We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *moves closer to Sephiroth then sets her hand on his left shoulder* You fear too much, Sephiroth. *shakes her head* Most here do not realize that I am not that mature for a dragon. If they did, they’d have much more trouble than they do now when it comes to following me. That’s why I’ve designed my human form to look like it at the very least in the young twenties.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers his head slightly* Perhaps I do, Seferia. But you are far more mature than some members of this base. A good example of this is you compared to the irridescent male dragon with power issues. He looks near your age in terms of human development, but in terms of being a dragon, he’s just a fledgling.


    Seferia: *nods her head in agreement* Yes, I have noticed that, but he is younger than me in all aspects. He’s from a sub-group that matures at a faster rate, so he might seem to be nearly as mature as I am. However, he is not as old as I am. *allows herself a smirk* Anyway, he is male. They say that males are always stuck in adolencence due to their hormones.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises his eyes at her comment, then lightly snorts. His thoughts indicate that he clearly disagrees with her comment, and he wonders whether it was applying to just male dragons, or males overall* Well, at least the comment about that dragon maturing faster physically is true… have you seen his behaviour lately? He is hot-headed, idiotic, and wants to annoy everyone around him. Every day he files a report suggestion to seek out Tiamat, the mother dragon. And every day I decline it.


    Seferia: *Sighs at Sephiroth and shakes her head* Sephiroth, my statement was in jest. You do not need to get so offended over it. *walks over to her chair then sits down in it* As for the young male dragon, you are quite right in that assessment. However, I believe that he is trying to act beyond his age. *sighs* He’s going to get himself into trouble if he continues on this path.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Into trouble, or dead. *shrugs* At least he means well, I suppose. But he needs a mentor. The older dragons don’t want to have anything to do with him. And he’s too young to assign to a real position here, so he tinkers all day in his tent. On useless inventions, I might add. *snorts*


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth’s words* Well, he has a certain amount of affections toward Sekhmet, that much has been obvious since the day he’s laid eyes upon her. However, I can’t say whether or not she’d be a good influence on him or not. *shakes her head* For now, he’s still under “house arrest”, so we can delay in attempting to find a proper tutor for him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Not entirely true. He can still get an academic tutour who can teach him things… such as how not to be an idiot. *grunts* But you are correct – more contact with the feline princess will only corrupt him. It is pretty damn obvious that he has a soft spot for her. He’s like a lovestruck hormonal teenager. *grunts, realizing that what he just said may be offensive, as Seferia is a teen herself* No offense to yourself meant.


    Seferia: *shakes her head and dismissively waves her right hand* No need for that. No offense was taken. *grins at him* I’ve told you before that I am above petty words. I most definitely would never become insulted by words that are not even directed at me. *stands up then moves over to Sephiroth’s side then brushes her fingers through his hair, being gentle about it* I cannot say that I know of many academic tutors that we have available though. The only one that I know off the top of my head is Ramses. *narrows her eyes and tries to think of any others that are nearby. Her mind wanders over the list of various dragons that had visited her when she was younger to teach her essentials, but she isn’t certain if those dragons are even still alive*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *peers his head out of the tent to glance around the campsite, pondering* Surely there is SOMEBODY who can do something… *shrugs his shoulders* Who is going to be a mentor to the children when they hatch? *glances over at the eggs, frowning at the thought of them growing up without any knowledge or teachings*


    Seferia: I can have Ramses take care of the tutoring that we cannot do ourselves for the hatchlings, Sephiroth. That is not something that you need to worry much about. Ramses is quite competent when it comes to being a teacher. *shakes her head at Sephiroth’s thoughts and thinks that he is quite concerned for a man who thinks he’ll be a horrid father. She finds it quite humorous, in fact.* Even then, they are unlikely to grow as quickly as children that you are used to.. *narrows her eyes in thought* Yes, the hybrids between our species usually take more after the species of the mother.. I think..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah, I see. If that is the case, I will probably grow old and die before these hatchlings even finish growing up. If they are going to be like you, then that is most definitely so. I only have perhaps another 40 – 50 years left on this planet. Your age in years is already than multiple lifetimes of a human, yet you are only a teenager.


