We are Nemesis

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  • #17524
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: A few inches? Maybe half a foot… *scowls* And look at these arms! *scowls further, thouroughly irritated and angry now* I’ve lost at least 1/8 of my bodyweight. It took me a long time to train in order to gain large muscles. I bet I can’t even handle my own sword now…


    Seferia: *releases a deep sigh, still thinking that he doesn’t look that much smaller than he did before. Still, she wraps her arms about him and gives him a gentle hug, trying to comfort him* You need to settle down, Sephiroth. Remember, there’s the meeting that you called for that will be happening soon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *calms down somewhat in her hug, then sighs* I’m trying to be calm, but it’s not working for me. *moves back from her when she mentions the meeting* I really can’t go… I can’t go at all. Not like this… *hisses* They’ll make fun of me!


    Seferia: *shakes her head at him* You are the one who called for the meeting, Sephiroth. You cannot not go. Perhaps if you hadn’t been the one to call for it. However, as things are, you must go. *reaches over to gently stroke her fingers through his hair, still wanting to comfort him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at her* Are you insane?! LOOK at me! *move back from her and stands tall, trying to indicate to his current appearance* I can’t go anywhere looking like this… *sits down on the bed, then buries his face in his hands* They’re going to make fun of me… they apready do enough as it is…


    Seferia: *swishes her tail, not liking the fact that Sephiroth just raised his voice to her. Still, she just shakes her head and walks over to him. She sets her right hand down on the top of his head and gently kneads her fingers against his scalp* I can see you quite fine, Sephiroth. Still, you have to go. It would be extremely dishonorable, as well as in bad form, if you call a meeting then don’t show yourself. You need to be there. *walks away from him then moves to his clothing collection. Soon enough, she picks out one of his outfits and tosses it to him* You need to get dressed first.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems unhappy with himself as Seferia doesn’t like the fact he yelled* Hmph, sorry… *stays rather still as she kneeds her fingers in his hair, but doesn’t seem any happier* I know, I know.. *grumbles* I’m tired of being pushed around by others though. *catches his clothing, then gets changed into it, heading outside of the tent* I need fresh water for cooking. I will return shortly… *his clothing hangs slightly loose on him, but he doesn’t seem to care*


    Seferia: *nods, readily accepting Sephiroth’s apology. Still, her thoughts dwell upon the fact that no one has ever before dared to yell or raise their voice at her, not even Clawina. Though, she does realize that scared humans have yelled out in fear before she ate them in the past. She quickly puts her thoughts aside as she watches Sephiroth leave the tent* Very well then, Sephiroth. *looks over him* ~If you wish, I can use my magic to resize your clothing to make it fit you properly.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ponders Seferia’s thoughts, both unhappy and also confused as to why nobody should dare to yell if they wanted, then ponders how restricting Seferia would be on him* *”Thank you but I will decline incase this is temporary.”*


    Seferia: *lowers her head* ~I did not mean to indicate that it was my decree that you should not yell at me.. Just, no one has ever done that before. My hearing is perfect, I can hear the faintest whispers with clarity. There is next to no reason to yell.~ *Shakes her head, not wanting Sephiroth to think of her as a dictator* ~And as you wish.. However, I have a feeling that this is far from temporary.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”There is if one is angry, or not being listened to, or frightened, or can’t be heard. Not necesarily things that are important or useful to you and unlikely that these situations would occur, but…”* *shrugs and heads outside of the cave, cautiously walking out into the open. He growls as he is given a strange look by another cave inhabitant, but glares at them and continues on his way, soon collecting the pot of water he needs*


    Seferia: ~I suppose I am simply not used to the customs of your people yet. It was just an action that I am not used to having to deal with. My apologies for making it seem like I was condemning you for it.~

    Zack: *is at the edge of the water to the lake, having accompanied Cloud as he went to gather water for his own supplies. For now, he is lapping up a bit of the water from the lake. However, when Sephy arrives, he looks up and tilts his head* “Sephy??”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You weren’t condemning me for it. However, I don’t see why I am banned from yelling at, or around your prescence.”* *rises to his feet again, glaring at Cloud when he stands. He grunts at Zack and shakes his head* Yes, it’s me. What do you want?


