remains standing, despite the fact that her injured leg will suffer form her stubborn desire to keep an appearance of strength and stoicism. Still, she allows herself one personal motion by gently brushing her tail against Seph’s leg*

    Sekhmet: *strolls into the meeting room, followed by Ramses. She yawns, trying to emphasize boredom and standoffish-ness as she sits down at her own usual seat, which is near the head of the meeting table. After she sits down, she glances at Sephiroth. At the moment, her expression toward him is not completely readable. However, she quickly snorts and looks away from him* This better not take long.

    Ramses: *softly groans* Sekhmet, patience, please. *looks over at Sephiroth and deeply frowns. He shakes his head, not wanting to know what has happened to him. Instead, he just concentrates on Sekhmet instead*

    Gorchev: *strolls into the meeting room not long after Sekhmet arrives. He seems to have a very confident smile on his lips. He glances over at Sephiroth then gives him a mock-purr* Hello, little pet human. You look quite different today. *chuckles* Messing with dragon magic? *Shakes his head, making a mocking “tsk-ing” noise*

    Hope: *slowly enters the area as well, having been called to the meeting by Gorchev. So, she stands behind him, silent for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Darcy: *a large common-brown-tabby feline enters the meeting room, still covered in camoflage paint which he painted on his fur before going on his guard post outside the caves. He shakes himself off and takes a seat, then begins to groom the fur on his arm, not seeming to care that he is in the presence of others*

    Zola: *one of the Dragon Elder females strolls into the tent, swathed in elegant silken robes, similar to the ones warn in Hindu cultures. Her movements are slow and she acts like she is royalty as she takes her seat near the front, fanning herself with a zig-zag gold-leaf folding fan, already bored of the situation*

    Sephiroth: *ignores the cat and looks up at Seferia, grinning slightly at her* *”I bet nothing is going to be acheived here, but thank you for your prescence.”*


    Seferia: *nearly imperceivably, her lip curls up a small bit to return Sephiroth’s smile. However, for the most part, she retains her appearance of aloof strength, not wanting to make any cases for her command to be overtaken* I believe that all that were requested for are present. *her eyes sweep over toward Hope* Including some who were not requested for… *is deeply concerned as to the fact that she was not informed that Hope was returned to active duty or released from her bed. She is also concerned for the fact that Hope was never a commander of any type; hence, she can think of no real reason for the human to be present. Still, she shows none of these thoughts on her facial features* Sephiroth, you may start when you are ready.

    Sekhmet: *glances over Sephiroth again then narrows her eyes. Still, she holds back her questions as to what happened to his appearance for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to his feet and nods* Very well. I’m sure you’re all busy, so I’ll get right to the point of this. *folds his arms* I’ve been getting an alarming number of reports all requesting extended leave and departure from this base. I’m not talking about for one day. I’m talking about missions such as visiting a waterhole at least four days out, wanting to start crop patches more than a days’ travel away from the base. The water I can sympathise with, but… *snorts* Who is even allowing these requests to get on Seferia’s desk?

    Darcy: Oh, so it’s YOU who’s denying these things. *pins his ears back, but remains seated, obviously annoyed at the situation*


    Sekhmet: My people don’t need crop patches. *snorts* Humans are the ones responsible for those requests. *crosses her arms* I would personally slap the feline who started asking to grow crops. We are carnivores, hunters, not farmers.

    Gorchev: *over dramatically yawns* Those requests have been brought in well before you were handed your sweet little deal, human. There is nothing new about the needs of our residents here. *grins* However, there are other new developments that most certainly need to be.. how should we say.. explored. *glances back at Hope, grinning*

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