    Seferia: *Frowns at Sephiroth* That is a possibility, Sephiroth. However, I’ve heard several legends of humans who conjoined with dragon mates.. I believe that I already mentioned them to you before; however, I shall reiterate those words, just in case you were too preoccupied with other things then. Some of the legends have told of humans that lived as long as their “mated” partners given that they had a bond like what has been formed between our minds. *shakes her head* But the legends vary greatly. Some have said the humans just simply seem to be frozen in time, age-wise, until their dragon partner died. Other said that the humans would mirror the equivalent of the age of their dragon partner. *glances away* If that one were true.. you might wind up appearing younger soon.. *shrugs* Then there are other legends that simply stated that the human could chose what age they wanted to appear to be. *lowers her head* Then again, legends are just that, legends..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: A legend or heresay can’t be relied on. *frowns, thinking about his past* You know I was experimented on. And I was biologically and chemically altered. That has to do something to my lifespan. If humans are exposed to toxic chemicals, sometimes they develop cancer. I would say that if anything, the experimentation is going to shorten my lifespan.


    Seferia: *Shrugs* It could have also lengthened your lifespan.. Who knows. *shakes her head* Go get your food, Sephiroth. I am going to rest some more for tonight. That way I”ll be in better shape to return to work tomorrow. *politely nods toward him then moves to her bed and lies down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head at her* I’d rather somebody stayed here to guard the eggs though. I don’t like the idea of leaving something like that alone all day. *moves out of the tent, then heads across the camp to pick up his rations and some fruit*


    Seferia: *sighs at Sephiroth’s words, thinking that her tent can be easily watched over from the command center. Still, she closes her eyes and relaxes. Soon enough, she is asleep once more, and would remain asleep until early morning*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *collects his needed food supplies, also picking up a cup of dried semolina pasta from a shipment that had been acquired. He walks back into the tent so he can place the supplies away, and then moves onto the bed beside Seferia. He lies down, and soon drifts off to sleep, staying that way until morning*


    Seferia: *shuffles about a bit as she begins to rouse from her sleep. She slowly sits upright then stretches a bit to loosen up her muscles. Then, she blinks as her vision drifts over Sephiroth’s form. Tilting her head, she moves closer to him, finding it strange that he seems to be a bit smaller than she remembers. So, she sets her hand on his shoulder and gently shakes him* Wake up, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *groans slightly as he is shaken awake, then slowly sits up, frowning* What…? What is it? *yawns tiredly* Are we being attacked…? *frowns slightly, then sits up* I feel strange… *glances down at himself, widening his eyes. He springs to his feet and promptly checks himself over, confused* What the hell!?


    Seferia: *deeply frowns, having hoped that she just was seeing things incorrectly from the angle that she was viewing him from while he was sleeping. She then flattens her ears a bit and shakes her head* I most certainly didn’t do anything to you, Sephiroth… *lowers her eyes* Unless this means… *her thoughts go over the one legend that she mentioned earlier. She ponders over Sephiroth’s current appearance and begins thinking that he does indeed seem to reflect what age her equivalent is*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Unless what? *promptly feels himself over as he looks for all the changes, then pulls at the front of his pants to check in there as well* But… that was just a legend. It was just a theory! *loudly snarls, thinking that he really doesn’t want to be a teenager all over again, and that he hates the fact that he’s smaller*


    Seferia: *mutters under her breath* Every legend is based off some thread of truth, Sephiroth… *Shakes her head* And I think this is rather good proof as to the actuality of one of the legends.. *gets to her feet and moves over to Sephiroth. She gently sets her hands on his shoulders* Please, calm down… You’ll probably be like this for several years now…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Several years!? *growls* I spent years growing and training to get into that condition! *wonders if the changes to his physical form have meant that his abilties would have been toned down, or returned to the lesser-powerful state they were when he was growing up still* Damn it…


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes in thought* Your abilities probably would be left unchanged.. I should hope. *shakes her head* I have never really met any dragons and humans that have entered relationships like what we’ve agreed to.. I don’t have any personal experience to give you advice as to all of this. *looks over him* You don’t seem that much smaller than you were before. Perhaps only a few inches..

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