    Seferia: ~I never said that you were banned from yelling… I just do not understand why the action is even necessary.~ *shakes her head then begins to get dressed herself, intending to at least attend the meeting and insure Sephiroth doesn’t bail*

    Zack: *looks Sephiroth over, wide-eyed* “What happened to you, Seph? Not even mini spells do that.” *glances up at Cloud, wondering if he’s remembered Seph yet or if he’d recognize Sephy like this*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shrugs his shoulders* Something permanent has happened. I can’t really explain it well. *heads away from them again, not wanting to explain the situation in detail, thinking that they would find it odd, or start mocking him*

    Cloud: *scratches his head and stares at Sephy, then grins, amused* Who did that to him? *looks down at Zack* The same people who did that to you?


    Zack: *quickly shakes his head to Cloud’s statement, trying to indicate “no” to him. With that, he gently tugs on Cloud’s pants before dashing off after Sephers* “Something permanent? That sounds pretty bad.. Do you think you’ll be able to figure out how to fix my problem soon, Sephy?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t know how. Neither does Seferia. *scowls* Consult the elders, they know what they’re doing… they certainly seem to think they know better than everyone else… might as well prove them otherwise. *heads back into the caves with his pot of water, then walks back into the tent. He places the pot on the stove, then throws some of his pasta ration into it so he can boil and cook it up properly* The wolf idiot is still stuck in that form. We need help.


    Zack: *frowns backing off as Sephiroth continues on to his tent without really stopping to talk. He then shakes his head and sighs* “‘The Elders’? Who are ‘the elders’?” *shakes his head once more then trots back over to Cloud, wanting to help him if needed*

    Seferia: *was busy grooming her fur. She glances over at Sephiroth as he mentions the wolf then slowly nods her head* Have you tried any other times than that first day to repair the situation that you caused, Sephiroth?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I tried then, I asked you, nobody knew what was going on or how to fix it. So what makes you think that it’s suddenly going to be fixed now? *snorts* I tried to undo it when I did it in the first place. I don’t know what I did. I don’t know how to undo it. Absolutely nothing has changed.


    Seferia: There is a human saying that goes like this “When one does not first succeed, try, try, and try again.” *shakes her head at Sephiroth, having thought that he was more persistent than he’s showing at the moment* No, I do not expect you to suddenly come up with a flash of inspiration. However, a solution cannot be found if one does not attempt to find the solution. Another human saying that applies is this “God only helps those who help themselves”. Perhaps you should ponder the meaning of these sayings.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Those sayings were always ridiculous. What makes you think any other attempt to fix it is going to be any more successful if it didn’t work the first time? I’m not emphasising my knowledge of the situation again. *stirs the heated pot with a fork, then moves to sit down in a nearby chair*


    Seferia: Simple, trial and error is the most efficient manner in which to learn anything, Sephiroth. With each unsuccessful attempt that you have, you narrow down the options of what would work. With time, you will find the solution to your problem. *begins to brush out her white mane of hair* My Queen was a strong believer in never accepting the words “it can’t be done”. *allows herself a faint grin* She nearly did figure out how to make.. *frowns, realizing that emphasizing that Clawina had worked on a genetically engineered virus to only attack humans and hence commit genocide might not be the best of ideas*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I suppose that would work, but it would also be time consuming… *thinks about what he has done so far, and begins to ponder what else might work. He becomes quiet at her statment about Clawina, then glances back at her for a moment, wondering if her alliance to the people of the base is only a farce. He quietly turns off the stove and walks outside, trying to look as calm as possible as he heads for the base exit, wondering how much space he can get between the base and one of the refuge camps before she actually notices him missing*


    Seferia: *lowers her head then hisses in annoyance* Damn… *Shakes her head then begins chasing after Sephiroth* Sephiroth, please stop. *Shakes her head and reaches out to grip onto his shoulder* ~This isn’t a farce at all, Sephiroth. That thing that I was referring to.. It was being designed well before the Nemesis creature became an issue. I’ve told you before that Clawina and I had both worked against humans prior to learning that such conflicts would destroy us all.~ *lowers her head* ~However, I should be fair and tell you that Sekhmet does have possession of the virus that my Queen has created, but she has been told never to use it. It was never even completed…~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses as Seferia grips onto his shoulder and swings around to face her again, pondering whether or not to attack. A low growl escapes him, and right now he is rather mentally conflicted about what to do. He moves back from her, snarling, confused about her right now* I know… *snorts* Sekhmet has the virus in our base? *narrows his eyes* Why?

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